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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
controllah johns!

but nah, all Im saying is it's closer than you might think among the lower players. In the last Melee tourny I went to, Vaughn beat Avery, I beat Ken, Vaughn beat me with Zelda, and then Ken beat Cyphus. so it's curhazy.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
I like how I'm in my own tier now. Lol. I'd much rather be mega man though. Superman too cheap.

This is why I hate tier discussions and pr's btw. They never prove anything. Oh well...

Back to video making for me.


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2006
Marrero,Louisiana (New Orleans)
I love all this debate over the melee PR. Haha, me tim and freddy should all do MM's on saturday if this is really going to be settled.

However heres some input because now I've seen multiple posts in which taylor is making claims. In all honesty I think Im better than tim and freddy, albeit I havent played freddy in a long long time so that ones more debatable. Granted at nomnomnom, I 2-0'ed tim(taylor you didnt attend), however tim did beat me in winner's finals of the last tournament I was having a bad day(I partied the night before and tried to sleep for two hours and couldnt at all bc I was coming down off of substance), I beat him in a falco ditto and then switched(dumb) he proceeded to beat my marth,fox,and falco. But in most matches my falco vs his anything I typically win recently at least. Also @ me and tim playing for multiple hours at recent tournaments thats just ridiculous, at nomnomnom tim ***** me in friendlies after I 2-0ed him, and at nomIV I beat him in most of our friendlies after our winner's finals set. But both times theres no way the match count exceeded 10.

But on a broader and more important spectrum, last tournament in which tim beat me in our 3 of 5, kyle took two sets from tim coming out of losers to win in grand, where as in me and kyle's winners match I beat him 2-1, and in our losers finals match he two stocked me on match five in a sheik ditto.

Honestly on top of the me/freddy/tim skill level argument being close, theres obviously not that large of a gap between myself and kyle/taylor. Speaking of you and I taylor, last tournament I lost two sets to you admittedly(both went to match 3), but Im confident I can win against your fox with falco and your marth with sheik(we can MM in either of these matchups if you'd like :D). I.E. why you try to counter pick me on the char select screen/we double blind.

Also vaughn no johns but my marth sucks.

So please let this saturday speak for itself, and I'd love to MM freddy, tim, or yourself.

Deleted member

you didn't prove anything vs tim with all your comments, but its not really my business its just my opinion that i dont think you're better than him. you can make claims that you're definitely better but you havent proven it in any way. atm i think he's a little better actually but i havent played you enough to really make a clear guess. and as far as against me, all you said was 'im confident i can counterpick you and win. ive never had trouble beating your shiek with marth and ive ALWAYS had trouble fighting falco with fox. i dont think its a bad match up but i just know im not very good at it and i will avoid it at all costs. i feel like every time we play friendlies i **** you, and i got screwed with double blinds at the last tourney and yet still won. also if you cant take one match from someone on your counterpick, youre obviously not close to them, it doesn't mean if you can win a counterpick you are right next to their skill level. you get it? any time you want a regular *** money match feel free man. i would go as high as you want but i know if i put a lot of money on the line i wont play my real game so 5$ is fine.


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2006
Marrero,Louisiana (New Orleans)
$5 sheik vs marth please, and then we can play all the friendlies you want :D. And we havent played friendlies since the BR tourney I lost to you at just saying. Which may have been a total of 3 matches.

And I'd really rather not argue about how good I am. You said it yourself your really no judge of who's better between me and tim. It's just a little agitating that I just began placing and you have to plaster the forum with your "opinion".

Deleted member

$5 any characters. i dont have to give you an advantage just because im confident in the match. i'd like to beat you as hard as i possibly can. and the only reason i ever said anything is because you came on the boards saying you would money match anyone except lee, basically saying you thought you could beat anyone except lee, but with almost no grounds behind the claim except your pride. i feel like i do a very good job of keeping my 'opinions' to myself these days, but when i feel like someone is being arrogant, im quick to tell them how i feel.

and i said "but i havent played you enough to really make a clear guess," meaning i have grounds for an opinion for sure, but i cant say 100%. it's not like i have no idea. all i know is tim does better vs me in friendlies than you've ever done, and so far has about the same tourney record vs me as you do. close loses. tim has also beaten me in 1 tournament, as well as freddy. you have not.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
if any of you melee guys ever get a free night ya'll should come crash here. I could really use the warmup, since I'm usually just playing against Mark literally once, sometimes twice, a week. Jumping into tournaments from what I'm used to, requires a pretty serious readjustment to a levle of 'consistent' seriousness-endurance (since i've grown to sandbag, despite other improvements)

Doc's my best as far as consistency goes, but if my Falco is actually on its S-game (i just need to abuse him more in friendlies), I'm fairly confident using him vs...well everyone.
and Marth counters doc. The only stage its not stupid is on FD (which he'll ban). I give up trolling "doc goo'against marf". i dont think falco is going to help me- w/ the the marth player's space animal exp, but but for now, i def would be learning from any losses.
thats my beef/johns/shoop dop: i might not do great vs other top players initially, but you give me a couple smashfests w/ ya'll, and the tables, i think, would turn =]


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2006
Marrero,Louisiana (New Orleans)
Ok we can talk about it saturday. Also no I posted I'll MM anyone except lee because I feel as though I have a chance at beating anyone else. I have no problem losing money, but I feel like playing lee would be giving it away. On top of this its a better way to get you and kyle to play me since you both rarely advance me and want to play friendlies ever. Im just interested in playing yall seeings as my typical "friendlies" are on a CPU and occasionally austin.


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2010
Occasionally my ***.

EDIT: Well, on second thought, we haven't really been playing recently :p

Fact of the matter is, I'm better than anyone ever was ever. Especially Vaughan.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Um...opinion from a brawl player....

I've played most of ya'll in melee in tourney...(Austin, Avery, Taylor, etc.) and I CLEARLY remember taking at LEAST one stock from all of you in at LEAST one of our matches.

If I would've done that four times in a row before you did the same to me, I woulda beat yall.

= ya'll ****ing suck, i'm the best

get at me, shrimp bat me

like the shrimp thought i was a baseball


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yeah, that's what I thought but I was hoping for melee pools cause I dun wanna enter a bracket, lol.

Facebook says It's $5 to enter teams, but me and Eric were debating person entry vs team entry.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
I wish we had pools for Nom for the price.

Ken, my dad is brining me, so I won't be riding with u guys tomorrow.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
looks like hex. which would be....... 227, 40, 225, 76, 227, and 39 respectively. are those money matches? and against who, ken? thats a whole lot of money youre puttin out there.

new tier list

Deleted member

idk if you were joking about la sucking at melee or not vaughn but i disagree. me and kyle ***** as winterfest and earned mad props and lee teamed with shiz last national tournament? la too good? id say there are only a handful of states that are definitely better than la. ca, fl, ny, and tx. and tx is arguable these days. and when i say arguable what i mean is i really have no idea. there may be a couple more states but definitely not too much.

but more importantly, i didnt realize zelda is considered the 2nd worst character in brawl. thats depressing. didnt see that coming. i thought she had gotten better from melee.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Lee ***** Texas at Melee after having played brawl all day. Texas' best was 1-2 stocking me. This was at the Funplex HOBO. So like, last summer, but yeah.
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