That sounds to me like a good excuse. Does Iraq seriously need oil right now? They are going to sell it. And who else but us would be their main customer? *psst* (Do you mind giving us a "small" discount? We "liberated" your nation after all.)
Of course Iraq needs oil. It is basically the only product they have. How else would they drive an economy? And of course America would try to get a discount. And if Iraq decides to give us a discount great! But do you really think we are going to recoup the expenses of this 'war' by getting 5% off on probably less than 10% of our future oil supply?
The better question is, when have businesses not been up to anything nasty? Especially when they are getting poor media coverage.
And I suppose this pure coincidence that the company who's making the most profit off this war is one in which Cheney owns a large portion of? Their stock has risen incredibly.
Really? A country bankrolled by the government to help run a war, has seen its stocks rise? And the vice president, who worked successfully with the company during the Iraq war of the early 90's suggested using the company again? Will wonders ever cease?
Seriously, just because a business is big, does not make it evil. Of course you could name a few that have done nasty things, Enron, etc. But it is no different than small business, or even individuals. In a given group, most are good, and some are bad. It is just the way it works. How many hundreds, or thousands of big businesses are there that you have never heard of, because they aren't doing evil things or have a vice president investor? So until you have some REAL evidence that Halliburton is doing nasty things, why would you just assume they are?
The truth is that big businesses are owned by people. If you have a retirement plan, a 401K, a mutual fund, own stock, or any number of other investments, you probably own shares of several big businesses. Any profits they make go to the people who own a share. Without big business, more than half the people in this country would be broke, or have to work the rest of their lives because they can't retire.
Iran would have put up a far more solid defense considering that the country is absolutely not in chaos, there is more land to cover, negative OPEC negotiations would rip us apart, and we had not much reason other than the hostage crisis to invade it. Invading Iran is lunacy. We can't even invade countries in chaos properly like Vietnam and Iraq, how do we expect to invade Iran?
Not in chaos? Iran has an 'admitted' unemployment rate of over 10% (experts think it is closer to 25%) and an 'admitted' annual inflation rate of 20% (experts think it is actually over 40%) With the sanctions put on Iran by other countries, the only thing they can export is oil and they have to import gas because they don't have their own refineries.
Vietnam was a mess because of hippie liberal protesters and their puppets in congress. Vietnam could have been won in less than a year had everybody just let the military do what needed to be done. Vietnam was underfunded, didn't have nearly enough soldiers, and was an uphill fight against our own people. It had nothing to do with the North Vietnamese.
And just exactly how are we losing Iraq? We already won in Iraq. The 'war' is over. Right now we are just establishing a military and a government and fighting off insurgents. The actual 'invasion' was over a long time ago.
Did you know the last remnants of Saddams nuclear program (including a large stockpile of 'yellowcake') were shipped out of Iraq recently. The shipment landed in a port in Canada on Saturday. The Iraqi government (that we are successfully building) sold the uranium to Canada to be used for energy.
Wait... Saddam had a nuclear program? He had 550 metric tons of natural 'yellowcake' uranium, the seed material for weapons grade uranium cores? But I thought the UN inspectors said there wasn't anything like that in Iraq? No WMDs, no nuclear program, nothing. Huh.
There is a debate going on about the oil tapping in Alaska. Looks like it takes too long to prepare, tap, and ship. We apparently need it here and now.
There certainly is. And yes, it will take a while. But here is what Obama and the media aren't telling you.
If the US announced tomorrow that it will drill in Alaska for sure, the price of oil would drop over night. Just knowing the US will supply that much oil in the future is enough to drop the price in the world free market oil trade. It relieves the concern over oil supply shortages.
And really, who cares if it takes 5 years, or 10 years? Why bother going to college? You won't get the benefits of it for a long time. Why bother exercising? You won't look like Brad Pitt for a long time.
You have to start some time. The sooner the better. "But it won't be here for another 10 years!" Was Billdo Clintons excuse. If we had started drilling then, we would be complaining about $2.00 gas now.
The real concern people have with drilling in Alaska is the caribou. Nobody wants to interrupt the migration pattern of the caribou.
Well the Area of Alaska we want to drill in is 19,000,000 acres. The drilling facility will occupy just over 2000 acres. If the caribo