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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
diddy is going to be top tier i can feel it, marth vs. diddy will be the new marth vs. fox.

and ya im playing alot of chars. ill probly narrow it down to three after playing for a while

im also in a secret contest to beat eric to 1000 posts that he doesnt know about


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I'm SOOOO jealous of you Eric. =(... I'm SOOOOOO DRUNK
just 4stockedd my gf's friend's husband's shiek while trashed for no reason since i was like, i need to play smash... but i'm going to go back to alchoholl ? woaa.

Deleted member

omg ken drinks?! thats too good. we should drink ken.

im looking seriously at game and watch, diddy, marth, pit, and who ever else.
im more waiting to play the chars myself to make any really commitments, but after watching vids those chars look very promising for my style.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I'm SOOOO jealous of you Eric. =(... I'm SOOOOOO DRUNK
just 4stockedd my gf's friend's husband's shiek while trashed for no reason since i was like, i need to play smash... but i'm going to go back to alchoholl ? woaa.

Anyways, don't you guys want to play the game a bunch first before picking mains so you don't start with any biase towards characters?


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
its good too be biase towards characters u want to play, u shouldnt wait till someone else says whether a char is good or not, u should play whoever u want and make him good, i mighttry to play a little yoshi since practiclly no one is gonna use him. but obviously were all waiting for the game to come out, so it doesnt really matter i guess


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Im the truth, why i lie?, i walk around this ***** like a pilot, im fly, hello and bye bye ill leave yalls azz in the past like tie die. 3 blunts and im mi-ti. and im so well connected like wi-fi.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Im the truth, why i lie?, i walk around this ***** like a pilot, im fly, hello and bye bye ill leave yalls azz in the past like tie die. 3 blunts and im mi-ti. and im so well connected like wi-fi.
I'm not sure who sings that. My guess is Johnny Cash. /hiyo


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Ken, Sudai, anyone else really....I was thinking, since I have a N64, I may as well have SSB64. If I were to buy it from somewhere, would you guys play it with me? I never played it and I've been meleeing for so long, I figure since Brawl is about to come out, I may as well check out a different flavor of smash to see some difference in smashing so I'm not totally struck when Brawl drops. Sound interesting despite the awful N64 controller? Or maybe even because of that fackin' controller?


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
You could always just download Project 64k and play Smash via your computer/laptop/whatever. Me, Eric, and Vaughn played 64 like that for a while a good bit back. That's free and you don't have to use a crappy 64 controller. :x


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So...I just found out...my "girlfriend" has a bigger ***** than me.. . -0-

Oh...Greg: "I dunno man. I still can't seem to pull off that taunt." Sudai: "You sure you don't mean UTilt?" Greg: "They both go up..."


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
u should def main wario, eet..cuz NOONE else will. he's probably The least popular new character.


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Oh...Greg: "I dunno man. I still can't seem to pull off that taunt." Sudai: "You sure you don't mean UTilt?" Greg: "They both go up..."

That's not how it goes, man....

Me: "I dunno man. I still can't seem to pull off that taunt."
Sudai: "You sure you don't mean UTilt?"
Greg: "They both use up..."

The other way just don't make any sense at all :p So, down for some SSB64 at my place tonight, Sudai?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yo Mura, hit me up with a PM later cause I might be able to get some vids with my mac this weekend (for reals).

Otherwise, I'll just go beat up random nubs at college who wish to be recorded.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
lol, nice moves

im going to make a new tier list prediction with the new info ive learned....

top- marth,wolf,diddy,pit

high- fox,dedede,toonlink,olimar,zamus,lucas,falco,g&w,ike,samus,zelda,metaknight

mid- r.o.b,luigi,wario,lucario,peach,mario,shiek,sonic,PT,ness

low-snake,pikachu,link,falcon,ice climbers,DK,bowser,jigglypuff,kirby

bottom- ganondorf,yoshi


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX

i'm maining Kirby and DDD now...kirby looks fun as balls...T!mmy makes him look incredible too..i'm very excited now. and will pridefully boast my gaming roots with the kirby franchise. =]


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
well if i had to give my way-too-early-to-be-accurate tier list, itd look something like this ..

top- marth, diddy, olimar, toon link

high- fox,dedede,wolf, zamus, pit, luigi, lucas, falco, wario, zelda, rob, PT, metaknight

mid- pickachu ,lucario, kirby, ike, peach, mario, snake, shiek, ness, ike,samus,

low-sonic, link, bowser, falcon,ice climbers,DK,jigglypuff

bottom- ganondorf,yoshi

but its important to keep in mind the gap between top and bottom is a lot shorter than in melee.

also i just kept the chars i dont care about where they were on shygs list, whos never played the game XD


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
whoa 2 ikes, hmm i say my list is somewhat similar, pretty good for not playing the game

lol, whoops triple post, it was a mistake i promise


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Hey guys, my church is trying to have another Halo/Smash tourney. I'm in charge of smash again, and this time I want to do it right.

I want to make it Melee/Brawl with singles and teams in both events. That would make 4 tournaments smash tournaments. I the prize for winning the Brawl tournies won't be as big as for Melee though. Entry for the Melee singles and teams will be 5$ per person, while Brawl singles and teams will be 2$ per person. If any of you guys are coming, maybe one of you can help me with Round Robin (or whatever it's called).

It's estimated that it'll be some time in April but I may request to move it back a month or two to help develop pot money, since I've got a few months to plan I want to make it a big tourney (one where I can get ppl from La, FL, and TX) so that I can ensure that the prize money isn't crap like last time, and that the church can make a satisfyable ammount of money as well, since the event is partially a fund raiser. However, I'm facing a few problems already.

1. I don't know how Brawl's release will affect people willing to travel for a tourney.

2. I don't know how to attract smashers from other states to it.

3. Since it's a fund raiser, I'm going to have trouble developing a worthwhile prize.
3a. If a lot of people attend (80+), all the church's earnings can come from food sales, and the pot can be of tourney entries.
3b. I'll be contributing whatever money I have to the pot (probably about $90-$150)

Also I heard that there was a LA smasher who has experience with planning tournies, I think his name was Randall. Hopefully I could get some help from him.

I need advice!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
MuraRengan, I'm Randall. Regarding your points,

1: Well, with so much to be discovered in Brawl from the release, a month probably won't let many people feel confident enough to attend a tournament that's far away. Even though Melee will be the focus of the tournament, I think that many people will be preoccupied with Brawl and not want to travel. You'll probably have trouble drawing locals for this.

2: The best way to draw OOS is to offer a large prize. Also, advertise on the boards and directly invite nearby smashers to attend. I don't think La has tons of name recognition, which will probably be a problem.

3: For a large tournament, which is what it looks like you want this to be, upping the entry fee would probably be okay. I mean, if someone's willing to drive any amount of time to attend this, then $10 instead of $5 for entry will most likely be acceptable for most people.

Now, in mid-April, I'm planning a multi-game tournament in conjunction with LSU's video game club. If you waited a few months, we won't have to fight for attendance. The date is pretty firmly set as of now, so it'd be awesome if you did wait.

I'm actually running into similar problems regarding Brawl with the tourney I'm planning. We're only planning on using Melee or Brawl, but not both. As of now, we're gonna wait and see what Brawl is like and choose from there. Initially, we planned on trying to draw OOS, but figured that this spring will be one of the worst times for drawing OOS to smash tournaments. Instead, we're really going to focus on the local level and not expect a large attendance.

Anyways, if you have any more questions, just ask me.



Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
If you're bored... This is a sci-fi story I had to write for my science class.. I know it sucks. El oh el. Skip this post entirely if you don't feel like reading it. There's nothing other than the story beyond this in this post.

Edit: Sorry about the bad formatting. Smashboards doesn't like tabs...


"We can't stop them.." was the only thing that came to mind. It's been three years and all we have to show for it is a world full of living zombies. A world filled with fear. A world where the robots really did take over. I turned to my partner and thought aloud, "They're just nano-bots.. They should be susceptible to a rather strong EM Field, right?"

"And you think we didn't try that at the start? Apparently the genius that made them was smart enough to coat them with lead to avoid that. Try again Randall." I sighed. He gave the answer I already knew. Anything that simple would have been tried and would have worked in the past.

"Nanites! Nanites, Marshal!" I exclaimed. They were originally built to decompose old metals to be reused in later processes. They were small enough to get into the human body and could probably combat the nano-bots well. The only issue here was actually finding some.

"The nano-bots disassembled them all within the first year. We don't have anyone left with the mind to program them to fight anyway.." Marshal was beginning to piss me off.

"Well, how about we hear some ideas from you?!" I snapped..I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner due to the stress from constantly avoiding the zombie like humans. About three years ago, a scientist by the name of Omabob created the first nano-bot capable of creating neural pathways in the brain. He couldn't find any willing test subjects so he injected the nano-bots into himself. He wasn't thinking clearly when he programmed them. If they can create path-ways, they must be able to destroy them as well. This small fact was ignored. For the first week, he became increasingly intelligent. His memory sharpened. The works. After about two weeks though, the nano-bots finally began to work themselves into his brain. They severed the links between his frontal lobe and the rest of his mind. His lack of consciousness and moral thoughts led him to be the first we dubbed as a "nano-zombie."

Bit by bit, the nano-bots began to take over his lifeless mind. Omabob was slowly becoming more and more zombie like. The nano-bots in him used him to create better nano-bots. Nano-bots with the capability to self replicate with nothing but the minerals in the human body. These nano-bots were programed to reproduce and then store themselves in the host's saliva. This led to what we call "the bite." The nano-zombie merely has to bite a victim and nano-bots get into their blood stream just like that. It's only a matter of days before the victim turns into a nano-zombie as well.

Marshal and I were among the last few survivors. It seemed there was nothing we could do. Destroying the host body just makes the nano-bots leave and travel to a new host. We've been evading the nano-zombies for a year now. We've met others like us, but they've all fallen victim shortly after we met them. No one has come up with any ideas that have worked...obviously.

Our current situation has us holed in our last acquaintance's lab. He made the mistake of leaving it. The nano-zombies are waiting for us just outside the door. There's not much in this lab for me. I was a mere chemistry teacher before the world fell apart. Marshal, on the other hand, was a lifelong research chemist. He's been busy tinkering since we got here and I can't quite figure out why.. He claims that there's a way to decompose the nano-bots inside the humans through chemistry but I'm not sure.

A thud was heard against the door. The nano-zombies again. They would spend hours assaulting the door every day. We've survived in this lab for three weeks without so much as a dent. I'm begining to trust this lab even more. I turned back to Marshal, "Almost done?" He gave no more response than a laugh. I turned back to the door.

The clinking of glass against glass stopped and I turned to look at Marshal. "Randall...I think I finally got it." My heart skipped a beat. "I'm sure I got it."

"How are we gonna test it?" I had a look of doubt on my face, I'm sure.

"We only get one shot.." he sighed.

"****...are you sure it works?" my voice cracked.

"Only one way to know," he whispered walking towards the door.

"You can't mean?!" I leaped in front of him. His skinny body somehow flung me to the side and he continued to the door. He put one hand on the door control and raised his other, beaker in hand.

The door slowly slid open. He stopped it just when it was far enough for the beaker to fit through, but not enough for a nano-zombie to get through. He moved his arm back, ready to throw. His hand lunged forward but was stopped mid-swing. The beaker fell to the ground and the door flew open. It was over. These past years of agony, for nothing. The nano-zombies finally got us...

Deleted member

ill throw a ness ditto at you

how dare you say that without quoting me! im the epic ness ditto master.

also, maru; while randall has been running tournaments for a while, im a beast at running really fast, efficient tournaments, round robin or not. i ran the rr at the last tournament you held and i'll make sure to attend what ever you host and make sure to help run any tournaments needed. i do miss br smash being under my wing but i guess training all the best and running all the original tournaments will have to be enough.

who thinks br could take n.o.?
me, kyle, eric + 2 of (patrick, tim, freddy)
jon, ricky, ray, pierre, dj.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
i think i can take both br and n.o. i must say after playing with both regions, i do believe that br would win if they play with that b.r. swager. dont fall into n.o. gangster mindgames


Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2007
Oh Sudai, I loled. Alot. A) How can something reproduce without having the cellular capabilities of growth through mitosis or meiosis. Unless the nano-bots are somehow biologically based and not purely mechanical (i.e. not made of silicon) B) If they're coated in lead, that much lead in a person's brain could not possibly be sustainable? But I dunno, IANAD.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
iunno..i guess in a crew battle situation, where its 4 to 6 players per team...iunno thats messed up...cuz
new orleans: John, Ricky, Chad, DJ, Ray, and Pierre.
baton rouge: taylor, kyle, eet, freddy, mary, tim...and don't forget vaughn.
that'd be 6 versus 6...so would that be fair?

Nawlins: Chad...he's turned into a very smart peach player and maybe 3rd best in NO (imo). DJ is a solid player(if he can avoid falcos)...while Ray (only mind game dependent) and Pierre (only tech game dependent) are both very inconsistent. And John and Ricky are just always very good, and are the backbone of the team, never doing bad in a tournament. (imo they'd be strongest dropping ray and pierre for a solid 4 thats easier to manage.

i think it'd be smart to have vaughn as a good counter for floaties like peach and samus...avoid ricky's fox, and he should do fine. Taylor and Kyle are simply the most consistently good players in BR, while eet and freddy are both very good. that'd be a good 5, imo...since i'm not too sure about Tim (whos very inconsistent) and Mary (whose falco has fallen behind the others and peach that remains situational)

John, ricky, chad, dj 'vs' taylor, kyle, vaughn, eet, freddy, imo seems like the toughest battle for both. I'm not sure who'd win though...thats a tough one. I can see John totally ******, or i can see eet and freddy doing surprisingly well versus chad and DJ and giving taylor and kyle the lead they need to steal victory.
I'd say it just depends on the blind pick and how the crews choose to counter each other.

oh yea and don't forget houma!!

Houma: Lee, Cyphus..........Derek, Gamma :O
I can see lee taking out 9 stock w/ his 5...and then derek and gamma can each take 2 stock with their 5. Then i'd have to take 7 stock with my 5.....
hey, i don't think its impossible!


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
So I talked to Stephen over at gware, and he said the pre-launch brawl tourny that was scheduled for the day before it came out will have to be pushed back to the release date, Sunday. He wants to go with Renee to a concert or something that day, so it'll be on Sunday, the 9th.

But he also said Brawl will be playable at gware all that weekend. So who's up for playing brawl all weekend at gware? XD

Although we can maybe talk him into giving us a copy early, as soon as they get them in.

But I think the tourny on the 9th, if properly planned, could bring a ****load of new smashers to the LA scene? Cause I'm sure like every casual smasher will be there to buy the game, so we should try and get them in the tourny (so I can take their money with Diddy Kong.)

about the crew battle, eh... the Taylor Kyle Vaughn EET Freddy team would be best.... I think that team would win, unless Vaughn played an overwhelmingly offensive player, freddy played a patient, smart player(othrerwise hell just gay them with tech skill), and I just sucked...otherwise, wed be good to go.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
pez dispencers are hard to load

oh shi... brawl comes out in 23 days, i can feel it, the dawn of a new era of smash im gonna be playing online like no other, i dont even need to leave my house to play people, im going to need extinsive therapy after this....awsome
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