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The Largest Arms in the World


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
im not really into friendlies either for some reason ;/

i need some sort of competition/high stakes or ima just be bored lol

beef and pf success?


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Victra's Daily Journal. Part 5 billion.

kay, omggggggggggggggggggggg today was so cute and so funny. ><

Okay so I'll start with the cute story. When I say cute, I mean the cutest thing I've ever seen/heard in a long time.

I was riding on the bus with a few of my friends, and there were these 2 kids who started talking with each other. They were probably 4 years old. I'm bad with judging ages though, but they were really little. XD Anyways, they started talking with each other, and the little boy was like "I'm half chinese, half greece" and the girl was like "grease is something that doesn't come off." There was so much more like that, it was adorable. The entire time, me and my friends were like :3

K. And the funny thing that happened today made us laugh to the point of pain. XD

So, we were on campus studying, and we decided to go shopping so we went to take the train from campus. While we were boarding, I jokingly said, "Let's sit with some cute ladies." and I went into a different door. You know how on the train, there are those 2 seats face to face that seats 4 people? Since there were 3 of us in total, I took one of the empty ones. There were 2 empty seats across from me, and 1 to my right. I saw my friends from across and they gave me a gesture that they were coming. lmao but before they could come, these 2 Japanese girls sat in the 2 seats across from me. At that point, my friends were already laughing and grinning, and I was kinda like XD.

Then another Japanese girl sits right next to me, and I'm completely surrounded. Once that happened, my friends bursted out laughing, and I was having the hardest time not to laugh uncontrollably. I was pretty much like XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the entire time. It was actually pretty awkward cause the girls were like o.o

But oh my goodness, did we laugh once we got off the train.

Anyways, I think I should start a journal blog or something lmao.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
kay, omggggggggggggggggggggg today was so cute and so funny. ><

Okay so I'll start with the cute story. When I say cute, I mean the cutest thing I've ever seen/heard in a long time.

I was riding on the bus with a few of my friends, and there were these 2 kids who started talking with each other. They were probably 4 years old. I'm bad with judging ages though, but they were really little. XD Anyways, they started talking with each other, and the little boy was like "I'm half chinese, half greece" and the girl was like "grease is something that doesn't come off." There was so much more like that, it was adorable. The entire time, me and my friends were like :3

K. And the funny thing that happened today made us laugh to the point of pain. XD

So, we were on campus studying, and we decided to go shopping so we went to take the train from campus. While we were boarding, I jokingly said, "Let's sit with some cute ladies." and I went into a different door. You know how on the train, there are those 2 seats face to face that seats 4 people? Since there were 3 of us in total, I took one of the empty ones. There were 2 empty seats across from me, and 1 to my right. I saw my friends from across and they gave me a gesture that they were coming. lmao but before they could come, these 2 Japanese girls sat in the 2 seats across from me. At that point, my friends were already laughing and grinning, and I was kinda like XD.

Then another Japanese girl sits right next to me, and I'm completely surrounded. Once that happened, my friends bursted out laughing, and I was having the hardest time not to laugh uncontrollably. I was pretty much like XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the entire time. It was actually pretty awkward cause the girls were like o.o

But oh my goodness, did we laugh once we got off the train.

Anyways, I think I should start a journal blog or something lmao.
o good read, thx


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008

GG's Brandon :)
They were fun doubles.

Why did you use Jiggz so much though lol
Just curious. Is she a potential main or something :p


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada

GG's Brandon :)
They were fun doubles.

Why did you use Jiggz so much though lol
Just curious. Is she a potential main or something :p
Yeah, good games, Darren!

I wanted to try out some new doubles characters with my friend. Don't worry, you can keep your puff. ;[


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Yeah, good games, Darren!

I wanted to try out some new doubles characters with my friend. Don't worry, you can keep your puff. ;[
lol nah, I don't use Jiggz much anymore. Wario is the new jiggz :)


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
But who are you gonna use in low tier tourneys now Darren?

Like, your jiggs is legendary, especially for living 200%~ like wtf.

also Jiggs is cuter.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
But who are you gonna use in low tier tourneys now Darren?

Like, your jiggs is legendary, especially for living 200%~ like wtf.

also Jiggs is cuter.
I think I'll start using Zelda now =D
I'll bust out Jiggz on occasion when need be ;)

lololol my jiggly DI is too good


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
you mean your distant planet cps are too good.

lol o u and ur girly chars.
I only cp'd Distant Planet once against mike, and then we quit after luke a minute xD


Wario is far from girly :mad:
But..... I guess Peach, Jiggz, Zelda, and kinda Kirby are :urg:
I should pick up Snake to increase my man factor


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
I only cp'd Distant Planet once against mike, and then we quit after luke a minute xD


Wario is far from girly :mad:
But..... I guess Peach, Jiggz, Zelda, and kinda Kirby are :urg:
I should pick up Snake to increase my man factor
Yeah, Darren. You must make sure that your man : woman ratio is somewhat even.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
I've recently decided that Kirby is manly as hell. So that would leave my man to women ratio at 2:3

But if I subtract Jiggz from the equation it should balance things out. Assuming my calculations are correct of course.

EDIT: Oh **** guys, I literally finished off a tub of Yogurt in one sitting just now. I'm not sure what to make of it.
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