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The Jamaican smash thread


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
So thats like 4 new controllers lol

I might order a brand new white one. Thats if theres none out here though.

Melee is too fun.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
Good **** tonight guys, was fun. Also, we better be ready to **** next week man, I don't want any of us losing even ONE match, except maybe erasor, don't mind if he loses a few, hahaha.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
So yeah... I'm coming next week (FINALLY!!)

If you guys are running a crew battle with the Area people I'll just sit out and take notes.

@Cross. - Remind Kyo of our lil BlazBlue session lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
yo u dont have to put the full stop by my name dawg wtf

an also kyo doesnt really come on fridays dude lol. jus a sometimes thing.

but yeh good **** guys was fun, ausp ur not even the same player anymore, uve gotten way better man

cant wait for next week

tossy that over confidence might be ur downfall.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
Maybe, but if I don't stay confident I'll ./selfpwn myself. Always believe you can win no matter what man.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
OMG deja vu haha. ok it's official all competitive scenes start the same way lol. Ok Cross and crew look if this is correct and i can save u guys, don't treat area 51 players like **** and trash talk them. They will start to talk about how broken melee is and turn everyother player away from it. I know becuase i went through the same **** here with a local gamestore that exploded into a gameclub lol same **** items and all the crap. Although they stopped using items, but turned everyone against melee and to brawl, then abandon brawl for other fighters. So yea do it this way, play them, be nice as hell ok, then show them the How to play smash vid with all the advanced tech and then they can go to fight night thing u guys hold to train and get better. Secure ya items though, some ppl are theives. So yes i did this all before back in 06 i know the role so follow my lead. haha. Also i ga see if we can save some money to head to ja and play u guys.

After the violence ends or something though. Seems like history repeating itself in other forms ja scene starting and cockiness ga be ya downfall. I know the gamestore guys are stupid, but they ga be saying all u guys use are glitches and all kinda **** talk. Just be nice, cause u need the players and then u ga get connections. I ran into sons or club owners and know ppl in high areas because of competitive melee so it can pay off, especially if it gets popular. Kick there ***, but do it with a smile and nice greetings. trust me they will *****..its smash


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
Just tell me who the "sheriff" is in your crew. Is it you? Are you the falco player?
We have like three falco players, which one?
and I'm the sheriff aroun' these here parts.
We don't take kin'ly to your kind roun' hyea.

Jokes aside: thanks for the tips abcool, much appreciated


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
ocelot i am the falco player in our crew

abcool look, i get what your saying but honestly, i dont give a *** if people ***** and cry, nor do i care if i make them "quit" or w/e by ****** them. no one was there to baby me, tossy or anyone else in our crew currently, and ausp used to get utterly ***** every week he came but look at him now, hes really improved alot. those who are truly interested will stay and try to learn why they lost and want to practice to do the things we do, those who get destroyed and ***** and moan will likely never come back and as i said before, i dont give a ****, if you have to be babied and taught to take ur beatings like a man and learn from them u were never a competitive gamer in my book anyways.

the only reason me, tossy, ausp, tbm, sinji or anyone else of our players play the game is cuz of our own interest in it. we want to get good. they players who want to get good will want to learn with us, the others will likely cry and leave an i dont care for them, im not goin to try to show them "the light" or w/e, theyll see the light if they really want to by themselves just like all of us have.

edit: tossy is def not the sheriff LOL


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
We have like three falco players, which one?
and I'm the sheriff aroun' these here parts.
We don't take kin'ly to your kind roun' hyea.

Jokes aside: thanks for the tips abcool, much appreciated
Yea right!


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Ahhh. I understand where you are coming from, but you have to look at the bigger picture and the long run. No one babied me either, nor anyone in my crew. I'll be honest with you i found most of the good smashers on youtube that play here.(That;s right youtube) That had to be some luck that they left the word bahamas in there comments for me to even know they were even from here. Bad gamers are gonna be bad gamers and they are like poison, you destroy one you destroy all hope. Melee is a game that requires new players to keep the scene alive, if you have no players you have no tourney, you have no tourney, you have no hype. *Hype* is the fuel that keeps the train running.

This is the consequences if you treat them bad. They'll be like umm yea i played those melee smashers and they pretty rude, no respect and they talk alot of ****. They take the game way to seriously and why should i come back after that kinda treatment. I am better at other games out there, why play one. That is why at tourneys it's recommended to shake hands after a set to show some sort of respect. When i say bad players are poison it's like tourism, would u wanna go to a country where you hear ppl are mean and have no respect for you whatsoever and laugh when u fall down or you wanna go somewhere, where ya happiness and comfort is first priority. All i am saying is trash talk, beat em bad, but still laugh and say if u wanna get better do this and that and the reward for all of that work is winning tourneys and making some money or repping ya crew. If you only play for the enjoyment and not to host tourneys and stuff, then my babbling is for nothing and i serve no purpose, but if u want a jamaican scene, i maybe able to help.

At the end of the day it's up to you. It's your country, your crew, your scene. I am showing u a path i never took and to this day it's hard to find committed players because of it.

Another thing is the amount of work ppl feel they have to put into the game to be good is a HUGE factor. That is why i stated they would need a purpose and that must be a tourney. No one is gonna put time into a game like melee without some sort of compensation for it. Rewards and tourneys are one of the fuels that keep smash alive, cause i am sure you don't wanna be playing the same ppl over and over and over. it's gonna become so rock,paper sissors. Alot of ppl are gonna stop playing for long whiles and then come back and stop, all kinda inconsistency


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
Smash or otherwise, there are like no tourneys in Jamaica as far as I know >_>..

Its kinda disheartening when you think about it. Most players out here are too afraid to enter tourneys cuz "So and so is better than me anyway, so why should I just give him my money?"

The attitude out here sucks. There are only a few people that look adversity in the face and give their all whenever they can. Cross does that with most games he plays so thats why he can get good in them.

I'm just getting into Melee and I know I'm about to be ***** HARD by these guys but thats also part of the learning process. You learn more when you lose than when you win.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
That is exactly the point i had to make. The fun of the tourney should be the attractions, it's hard but it's like a business and you have to take it off the ground. Hell tourneys wouldn't happen here if i didn't try to throw a few myself. I am the only TO and it's a pain in the a$$ trying to organize tournaments with some of the players here and that stupid mindset. It's all about the fun of getting into the game that brings everyone in. It's like sports wise if we had sponsors and could treat the game like mlg and evo does, we'll have a crap load of good players. Imagine u had sponsors and they be like u guys are gonna play the bahamas in a tourney for some Carribbean championship and u beat us, then u go and defend that title agaisnt puerto rico and play hdl and so on. How many players do u think jamaica would have?

It's that kinda hype and excitement that makes this game worth wild because the crap u have to go through to get good takes alot of time and interest, but winning that title makes it all worth it.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
ive accepted long ago that jamaica isnt able to have a prominent tournament scene because of the mindset of the people who consider themselves competitive players here. there was a time it bothered me greatly to the point where i couldnt even enjoy the fighting game i was playing at the time, but after a while i realized that its not goin to ever change no matter what i try to do. i play the game for my self.

u said to me that melee requires a ton of work to play at a decent level and what is the reward to the players who put in the work if there arent any tourneys. and thats what im trying to tell u. why should i go out of my way to attract new players to the game when none of us had to be pushed into it? what is the reward me, tossy, sinji, tbm, ausp, marauder or any of our other players get for the amount of time they have logged into training mode practicing, or the amount of time weve spent studying a matchup? we play the game for our selves, because we love the game. any of us would jump for joy at the chance to be a real tournament player that can attend local tournaments once a month, but we arent given that chance.

at the end of the day it comes down to the players. no one had to push us to pour the hours of training we did into the game, and i feel that unless a player is willing to do that on his own he will never amount to anything. im not going to push anyone to learn ATs on friday. they are the ones talking trash and coming into the match with a superiority complex, not me. after everything is over those who truly want to play melee for themseleves will play melee and learn all the ****, those who dont will get left behind and I dont c why that should be of any importance to me.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
I gotta admit, you do remind me of JPOBS he is a player from the bahamas that also uses falco. I know what you mean though, without truely loving the game for yourself there is no sense in trying to convince others to play. Well i guess have fun and just keep training. I would recommend to save some money and travel to play if u ever feel like taking on a new challenge. I mean if i hold any tourneys it's shouldn't cost much for a round trip for 3 days. It doesn't have to be much, just like if u plan on going on vacation and happen to come here, well u know the rest. Other than that i understand u fully.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
If we have enough players in the Caribbean, maybe we can host a tourney called the Caribbean open.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Which country in the carribean will this be held and how would u get the message out there? If you can get something like this up i am in..venue gotta be huge..


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
the problem is that next to no one from the Caribbean is on smashboards. if we had players that truly wanted to improve and ended up on smashboards we could hold tournaments all over the Caribbean. communication is the real road block, and even if we found an alternative to smashboards it probably wouldnt make sense because not enough players are willing to do what they have to do to get good at the game. if they were willing, they would have found smashboards already.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Actually i wouldn't 100% agree. Most of the players here are hardly on smashboards. Notice how only me one comments on these threads, well me and jpobs and even then i hardly come on. It would be easier if smashboards made an option to search for countries. I actually hated smashboards because it wasn't simple to navigate. Most of the good players that might be in jamaica watching vids on youtube, you just can't find em because youtube doesn't grant a search options for ppl that comment on smash vids. Things can be so much more simple if the searching options were better. I played since 06 and never came on the boards until 09 so that can tell u alot. Well really started using it, cause i did sign up in 07 i think..i can't remember


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
yo ggs 2day ausp ur tech skill still isnt quite up to par yet but ur getting better. I would suggest u stick to fox or falco rather than changing between them tho haha

cant wait for tomorrow haha


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
double post

yesterday was real fun im dissapointed u n1ggas couldnt hold it down vs the area man dem but oh well suh it guh sometime. the outcome was pretty much what i expected anyways, wish sinji could have made it out to show em whats what, i doubt he woulda lost.

im taking a break from smash for a while and concentrating on street fighter, ill come back to it by the time matthew is coming back, hes the next opponent ive had on my mind for a long time, really looking forward to playing him, even more than the dudes from area 51. maybe because im expecting him to be a real beast and i wont be able to just run over him like i did the other guys haha. so yeh.

also shout outs to marauder for coming out and revealing he wont be taking smash seriously. lame. i thought u would become the best marth but i guess not. oh well.

FNFs will be held all through summer so keep practicing and trying to level up yall, i kno you need it after that performance yesterday LOL jk jk


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
lol, I finally went out and got SF, gotta get my pink juri up to scratch, haha.
*waits for the fight out*


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
i just find it funny that u dont give a **** about street fighter, and the second i say im going to finally concentrate on street fighter after throwing it in the back seat for so long i hear u ***** and moan about how smash is going to be lame now, im lame, u have no one to play against now(despite having eraser, ausp, sinji and taj) and then u go out an decide to play street fighter seriously. iz a gyal out ting imho


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
i just find it funny that u dont give a **** about street fighter, and the second i say im going to finally concentrate on street fighter after throwing it in the back seat for so long i hear u ***** and moan about how smash is going to be lame now, im lame, u have no one to play against now(despite having eraser, ausp, sinji and taj) and then u go out an decide to play street fighter seriously. iz a gyal out ting imho
What? Look how long I've been saying that I was planning to get sf and play it seriously, I guess you've always thought I was joking, and I went out and got it today because I decided hey, if melee is going to be quieter, then I might as well get to it and continue with what I was planning to do either way. I even said it on Friday that I was going to get SF and main Juri (before Friday I said I was going to main Ibuki, and before SSF4 came out I said I was going to main Juri, but you probably didn't believe me), so stop acting like it's completely out of the blue.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
how is melee getting quieter? cuz 1 guy is taking a small break? its going to be noisier than before now that the area players see us as rivals

and u said u were goin to play street fighter 4 an use chun li and u never did, u said u were goin to play super wen it comes out and now its 2 months in. funny how me sayin i want a break from melee to play it inspires you to go out and buy it OUT OF THE BLUE. with no prior talk except from months ago or any remote interest on ur part in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
how is melee getting quieter? cuz 1 guy is taking a small break? its going to be noisier than before now that the area players see us as rivals

and u said u were goin to play street fighter 4 an use chun li and u never did, u said u were goin to play super wen it comes out and now its 2 months in. funny how me sayin i want a break from melee to play it inspires you to go out and buy it OUT OF THE BLUE. with no prior talk except from months ago or any remote interest on ur part in the game.
You know, if you ask Timothy I'm sure he'll know that I've been talking about getting SF4 for a while now. -_- Why would I spend 9 grand out of the blue for no reason? and I said I was going to get SF4 and use Chun, but then I decided that super is close, so it doesn't make sense that I get it, and after playing around with Chun a bit, I decided she wasn't for me, so I then said I wanted to main Juri when super comes out, which is what I'm doing, you saying you want a break from melee didn't 'inspire' me to go out and buy it, I just did what I was always planning to do anyway, it'd have happened eventually, I didn't know you were -this- adverse to me playing SF, sheesh; as in I expected to be fought out over this but not to these levels.

and wtf from before, don't give a **** about SF? You must be confusing SF with guilty gear, that's the only fighting game I've ever told you that I straight up didn't like playing.


Smash Rookie
Apr 9, 2010
Yeah, he's been talking abt SF4 for a while and that's one of the reasons why he would play 3s at school.
Seriously though, it's another guy picking up THE GAME. Be happy about it.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
I didn't say I wasn't gonna take Melee seriously. Just not now cause I want to level up in Street Fighter.
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