So im planning to do a video for the first time im putting effort into making a thumbnail:
yeah This Is a Kirby Fighters 3 Video i dont think there are too many speculations on this potential sequel?
Also the roster will be pretty Small but i think the Motto Quality over Quantity is Valid and hey maybe you can play half the roster in two diffrent looknig Ways?
What i wont include is a story mode as thats usually a bother instead i decided just now to give each character their own pause screen description!
Elfilins will be especially interesting!
Here are some of them count yourself lucky:
He Originally betrayed kirby in order to get the
ultimate Power: The Master Crown after that Backfired
and he was sent to another Dimension He had to endure
trials of Character. Than after a little excursion into the
dreamkingdom he returned and Built some Theme Parks
One Of Which is were these Fights Take Place!
Her full name is Susanna Patrya Haltmann and
While she brings her dads Company Too old Glory she
Encounterd Magolor who requested her Help to develop
The Magolor Clone That IS The Final Fight in
Magolors Tournament .. The Cloning seems to become
more refined!
Even tho he is afraid of his origin as Fecto Elfilis
He Started trainning to use Fecto Elfilis Abilitys
in order To be the Hero Of His World and it payed
of not only did he Master his Teleportation Ability
He Can Also summon and Wield his own version
of Elfilis Weapon probably in thanks to the Last bit
that remained Willingly
Magolor Clone:
He is based on Magolor wearing the Master Crown
Susie Gave him some new Attacks BUT the Form
that came about thanks to magolor losing control couldnt
be replicated seems that this form doesnt count as magolor
anymore and therefore cant be cloned! Interestingly The Clone
Seems To retain more of Magolors Personality!