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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
if i died before the release of brawl it would suck a$$, i would like kill myself

i dunno staying alive for 23 days isnt that easy, i could get struck by lighting (i wont go outside) i could be in a car crash (i wont drive), i could choke on peice of food (i wont eat) i have to eat though to stay alive , there could be drive by shooting (ill stay away from windows),

dammit i need therapy already ,
**** u sakuri, making this cool *** game with ur crafty asian techniques, messing up my life, u may have the upper hand now, but i will come out on top in the end

Deleted member

lol houma would lose. sucks yall only have 2 people.

and im pretty confident we would beat n.o. but idk about the team you choose cyphus.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Lobelia? u new here? anyone here know u?
NewOrleans-wise...u know veterans blvd? (u could say its actually in kenner) theres a place called Dibbz PC Cafe (it'd be easy to look or google up) thats where the smashers in your area (as well as me and lee from houma) meet (usually on saturday night) but we haven't played in a good while.

i'd be up for some fresh games though...its been 2 months i think since i played someone.

i miss the BR scene though...would like to play ya'll. maybe one weekend me and lee can drive up to BR at crash at kyles...play some smash and the usual: order some pizza, get beer, buttsex.

i mean, i don't think it really matters br vs no...but i can understand how you think your advantage would be ****** their weaker players..but u gotta figure they would be thinking the same thing. character matchups. character matchups. character matchups.

best case scenario for yall is:
vaughn > chad, kyle = ricky, taylor = john, fred > DJ, eet = filling in to finish someone off to secure ya'll stay on top character-counter wise.
worst case scenario for yall is:
DJ = eet, ricky > vaughn, chad = kyle, john > freddy/= taylor, with them each having a 1 stock advantage to stay on top.

but its fun to think about, but i dont think it matters.
either way....heres how houma could beat ba-rouge.
5 stock versus your 4...lee beats taylor(the smartest pick against him anyway) w/ 2 stock left...then he fights kyle....takes 3 stock off kyle and loses his 2. I jump in and take the last stock off kyle. Just from that...we're at 15 to 12 stock match!!(or worse, if ya'll didn't use ya'll 2 best players)...
So ya'll send eet against me, and i take out his 4, losing 2 (now at 3). then send vaughn, which i beat with one stock left. Then ya'll send freddy out and lets say he beats me without losing a stock. Now its 10 vs 4 stock. Gamma and Derek are bad, but i HOPE they each can handle 2 stock from their 5.

all i'm saying is, good players in the right positions (just as nola could have) or with more stock (like houma) just might be enough.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Lobelia? u new here? anyone here know u?
NewOrleans-wise...u know veterans blvd? (u could say its actually in kenner) theres a place called Dibbz PC Cafe (it'd be easy to look or google up) thats where the smashers in your area (as well as me and lee from houma) meet (usually on saturday night) but we haven't played in a good while.
Yes, I'm new here. I've dabbled in Smash for a while, and I'd like to learn to play it seriously. I go to Dibbz a lot, but when on Saturdays do Smash get-togethers take place, usually? I have to hop a bus, you see, or hitch a ride with someone else.
Edit for the crushing loss....
Well, tomorrow, I'm going to spend the entire day learning Smash over again. I'm planning to use the Nunchuk-style control scheme for Brawl, however, unless it's exactly the opposite of what I think it is.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
u have AIM?
IM me @ TheCyphus. If i learn of an upcoming smashfest their i'll let u know. (but i work tonight..so..yea, chat w/ u later)

Shore Top

Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2007
i want to play someone other than kyle, because thats all ive played against in the past month or so. i want to see how i do against no. or the rest of baton rouge, because i feel like ive gotten a good bit better. i dont know if kyle can back me up on that but i feel that i could do very well.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Hey Lobelia, sorry about missing you on AIM today. I've been out all day.

Greg: I threw that together within 30 minutes with no research. Shush you. As for the reproduction, it wasn't meant in the same way that living organisms give birth, it was meant that some were programed to construct more of the robots.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Here's how it goes down. Houma vs BR. Lee goes up against Taylor first. Beats him with one stock left. I counterpick yoshi's story on Lee and he changes to Doc. He takes 3 of my stocks before I take his one; double teaming me /w the cloud. Doc goo'gans marf. Cyphus comes out and takes my last stock without me taking one of his. Vaughn takes him to Dreamland and gives him the beat down. Cyphus has one stock left and eventually beats Vaughn. Freddy finishes Cyphus off after losing 3 stocks. He then proceeds to take the rest of your sad *** crew without getting hit. Eric sits back and dates a 15 year old. BR prevails /w 5 stocks.

Deleted member

wow. kyle is epic. yes br would take houma and it would be funny. sucks yall only have 2 smashers.

as far as n.o. goes me and kyle do well against most people.
i predict finishing with 2 stocks vs jon, dk, ray, pierre, 1 stock vs ricky, and 3 stocks vs chad.
kyle would finish with 2 vs ricky, 3 vs pierre, chad, 1 vs dj, ray, jon
freddy would do randomly awesome against everyone but jon
vaughn would win vs most of them imo
erics out because he'll never go to dibbs,
patrick would win vs most of them also imo
and tim would do something (?)

we win,


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
please!...nobody is "5 stocking" houma's 2nd tier players. lol. they're not THAT bad, lol. I usually only 3 stock them. and u can quote me on that.
I was just giving a hypothetical, and plausible chain of events that could have houma beat baton rouge. the **** could happen, NO JOHNS. My point is, just don't be so cocky versus Nola.
ANYWAY...u guys are silly..., why ya'll started this ba-rouge vs nola **** anyway? hehe
u can make up any kind of competition u want to "prove" you're awesome, but it wont take away from the fact it doesn't matter...actual players...not regions, matter. Lee is the best in LA, so unless you're arguing that...you're talking about whose got the most LA-2nd-tier players..and i find that form of regional bias just condescending and pointless when LA's "2nd best" is split between multiple players.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I officially denounce any respect I've had before for Marth as a character. He's just waaaaaaaaaaayy too unfair. I mean seriously.. He's nearly invincible.

As for crews, I say whoever has a Marth on their team will be the winner. And since both teams will each have at least one Marth, I automatically declare it a draw. End of story.

Deleted member

lol... way to talk like houma could win and then call us dumb for talking about regions anyway. you're silly cyphus. we're not trying to discredit you or lee, but it just sucks yall dont have any other good smashers in the area.
"I was just giving a hypothetical, and plausible chain of events"
as was kyle. it was a joke.
and as far as playing n.o. goes the idea just came to me the other day like "hmm i wonder" and after much thought i decided my hypothesis, and my plan for attack; however, the winner will only be decided if we get to play, and i think if we can get everyone there one night at dibbs it will be really fun.
it's not even really about being the "best region," it's obvious br has the most smashers, (good or not, sheer quantity), but i think because of this we could have the best crew for regional crew battles within the state.
it's for fun basically, and to give my brain something to think about it.

/marth is the best character in the game imo, but not to the point where he should be banned. it's super close between all the best, and shouldnt be taken so seriously. if you want to beat marth vaughn, learn a better character. i know you would like to win with zelda, but the game just isnt that balanced. marth is very good, and zelda is below middle tier, it's not a good combination. it didnt used to be like you to get pissed off at something like this. rise and overcome, yo.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
taylor,= is completely correct on all of his posts except for marth is the best. i think shiek beats him but other than that yes he is the best hahah so i guess youre right on that. but thats just imo.
vaughn= alright man, common you gotta stop getting mad at a video game. its just as taylor said, rise and overcome. thats rly all their is to it.

kyle- epic L.A.W.L.S on the last post.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Post for starvation.

i would just like to add that i havent eaten anything in 3 days.

im awesome.

carry on.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
i dont think ricky is THAT good, all i know is i beat him last time i played him granted it was like 2 months ago, john on the other hand is incredibly good, marth is not invicible, peach is way more broken, she can stay alive forever,broke downsmash, floating ability, takes no skill to be good with.... turnips.....


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
i gotta say marth is prolly the best in the game, imo, but besides that point, I really think you keep overreacting, vaughn... Every character has bad matchups, counterstages and disadvantages -- its another reason the game is good, and its part of the game. (just lost the game, btw) I just dont htink you should keep getting so frustrated that you lose to marth...especially Kyles, hes just a rly good marth lol...and not to mention zelda is terrible in that matchup. lol I dunno, its just kinda silly that you keep overreacting...

but anyway, who else is ready for brawl, and to learn abuncha cool new ****?...weee.

ps you guys wanna try to setup the crew battle as a final homage to melee for fun?...or maybe some kinda rr with ppl who care?

oh and lol @ freddy saying

vaughn= alright man, common you gotta stop getting mad at a video game.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
hah yeahh i know it seems funny comming from me, but i mean, i dont rly care about melee anymore haha, im really excited for brawl, and really, i might get frusterated sometimes but i mean, who doesnt ya know? except for kyle. i dont think ive ever seen kyle discouraged about melee hahah. but i mean everyone does it, lee has, im pretty sure cyphus has, def john, ricky, soo dont act like im the only one that does or used to do that :]]]but fo real vaughn, win or lose you play to have fun, isnt that what you always said? :] cheer up.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
i forgot to say that i have never seen eric down about melee, but im sure back in the day u would get mad :] until one day you didnt care anymore hahah.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
thats probly how kyle is able to own people, he doesnt get frustrated, he just works on his game and getting better... his approach to the game is a good example of how competitive meele should be played, so evryone else should give up, i know i have.... im looking at brawl as a fresh start to play the game the right way from the begining, mostly having fun ,trying to get good, bust mostly enjoying it....

Deleted member

eric used to suck and me and tim would make fun of him for being the worst. lol. he would get upset then, i wouldnt say pissed off or anything but definitely bothered. and he still cares he just has a 15 yr old gf so hes so much more worried about the cops at his door, theres rly no room for smash.

if kyle loses he just gets better. he was a little upset after that crew battle in san antonio.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
Any getting better these days on my part is just coincidence or momentum. Wonder what the physics of it are?

Deleted member

it's called you may can take m2k's marth about 40% of the time with fox... but you cant touch his gw.

we made it to page 600. pro as hell. whats the longest running thread on swf? did we win?


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
I'm not really that mad or anything. Just highly highly annoyed is the right feeling. I do still play for fun, but I don't see how it can be with Marth sometimes. I just think he's way too overpowered. Anyway, yeah.. If I want it that badly, I'll just wait til' Brawl cuz it's different. And I totally just helped Eric in his race to 1000 without realizing til' now. Sorry ShyG..

- Vaughn


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Vaughn, I feel your pain towards Marth as a character. That just seems like a bad idea to make a character that strong.

Sudai, you made me feel like the USA at the trick shot championship today. That far behind and just simply frustrated that there wasn't even a chance of success.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
boost post.

also, are we even going to play N.O in a crew battle? i think it would be fun, and just so that everyone would play for real maybe have some money involved? cause i know that mr john wu wont hold back if theres money involved :]]] silly darky :D

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
like in no offense to cyphus at all. um houma isnt big enough to have a crew really of course. but might as well include me with nola crew. since i go to nola literally every weekend and play john ricky and pierre chad dj kerry. like me and cyphus dont get to play much anymore i guess works gay. and im moving in new orleans in like may. or june so. haha. idk. what crew does that make me part of considering ive been playing with nola for like the last 6 months+ straight.? im houma And nola. Houma rootzzz! but as far as the people i play, i play everybody in nola 30x as much as me and cyphus play. i like live there now pretty much haha.
ps. this whole marth discussion is fuqing ********. you have your 5 top tiers who can all beat each other. zelda cant touch marth. and jigs has no weaknesses? jigs is better than marth like srsly. and im not asking to make a debate about that bc its a plain fact.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
fox, falco, and sheik are all highly winnable matchups for marth on every level.
peach, ganon, and capt are all winnable matchups for marth on most levels.
...the rest just are naturally disadvantaged no matter where u fight him.

so yea..i still haven't played melee w/ anyone in like...over 2 months. but i'm still confident i can ****.
lee's right though...he plays Nola way more than me. In fact...Lee should be part of the N.O. crew... I'm like the grandfather of LA smash whose children have left alone...but thats ok
I'll form my OWN Houma Crew.
I get 20 stock to myself...i'll take on BR AND Nola by myself. Or if ur too scared, i'll recruit the people who i DO play more often than Lee...my army of Level 1 CPUs.
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