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~// The Hawaii Thread \\~ V2.0


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
**** it rained today man

not true!
Hahaha jus jokes Tom. You have that killer instinct that always seems to propel you to victory. And you always seem to do amazing things when amazing things are needed to win. I have every confidence that you will beast in this game. And I'll keep doing my best as the voice of Hawaii. Although I would be scared beyond belief if Ken and PC chris found a way to break this game.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
let's walk before we run, eh?
More like crawling before standing. lolz

Bamboo Blade the anime is awesome. It really gives me hope that there are still fresh ideas for anime. It looks like it'll be longer than 20 some odd eps. I hope they do this show right.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I am on my way to securing the venue. I still need to find my parents home owners insurance policy.

This will most likely be a one day deal. Renting the venue for more than one day wouldn't be possible. I don't have enough money or I don't think I can make enough before that happens. Anyways this seems to be the most clear cut deal and easiest for me to negotiate with so I'm gonna go with it.

Tentative date available are July 6th, 20th, 27th or Aug 3rd, 9th and 10th.

I know for everyone in grade school the first day is like July 30th or something. But that may not apply to all schools. I think the only people that will be in grade school will be Tom, and Shoyo. I think everyone else will stay grad by then.

I would personally like to do this on the 9th of August mainly because it's the only Saturday within reason that's available. I will also check the month of May just to make sure. June is book solid.

Please please please let me know if you can help me with this. Official thread will be made once I come home later. I need to go down to the center and speak with them in more detail and fill out forms etc. I wish there wasn't so much liability involved but oh well. That's what happens.

Please Hawaii. Help me make this a reality.

Btw this post is quite epic for my 1900th one.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
a little heads up, i am able to borrow my friend's brawl for this weekend and i wish for a brawl fest. the sad thing is i will be studying friday for SAT on saturday. so the only real free day over the weekend is sunday. i really hope someone can open up his place for a brawl fest and people with brawl to gather up. it'll be fun! i hope.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Edited: Some better news. Called the venue again. Looks like they should be able to look up my homeowners insurance since it's the Neighborhood Default insurance. Lets pray that this goes well so I can put down the deposit and seal the deal by tomorrow or Weds.

This week is gonna suck *** for me. I'm not sure what I'm doing on Sunday but I'll try to make it. I won't be giving out rides though. Just sayin. And Eugene I'm putting your video on hold. I have a better idea of the footage I'll need to make this an actual tutorial video. If I can meet up with you at some time this week that would be great. For now I'll just do Gimpy's video.

Post edited above. Also I am shooting for August 9th. I'll explain more later. If anyone would like to volunteer their artistic talents and make a poster or flyer via photoshop or whatever please let me know. And only if you're serious. Let me know and I'll give you the details.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
how much do you need for the venue bobby?
Here are the costs I have calculated so far.

Pre deposit is $235.00.

Actual Room Rental is $400.00. (I have to check if the $235 is deducted from this)

Mandatory Police on duty is $202.00.

Venue comes with a stage, tables and chairs to sit 350 people max.

I won't be using the PA system just because it's more money and more liabilities.

Other costs/items will include....
Food/Pot Luck for the night of the tourny. (I do not want to cater)
TVs Systems and Power Bars (I need as MANY of these as I can get)
Camera, Cam Corders, Laptop to run brackets

But this is all a long time coming. But I really don't trust myself so I want to start on this NOW. lolz I really really want to do a good job on this.

I'll probably pay the pre deposit sometime either tomorrow or day after.

Tom's last post reeks of irony.

Edit: Possible Gimpyfish fund if he is free that week. :]


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Soooooooo *****. XD

The following OOS have expressed great interest in coming to Hawaii this summer for my tournament "Dark Magic Attack."

PC Chris, Forward (just spoke to him last night), Eggz, and Ka Master

Here are some ideas that I have in the works, and as I learn more about the venue and costs and more importantly how many people will be entering, I'll adjust.

I'd like to run a Melee Singles Double Elimination (no pools just straight to brackets) <--Forward's Idea
Brawl Singles Double Elimination (with pools done the night before)
Brawl Teams Double Elimination (no pools)

So we'll see how this goes. If it doesn't look like we'll have time for teams I may oust that. Depends on the number of entrants.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Did something come up on Sunday?

I think if both Terence and Waipahu can make it on Sunday should keep um that way. Two wiis=nice.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
kapolei is always here to help bobs :) i kno jose is always glad to help as long as were not out of the country or like a 5k party at the waterpark when the tourny is going then shiits cool


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
kapolei is always here to help bobs :) i kno jose is always glad to help as long as were not out of the country or like a 5k party at the waterpark when the tourny is going then shiits cool
Thanks Frankie! :] That's awesome.
Funny thing is I just saw Jose today at Campus Center. I saw him sitting at a table and I was like "is that jose? naaah" It was. O_O lolz
He's very into this idea. He says that Tony has to come. I'll hope that you guys will be either free or can take off work for that weekend.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Lol you should work less weekends man. And you best be free when it's August.


**** that venue. People up there deliberately lie to me. Saying their manager will be in today and that she'll call me back. Then I go up there talk to two different workers and they tell me that the manager is on vacation. What a **** load of fawk. Homeowners insurance is NOT required and yet it is if I want to use this venue. Fawk dis man. I'm gonna go look up s'more places. I'm thinking about asking my church, but that is my last resort. If anybody and I mean ANYBODY knows of ANY venues (rec centers, large rooms, lounges, social halls ANYTHING) in their area that you've either been to or have rented in the past PLEASE let me know.

Thanks. :]

Update again...my mother is going to check down at the rec center herself. Personally I think she's wasting her time but at least they can BS her. She's also going to talk to her sister and I might be able to secure the Mililani Rec Center now. I'm praying very hard right now. >_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
Honolulu, HI
Brawl fest this weekend? That kinda sucks... Saturday I work late and Sunday I work til 4 then have a family dinner.

Although... if you guys are in need of a place I can see if you can come over to my dad's house where we'll be having dinner lol. He lives in Manoa valley on Woodlawn Drive if anyone knows where that is. I don't think he would be too against me bringing a crowd for dinner and Brawl. There's plenty of room and I could just run down to the marketplace to pick up more food. Plus my Gamecube is there so if you guys want to be cruel you can humiliate my cousins in Melee ^_^

But if you guys already have a place in mind then that's fine too. If not I can ask my dad when he gets home...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2007
There's star of the sea cafeteria next to Kahala mall, great graduation party place. Idk how it would be for gaming but w/e.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
Honolulu, HI
lol my bad, I meant for this weekend smash fest. Do you guys already have a place and time set?

I don't think my dad's place could hold a huge tournament like the one you're planning, although my church probably could. It's Honolululu Christian Church and it's pretty close to UH.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Actually Daniel, a church would be an ideal venue. I planned on asking my Church only as a last resort because I don't know if they would want to hold a tournament there. Y'know what I mean. But hey if your church is up for it please let me know. If you could get back to me with 1. Wether they would do it or not. 2. Would they allow us to use the church for more than a day and for how many hours. ( i know this sounds unreasonable but you know how long OC3 took) and 3. What sort of compensation would they want in exchange?
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