Oh guys... I know this is kinda off topic, but I just thought of something..
As we know, this is what we know of the NX so far:
-It's a new console in development
-It is NOT intended to replace either the Wii U, or 3DS lines..
-It is NOT mobile/android based.. Fans speculated this, but the devs promptly shut it down..
Iwata mentions this thing is a dedicated video game platform.. yet it isn't intended to replace either of their main consoles lines...
Of course, that leaves the question: What the heck is it then? XD
Well... after pondering it for awhile.. I think something just clicked for me...
...What if Nintendo is making a new platform, that is Indie devoted?....
When you think about it, indie devs don't really technically "have" a dedicated platform to work on.. I mean you could argue that is the PC, but that is mostly due to Valve's Steam.. and that primarily works as a library. So far there hasn't been a dedicated console that is FULLY dedicated to indie developers. The big devs let them port the games to their consoles.. however they are still limited in the fact that their is often big quality control, and mostly successful indies are allowed to pop into their consoles... (Like Terraria, Shovel Knight, and the likes of that..)
If Nintendo created an Indie devoted platform.. it would be a game changer. It would make indie titles more accessible and up front to the public.. Since it would be indie devoted, they could be more loose on what titles they let work for the console. More indie titles would be present on it in general than what you see from the competition. There would still be quality control mind you, as Nintendo is still Nintendo. Hey... maybe they could even give the devs a shot at making side titles for some of Nintendo's big name IPs?.. (if they had the stuff for it that is XD)
Considering how some franchises don't always get to be in the spotlight on the main consoles... Perhaps they could get the attention they deserve on that new theoretical console as well? It would also explain why they are planning on making a Metroid title on the NX..
Of course, all that said, it mostly a BIG LONG SHOT... It all really depends on what they are actually planning over there... but hey. Nintendo has done some innovative and crazy stunts before.. So I definitely wouldn't put it past em.. Heck it's also the only reason I can think of for Nintendo to be making a THIRD console line.. (especially considering their Main home console line had been recovering from a bad start a few years ago..)
But hey, that's just a theory! A GAME (Developer?) THEORY! Thanks for reading! (..I've always wanted to say that XD)