People act like Indies don't deserve a spot in Smash, with spots apparently "meant" for other "iconic" 3rd party characters.
1. Being "iconic" should matter as much as
having good games 
, let alone having recent games at all.
2. Nintendo, out of all companies, is embracing Indies most. They want to push these characters as much as they want to push the next Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. Want to know why?
...It's the general cycle of mascots in the media. Yes, they can be popular, and known by many for generations... But... Let's face it: There will come a day where these once world-famous characters will be
So... What happens from there? Where are the new digital avatars to play with? Where are the new friends we can make and new experiences we can share with them?
That's where the indies come in.
They're recent. They fit in a modern world. They're made by those who loved gaming heroes from past ans want to create new heroes for the future. They seem simple and small at first, but will soon grow, and become the next big thing. I think that Nintendo realizes this, without even knowing it.
Shovel Knight may become the next Mario.
Shantae and Juan (Guacamelee) can become the next Zelda or Metroid.
Gunvolt and Beck (If he manages to get things straight) could be the new Mega Man.
Sash Lilac and her friends may become the new Sonic the Hedgehog. (and make correct decisions about what to do with the franchise kappa)
Nintendo, one of the most famous gaming companies in existence, are exposing the heroes of tomorrow to the masses with the 3DS and Wii U, and want them to succeed. Just as they did with many heroes from the days of the NES.