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The Ideals of the Traditionalist


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
Link to original post: [drupal=3820]The Ideals of the Traditionalist[/drupal]

First, yes, I would like to say Traditionalists.

But as far as I know, I am the only one to exist.

Anyway, I should likely start off with start off with what I stand for, as the Traditionalist.

And what better way to do that than Q&A format? Well, I'm sure there's something, but guess what? I don't really care.

Q: What the heck is a Traditionalist?
A: Well, a Traditionalist is a Smasher who does not use super advanced technical techniques. Specifically those with very narrow windows of execution, or those that abuse or exploit the physics engine. As such, he's never going to win a tournament. But he does focus well on the mental aspect of the game and he probably has more fun than your average Smasher.

Q: You're nuts! Why would you use a playstyle that you know would never win a tournament??
A: Well, this will be answered in the essay section here. But suffice it to say I'm not nuts.

Q: So essentially, Traditionalist is a nice name for n00b.
A: That's not a question, person who wrote the questions. Which was me...

I'll address it anyway. A Traditionalist is not a n00b. A Traditionalist has a very high understanding of the mental aspect of SSB. A n00b doesn't. The only difference between a Traditionalist and a Professional Smasher is that a Traditionalist does not use extremely technical techniques.

Q: So you use no ATs at all?
A: No. Untrue. A Traditionalist simply does not use ATs that are TOO technical or that exploit the physics engine.

Q: So what ATs do Traditionalists not use?
A: In Melee: wavedashing, wavelanding, l-cancel, shffl (though shff can be used), among others that exploit the game, such as crouch canceling or jump canceling.
In Brawl: running U-Smash, crouch canceling, fox-trotting, any pseudo-wavedash, or anything else that exploits the physics engine.

Q: Those lists are kind of long. What ATs DO you use?
A: Short-Hop, SHFF, teching, edgehogging, chainthrowing (to a certain extent, say, 50%), powershielding, and other things I can't think of.

About the Traditionalist:
(Well, for this segment I'll use the other name I was considering for the Traditionalist Movement, the Grassroots Movement of Smash. Which you can use if you want, they're interchangeable.)

Why Grassroots, you ask? Well, it may come as a surprise to you pros, but we're not all gods. If that sentence offends you, substitute the word superheroes, I don't wish to offend. But anyway, we don't all have incredibly fast fingers, the kind necessary to wavedash, or use other techniques. And basically what we've been told by the community is that you cannot win without the wavedash or SHFFL, or basically performing minute operations within a tiny frame of time (yes, Brawl too). The Grassroots hopes to open competitive Smash to more people. People who understand the way the game works, but simply don't have the capacity to consistently wavedash. Or whatever.

The idea is this: We can be good too. Very good. Maybe not champions, but certainly pros. YOU DON'T NEED TECHNICAL SKILL TO WIN.

Plus, I think that the Grassroots will be beneficial to the community. Think about the metagames of Melee and Brawl right now. Brawl still has a thriving tournament scene, but most of the players main Meta Knight or Snake. Which ruins the fun, since you're playing the same two characters 80-90% of the time. As for Melee, the competitive scene is dying. Just look at the latest tier list for proof. A three way tie at the top indicates a dying metagame, since none of those three stand out from the rest.

Grassroots Smash would inject a new life into the metagame. It would be INTERESTING, and accessible! I think Grassroots could save Smash.

Finally, to close:

Goals of Grassroots:
-for 425 to break onto the tournament scene within 2 years playing Traditionalist style Smash.
-for 425 or another Smasher to place in the top 3 of a fairly major tournament using Grassroots style within 5 years.
-for Grassroots to become a commonly accepted style of play within 7 years.
-for Grassroots to gain a large enough following within 5-7 years to be able to operate Grassroots-only events, events where a Traditionalist can win a tournament.
-to balance Brawl, either by finding counters to Meta Knight using Grassroots, or by getting the BBR to finally ban him.

(Yes, I am pro-ban)

Feel free to ask questions or debate with me about how I'll never be good and whatnot.

I may eventually post about this in the Brawl or Melee boards, but I want to see a general reaction in User Blogs before I go out with this. And this is in no way a comprehensive FAQ. This is just my thoughts.

Oh, and please don't discuss the banning of Meta Knight here. This is not the idea of this Blog.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
It can't be done. To use a really poor analogy, you're trying to build a house while only using half the necessary tools.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2009
Hamilton ON CA
What ATs DO you use?
A: Short-Hop, SHFF, teching, edgehogging, chainthrowing (to a certain extent, say, 50%), powershielding, and other things I can't think of.
Those aren't ATs. I don't understand the point of this ideology at all. Yes, understanding of the game is more important than techskill, but there's really no reason to intentionally omit ATs from your playstyle.

Honestly, it just makes the game more boring than it already is.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Every technique you named in brawl is either not used...or an advanced technique.

In melee, you are just too lazy to practice to get up to speed. I couldn't L cancel, wavedash, moonwalk, waveland, waveshine, multishine etc...when I just started playing...but I can now because I practiced.

There is no way there will be a person to make it out....

Wow, you are dumb. I actually dislike you as a person for posting this idea.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
You think Melee is dying because of a tie at the top of the tier list.

I don't even need to put an insult in after that, seriously what is I don't even...what? You're intentionally limiting yourself to **** any good player could reasonably use and claiming it would somehow make one focus more on the mental aspect and fun even though all it does is needlessly limit stuff. Not like there are pros out there that can do rather well without having the best tech skill, and if that's not screaming enough sarcasm, just go watch Daigo play and keep repeating that sentence.


El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
This isn't a diss, I'm just wondering. Why don't you want to learn advanced techniques? Especially if you want to break into the tournament scene?

I mean, I used to play the game the way you describe, but that's because I was playing casually. When I first got interested in tournaments, I had to look up and learn what the other competitors were doing. If you're not good at something, but you want to be good, it seems to me that your time would be better spent trying to acquire the skills you need rather than justifying why you don't need those skills.

On the other hand, if you want to get together with other like-minded people and play the game your way, that's fine too. It just doesn't seem possible to do well in tournaments using the playing style you talk about here.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'd like to point something out.

A: In Melee: wavedashing, wavelanding, l-cancel, shffl (though shff can be used), among others that exploit the game, such as crouch canceling or jump canceling.
In Brawl: running U-Smash, crouch canceling, fox-trotting, any pseudo-wavedash, or anything else that exploits the physics engine.
Wavedashing was programmed into the game. That's why you get the 10 frames of lag. Nor does it need extremely complex inputs (unless you're missing a hand or something)

L-cancelling was also programmed into the game (as Z-cancelling was for SSB64) - the input isn't too small of a window frame and with a few minutes of practice you can get it down habitiually to L-cancel most aerials.

SHFFL is just inputs for a move. Nothing abusive. Not using it is stupid, using it 100% of the time requires a lot of quick inputs. I can see why you wouldn't use it.

Running U-smash was programmed into the game. -_-

Fox trotting is just running back and forward. Nobody actually would want to use it because of tripping.

None of the AT's you listed were really AT's... just basic functions of the game.

Actually... why am I even replying to this blog?

*goes back to reading my manga*


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
Yay hostility! Now it's time to refute:

@Jam Stunna

I accept that as an opinion. I think that it CAN be done, but you were basically respectful instead of like, flaming or something, so, yeah. Thanks for that.


It was my belief that ATs and tech skills were two different things. The way I understood it, those are ATs, but not technical skills.

And the game is only as boring as the respective playstyles of the combatants. I cannot stand to watch Brawl matches because they are so campy and boring. If I play without techs, but I go straight after my enemy and make it a fight, that has nothing to do with my use of tech skills. It has to do with my playstyle, which in that case is aggressive. Likewise, a "normal" player could play the same way.

The ideology is that you do not need extremely fast fingers to be good in Smash. It will be hard, but I hold that it is possible. Certainly, some characters I cannot see using this playstyle. These include Snake in Brawl, and Doc and DK in Melee just to name a few. But characters like Marth or (I hate saying this) Meta Knight could excel.


Yes, I do believe that a tie for #1 is the sign of a dying metagame. If you have three characters who cannot differentiate between each other, you do not have enough people playing Melee for there to be adequate tournament results to prove one better than the others.

As far as me claiming that not using tech skill will increase focus on the mental game, I made NO SUCH CLAIM. I said that a player who literally does not have the finger speed to use tech skills needs to have an incredible mental understanding of the game in order to be successful, but that it is possible.

@El Nino

Thank you! No flame, no diss, simply cohesive argument and question.

Why do I not learn advanced techniques (technical skill)?

It is not for lack of trying. I am not very good at it, after years of practice. I can hardly wavedash at all, and still struggle to short hop before warming up.

As for looking up to see what competitors are doing:

I suppose part of it is being different. I don't want to play like every other Marth or Sheik or whatever. If I can be very good at Grassroots, I can be a different opponent. A challenge, a different enemy than the norm.

Justifying? No no, there is a choice to play a different style, where I can be successful in a different way!

A general point: I suppose there's confusion about the difference between ATs and Tech Skill. ATs, IMO, are things that the casual play does not know of, but the competitive, advanced player does. Tech Skill, IMO, is advanced techniques that require very quick, immediate inputs that come down to a few frames.

As for the poster who "dislikes" me "as a person for posting this idea", I will not offer a response.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
You're intentionally limiting yourself to an extent that you're essentially trying to play on the level of a mentally challenged individual, or someone who was in a tragic accident has left their hands all but unusable. You've yet to prove that you have any knowledge of the game to begin with, and thinking you could make a game style based around playing like a scrub isn't even worth laughing at.

L canceling isn't hard or an exploit, same with wavedashing. L canceling gives you more options rather than less, you want to take away options to make the game better, that's possible the most ignorant thing I've heard in quite some time.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
And my faith in the world evaporates in an instant.

When I posted this, I expected people to say it couldn't be done.

I expected people to give good reasons why it was impossible.

Instead, I was basically called an idiot and even mentally challenged for thinking that ATs weren't necessary to compete.

Once I get a respectful, cohesive argument I may respond, but, well....

I'm still going to try, and see what I can do. I realize it's a long shot.

But I won't stand here and be insulted over a video game.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'm going to start playing without using my B button. See how far that gets me.

Limiting yourself is no use to the world. Those who have accomplished the impossible did not do it by sticking with what was known. They went into uncharted territory - explored it. Broke a few things along the way, but came back with knowledge that no other person in the world could claim to know.

If you want to prove yourself, move beyond that which is known. Don't do the opposite and stick with what is commonly known.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Okay, some of the responses have been rude, but we're all saying the same thing: what you're proposing is impossible. That's not an opinion, it's fact, because you're not actually developing a gameplay philosophy (as misguided as it would be), but, as El Nino said, you're attempting to justify your decision not to learn ATs (and as another poster pointed out, most of what you listed are not ATs or game exploits, but simple techniques that were programmed into the game).

I don't play Jiggs, but you can be pretty good with her without wavedashing, shffling, or l-canceling. It doesn't require an entire philosophical framework to play Jiggs. If you don't want to learn the techniques that most of the cast requires to win, then play a character that doesn't require them.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
Basically, with a stunningly mediocre metaphor here, I have several ways to go from New York to Los Angeles. I can take a train, car, plane, or I can walk.

What I'm being told is, if I don't take the plane, which is the fastest way, then I'm wrong. If I want to take, say, a train, then I'm wrong for not doing what everyone is doing and going about it in the same way.

Reading over that again, that metaphor made no sense, so I'll try something else.

The ultimate goal in SSB, simplified to its most basic form, is the following:
To build up your enemy's damage, knock him off the stage and prevent his return to it 4 times before he does the same to you. I'm sure we can agree on that.

If I can achieve that goal, it doesn't matter how I did it.

I'll try the NY to LA metaphor again. If everyone else is taking the plane and no one uses the train, but I see the train's potential, and build a train going from NY to LA at the same speed as the plane, for a lower fuel cost, no one laughs at me and I have the same success as everyone, making a name for myself in the process. No one would poke fun at me for that.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
I'll see you there after getting my name in the history books for inventing a super high speed train while your legacy is that of the person who flew on the airplane.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Basically, with a stunningly mediocre metaphor here, I have several ways to go from New York to Los Angeles. I can take a train, car, plane, or I can walk.

What I'm being told is, if I don't take the plane, which is the fastest way, then I'm wrong. If I want to take, say, a train, then I'm wrong for not doing what everyone is doing and going about it in the same way.

Reading over that again, that metaphor made no sense, so I'll try something else.

The ultimate goal in SSB, simplified to its most basic form, is the following:
To build up your enemy's damage, knock him off the stage and prevent his return to it 4 times before he does the same to you. I'm sure we can agree on that.

If I can achieve that goal, it doesn't matter how I did it.

I'll try the NY to LA metaphor again. If everyone else is taking the plane and no one uses the train, but I see the train's potential, and build a train going from NY to LA at the same speed as the plane, for a lower fuel cost, no one laughs at me and I have the same success as everyone, making a name for myself in the process. No one would poke fun at me for that.
Here is the key difference, the game is already built and you can't change what is in there but rather discover what it can do. Your building an entirely new train, not using the previous one from before.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Here is the key difference, the game is already built and you can't change what is in there but rather discover what it can do. Your building an entirely new train, not using the previous one from before.
And to add to that, in your example, you make a better train.

In Grassroots Smash, you make an arguably worse one.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
There is no destination for SSB. It's a competition.

To put a more accurate metaphor.

We're all trained athletes who put hours of practice to become the very best.
You've decided to break your legs and tell us you can beat us in a running contest.

Not going to happen...


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Why do you think that the use of ATs hinders the mental aspects of Smash?

That's so wrong... I... I can't even explain how wrong that is.

You know what, let me actually explain some things here. First, let me say that I'm speaking in terms of Melee, not Brawl.
You claim to have good knowledge in Smash as a game. That's fine, but your lack of knowledge of ATs (and their uses, their affect on gameplay, the depth they add, etc) is a problem. If Mango were to play Falco and never l-cancel, wavedash, or use any other "exploits," he would not win tournaments. I can guarantee this. Under your train of thought, you seem to be inferring that this is because Mango simply doesn't have a deep enough knowledge of the game outside of technical skill. This is simply wrong. Mango understands this game better than anyone else right now.

Let me explain why ATs are necessary to win on a competitive level. ATs do nothing but open up more options. In isolation, a wavedash does nothing for a player. However, with good knowledge and application, it opens up options that couldn't be accomplished before. Without l-canceling, suddenly Falco cannot perform nearly any of his combos, and he becomes much worse.

Now, I want to explain to you that the metaphor you used about getting to LA/NYC is flawed. Someone running to LA from Florida will never beat someone flying to LA. Can the person who's running win? No. Not unless something goes wrong on the flight. Bringing the metaphor back to Smash... a person who does not use ATs can win. However, at a certain level (a tournament level), this only happens in fluke matches, basically. By refusing to use ATs, you are only gimping your ability to play well and win. You are purposely making yourself worse. And I mean objectively worse. You are limiting yourself.

The only situation where one who refuses to use ATs will beat one who does use them is in casual gameplay. This is because in casual gameplay, skill gaps can be much larger. The "grassroots" player could simply be that much better than his opponent. However, this logic does not apply to the tournament scene. In the tournament scene, players are expected to be at a higher level of skill. At this higher level, every advantage and disadvantage you give yourself becomes much, much more impacting.

Much of this may be written extremely poorly. I have a lot going through my head right now with finals and all, but I felt obligated to at least try to explain things.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
I'll respond to everyone else tomorrow when I have more time, but, I just need to give my rebuttal to this right now...

Why do you think that the use of ATs hinders the mental aspects of Smash?

That's so wrong... I... I can't even explain how wrong that is.
Me said:
As far as me claiming that not using tech skill will increase focus on the mental game, I made NO SUCH CLAIM. I said that a player who literally does not have the finger speed to use tech skills needs to have an incredible mental understanding of the game in order to be successful, but that it is possible.
Grassroots isn't me saying I'm better. Because I know I'm not and can never be as a Traditionalist.

Grassroots is the idea of opening Smash up to people who don't have the the fastest fingers in the world.

Susa, you say Smashers are like athletes. I agree. I respect everyone who has the ability to perform technical skills consistently. I respect you all greatly.

But there are people in this world who do not have the ability in their fingers to play SSB. I'm trying to go down a different road. Instead of using the ability that you guys have that I don't, I'm going to instead take another route. I know I can't be Peyton Manning without having Peyton Manning's arm. But if I have Peyton's mind and an above-average arm, I can probably make it to the NFL, I just won't be great.

I want to take a different route to victory.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Has anyone else noticed that 425 constantly chooses to ignore me?

If you challenge us to a running contest.
Then break both your kneecaps.
You're not going to win.

I said that a player who literally does not have the finger speed to use tech skills needs to have an incredible mental understanding of the game in order to be successful, but that it is possible.
That would be a hindrance to render them to such a great amount that they'd likely not be a viable player. Sorry, but if you're not able to train up to a competitive standard - you aren't going to be able to compete at that level.

All you are doing is trying to justify your inability to learn or practice up to a competitive level. Apply this to any competition (even outside of Brawl) and you're insane.

"I don't need to learn advanced Chess setups, I just have to be really good at Chess."
"I don't need to be able to pack a punch in Boxing, I only need to be able to take one."


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
hahahahahah this thread is so funny
Even though I'm TC, I agree, though likely for different reasons.

@SuSa, I just acknowledged you in my last post, but to expand, SSB isn't as straightforward as a race.

If I have above average tech ability TO THE NORMAL HUMAN, and poor to Smashers; but I have outstanding mental ability, then I can be just as good as a Smasher who has average ability for Smashers in both aspects.

I'm not running a race. SSB isn't that simple. I'm a quarterback with two bad knees. But I'm smart and have a great arm. I'm not very mobile, but I find other ways to make plays.

That doesn't happen, you say?

2003 Heisman Trophy Winner, 2004 Heisman Trophy Finalist (4th place)

Not exact, but you get the point.

1 in tech skill and 9 in mental ability = 10 overall = 5 in tech skill and 5 in mental ability.

Someone even stated earlier that mental ability is more important, but I'll give you that they're equally weighted.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
But there are people in this world who do not have the ability in their fingers to play SSB. I'm trying to go down a different road. Instead of using the ability that you guys have that I don't, I'm going to instead take another route. I know I can't be Peyton Manning without having Peyton Manning's arm. But if I have Peyton's mind and an above-average arm, I can probably make it to the NFL, I just won't be great.
Except you don't have an above-average arm. This is like me saying I can be a boxer, even if I can't take a punch (or throw one). I'll just do my own thing and hope I don't get my *** kicked.

No, not going to happen. That's just how life works. If you're not cut out to do something. You aren't cut out to do it. However - you can work your *** off. Practice, and strive (like what most of us do) and maybe one day you'll make the high quality cut.

But until you put in that dedication, you aren't going to get anywhere.

Shorter, more precise example:

No matter how much I study the brain and no matter how much I know about neurology. If I have unsteady hands, I can never be a neurosurgeon. That's just how life works. I'm that 90% brains and 10% skill. I still don't make the cut.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Also, just to clarify:

Do you know why all the top pros use these ATs? Because they had to use them to become... top pros.

Sorry, it's just the way it is.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Why are you guys arguing the importance of stuff like l canceling rather than arguing why making tournaments where people don't use them at all is ridiculous, I'm not getting it.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
I hope you take the time to read my edit.

I also hope this isn't a troll.
Reading edit now, I'm not a troll, do most trolls you know use metaphors?

I never said I could fight Mango. Mango would 4-stock me. I guarantee it.

I can beat my opponent if I know my opponent. If I know what to do when they slip up, which they eventually will, I can punish them for it and win. When the rain delay keeps your flight crew 2 hours late, I will spend those two hours running as hard as I can to Florida or wherever.

And I know I can't be a top pro my way, I just want to do moderately well.


I'm sorry, it may just be me, but I don't understand most of your metaphors.

Anyway, I'm willing to put in the practice and dedication. How else will I make up for my lack of tech skill? I want to put in my effort in places I know I can get better, not places where I've reached the plateau of my ability.

@Red Ryu and Falconv1.0

You have a point about the train. What I should do instead of building a better train is to change the one I have to minimize friction and maximizing energy output. The plane may still go 500 mph while my train goes 250, but the plane will likely run into more problems than my train, which gives me a fighting chance, which is all I want.

As for my train being arguably worse:

My train may be arguable worse than your plane, but my train now is better than my old train, so I'm not "making a worse train."

Falconv1.0 said:
Why are you guys arguing the importance of stuff like l canceling rather than arguing why making tournaments where people don't use them at all is ridiculous, I'm not getting it.
I expected more opposition in that area, admittedly.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
New York
Typical scrub mentality. Making your own rules and constructs for a game that already has rules and constructs. Then trying to pass it off as right with big words and strawman arguments. You say you chain grab but don't L cancel? Could that have anything to do with chain grabbing simply being easier and actually really effective. Hypocritical bull****? Yep!

Main point: No one ever said you must have tech skill to win. You also don't need to punch to win in MMA, but your still a moron for not learning how to do it. If your going to try and be good as something, you might as well put in actual effort. Learning half the game, then trying to justify it just makes you look even worse had you not even tried.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Ok, here, let me explain what I've been saying on a level that anyone can get.

You take out **** like l canceling, and you make the game slower, and take away options, making the game WORSE. DEFINITELY. WORSE. IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE, GO EDUCATE YOURSELF MORE ON REAL DEPTH.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
I love speed. L-Canceling is a waste, but speed...

MAKE THE GAME FASTER by all means!

Options, great! I support the wavedash, I wish it wasn't removed in Brawl. I just say I wouldn't use it.

Melee is a superior game to Brawl.

If SSB4 is slow, Brawl is superior to it.

I never said wavedashing is bad. L-Canceling is the 1 AT that I'm against.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Reading edit now, I'm not a troll, do most trolls you know use metaphors?

I never said I could fight Mango. Mango would 4-stock me. I guarantee it.

I can beat my opponent if I know my opponent. If I know what to do when they slip up, which they eventually will, I can punish them for it and win. When the rain delay keeps your flight crew 2 hours late, I will spend those two hours running as hard as I can to Florida or wherever.

And I know I can't be a top pro my way, I just want to do moderately well.
You're still not understand the affect of ATs.

Knowing your opponent doesn't matter if you don't have all the options at any given time. By not using ATs, you're eliminating options. You won't necessarily be able to punish your opponent. Not only is it possible that you simply won't have the option to punish, but ATs serve as a way to reduce the possibility of being punished.

Your metaphor assumes that there is a fluke. Once again, this is flawed logic. My 2-year-old sister can beat M2K with Pichu, provided he suicides four times. It's possible. It can happen. But it isn't realistic, and it's not something you take into account.

You are gimping yourself. There are people (coughmecough) who use all of these ATs to give them every advantage they can and still don't win. What makes you think that you will somehow perform so much better than these people while also gimping yourself? Let me remind you that in competitive play, the skill gap is much harder to widen. You can't just "be better" than your opponent all the time. It doesn't work like that. Especially when you're making yourself worse.

Also, why are you against l-canceling? You know it was put in the game intentionally right?


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
Define real conversation. I belief I provided adequate rebuttal to your argument, but I will summarize:

I support use of ATs. I merely am unable to use many of them.


I agree. I am gimping myself. I am lowering my chances of winning. I'm glad we agree here.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Define real conversation. I belief I provided adequate rebuttal to your argument, but I will summarize:

I support use of ATs. I merely am unable to use many of them.
Can you explain why you are unable to use them?

And before you tell me why you are unable to use them, there is a player named Broly I think you really need to look into...
(Protip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lljog39Ta0c&feature=related)


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2010
I don't have exact-frame reflexes. My fingers aren't very fast. Fast, but not VERY fast.

I have practiced, but am unable to execute them consistently.

So I decided to go on without them and do the best that I can.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
I don't have exact-frame reflexes. My fingers aren't very fast. Fast, but not VERY fast.

I have practiced, but am unable to execute them consistently.

So I decided to go on without them and do the best that I can.
No offense, but if a player like Broly can use ATs, you have no excuses.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Break the plateau then. That simple.

Unable to?
Keep trying.

Still can't?
Keep trying.

Still can't?
Keep trying or give up.

Still can't?
You should keep trying, but you can always give up.

Still can't?
Okay, now you should probably give up and accept the fact that this isn't your talent. Go find something you're actually good at.
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