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The Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town, Shantae for SSB4 (WayForward wants her in Smash)


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Here are larger versions of my drawings, I didn't realize the thumbnails were so small for these


BTW, a bit of a confession to make, whenever I think of ideas for these two, I can't help but imagine a duet between Cristina Vee and Antony Del Rio of Frozen's "Love is an Open Door" If Shantae makes it into Smash, I WILL push this pairing to become the next "Little Mac X Samus" (even though I prefer Little Mac X Wii Fit Trainer) I don't care, this is one ship I'm willing to go down with. (...Good Lord, what am I doing with my life?)

Also, should I color these?
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Here are larger versions of my drawings, I didn't realize the thumbnails were so small for theseView attachment 72858

View attachment 72859
BTW, a bit of a confession to make, whenever I think of ideas for these two, I can't help but imagine a duet between Cristina Vee and Antony Del Rio of Frozen's "Love is an Open Door" If Shantae makes it into Smash, I WILL push this pairing to become the next "Little Mac X Samus" (even though I prefer Little Mac X Wii Fit Trainer) I don't care, this is one ship I'm willing to go down with. (...Good Lord, what am I doing with my life?)

Also, should I color these?
500% CUTE


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
In terms of 3rd parties, I only see either Snake, Shantae, or Rayman. Sakurai has clearly stated "3rd party characters with no future are rarely chosen." (Low and behold, Mega Man's making a comeback. I'm not sure how long Pac-Man and Sonic's reboot/spinoffs are going to hold out, and SF5 looks fantastic)

Ballot or no ballot, Smash does have a "business" side behind it, and I think they would want to put a character, 3rd or 1st party with either an on-going and sucessful series or played an enourmous part in Nintendo's history. ROB and Duck Hunt were the products that really sold the NES and got gaming out of it's gutter since the crash of '83, and Game & Watch was what made Nintendo popular in gaming, along with some of their arcade games.

Shantae and Wayforward have the highest rated and best selling original games on DSiWare and eShop, Rayman does have a surprisingly good Nintendo legacy, with Ubisoft being one of the last 3rd parties that actually care about Nintendo, and Snake... I want him to come back, but after all the recent news about Konami, and them rudely firing Kojima, who Sakurai considered a close friend and the reason Snake got in Smash in the first place, I'm not 100% sure that Sakurai wants to reward them for that.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2015
Hi guys.

Am I bad person for really wanting Shantae as DLC, even though I have never once played or seen her games?


Please don't hate me
Hey I haven't played the games either and she's still my top choice. I unfortunately am a broke, jobless college student who has no money for games that I don't already have. However there are so many reasons to want her just from looking at game trailers that it's no contest for me.
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Keyblade Master
Sep 10, 2015
oh yeah its about 4 otherwise, keep mixing the prices up XD

i have all the dlc so far, smash is one of the few games i will bother doing it for.,


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
Yeah if you just buy the WII U version then it is cheaper. I can't wait for October 3rd.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
lol. *sigh* Eh... I always have bad luck. My art ain't that good to begin with so... not a big loss or anything. Just the way life is for me. I say it'll stay up. 'Course with me saying that it might not....
Don't be so hard on yourself :p. I think it was great... (I mean it was obviously perfect enough to make some random moderator feel uncomfortable.... heh heh.. XD)

I do bet it was just so random mod coming across it, getting uncomfortable seeing it, and banning it just because of that... either that or a troll.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
In terms of 3rd parties, I only see either Snake, Shantae, or Rayman. Sakurai has clearly stated "3rd party characters with no future are rarely chosen." (Low and behold, Mega Man's making a comeback. I'm not sure how long Pac-Man and Sonic's reboot/spinoffs are going to hold out, and SF5 looks fantastic)

Ballot or no ballot, Smash does have a "business" side behind it, and I think they would want to put a character, 3rd or 1st party with either an on-going and sucessful series or played an enourmous part in Nintendo's history. ROB and Duck Hunt were the products that really sold the NES and got gaming out of it's gutter since the crash of '83, and Game & Watch was what made Nintendo popular in gaming, along with some of their arcade games.

Shantae and Wayforward have the highest rated and best selling original games on DSiWare and eShop, Rayman does have a surprisingly good Nintendo legacy, with Ubisoft being one of the last 3rd parties that actually care about Nintendo, and Snake... I want him to come back, but after all the recent news about Konami, and them rudely firing Kojima, who Sakurai considered a close friend and the reason Snake got in Smash in the first place, I'm not 100% sure that Sakurai wants to reward them for that.
Too be honest, at this point... I really do hope Veteran fighters, be them first party, third party, or whatever, come back as more pre-ballot DLC... or don't come back at all. I'd be fine seeing em Smash 5 but... The more veterans and clones we get out of the ballot, the less time their team will have to work on NEW blood, and ultimately the less new faces we'll see...

3rd party character with no future was mentioned, during the initial development of the game.... but I'm sure if a classic, "dead" character were to get enough votes, I'm sure they'd work em in. I mean it is a fan ballot. Either way, Smash does have a business side to it.. and the whole DLC concept does too to be honest.

This DLC is paid DLC, thus fans/smashers will actually have to buy it. If a character wouldn't get much attention/wouldn't be purchased, I doubt they would make it in.. (as that would mean a waste of resources, and time..)

So really, there are some definite factors that will probably go into play..:

1. The character has to have originated from a video game

That rule is arguably one of the most notable, and important. Infact, it was the only rule specified for the ballot. This, of course ultimately rules out anime characters, movie characters, and cartoon characters. (So sorry guys. No Goku, Shrek, or Naruto XD)
Of course.. Freddy Fazbear does "technically" pass this rule... however, regardless of what you actually think of the FNAF series, the animatronic is from a horror game... whether or not that would rain on the bear's parade is of course up for debate.

2. The character has to sell

Obviously, this wasn't "mentioned" as a rule, but it's definitely something that would be a key factor, no matter what.. as it would ultimately decide whether the character was worth the time or not. This, is arguably probably one of the main reasons the ballot was started to begin with..: So Nintendo could get an idea of what characters, were heavily popular, and which ones didn't receive votes at all. Sorta like a "which characters have profit potential" sort of thing.

I might expand upon these rules later... see if I can think of any more valid points.


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
That rule is arguably one of the most notable, and important. Infact, it was the only rule specified for the ballot. This, of course ultimately rules out anime characters, movie characters, and cartoon characters. (So sorry guys. No Goku, Shrek, or Naruto XD) Of course.. Freddy Fazbear does "technically" pass this rule...


Have a Kermit reaction image.
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015


Have a Kermit reaction image.
Yeah... as cringe worthy as it is, he unfortunately did "technically" originate in gaming... (Five Nights at Freddy's "is" a game after all -_-)

So ultimately, it would probably fall on sell-ability, and that whole schtick.

Note: I wasn't saying that I wanted to see the animatronic in. I was just bringing up the fact that he does "technically" evade the only rule in the ballot... Whether or not that means anything is up for debate. To be honest, I don't really see him fitting in with the cast.. but that's just me.
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
kermet the froog in smash O_O

that wouldn't work imo.
Plus he doesn't break past the main rule of the ballot anyway XD

Of course, that has me thinking.. question:

Could this rule be considered outside the ballot, or is it exclusive to it? Basically, could a character like say, Hatsune Miku make it into the game as pre-ballot, or in future sequels? It's a valid question, as she is phenomenally popular in Japan... basically, could that work in her favor outside of a ballot environment?

(And she is getting her first video game too soon after all XD.. this all of course takes into account whether the ballot's rule applies to smash as a whole.)
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Smash Ace
Mar 26, 2013
In terms of 3rd parties, I only see either Snake, Shantae, or Rayman. Sakurai has clearly stated "3rd party characters with no future are rarely chosen." (Low and behold, Mega Man's making a comeback. I'm not sure how long Pac-Man and Sonic's reboot/spinoffs are going to hold out, and SF5 looks fantastic)

Ballot or no ballot, Smash does have a "business" side behind it, and I think they would want to put a character, 3rd or 1st party with either an on-going and sucessful series or played an enourmous part in Nintendo's history. ROB and Duck Hunt were the products that really sold the NES and got gaming out of it's gutter since the crash of '83, and Game & Watch was what made Nintendo popular in gaming, along with some of their arcade games.

Shantae and Wayforward have the highest rated and best selling original games on DSiWare and eShop, Rayman does have a surprisingly good Nintendo legacy, with Ubisoft being one of the last 3rd parties that actually care about Nintendo, and Snake... I want him to come back, but after all the recent news about Konami, and them rudely firing Kojima, who Sakurai considered a close friend and the reason Snake got in Smash in the first place, I'm not 100% sure that Sakurai wants to reward them for that.
If that's the case, Namco better kill off Ghostly Adventures and go back to Pac-Man World. :U That's the Pac-Man we need.

Also no offense, I still say Bomberman deserves to be in Smash more, mostly for the fact Konami killed him along with Hudson and has given the middle finger to plenty of fans already.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Well, I fleshed out those two rules I mentioned a few posts ago. The first one pulls upon the ballot's one and only verified rule, and the second just pulls from business logic..:

1. The character has to have originated from a video game

That rule is arguably one of the most notable, and important. In fact, it was the only rule specified for the ballot. This rule basically feels like a safety net put up by Nintendo. They knew they would probably get a thousand troll characters, and get suggestions for non-video game characters, so they probably set this up.. lol.
So basically this rule means:

A. Characters who originated in anime/manga media aren't eligible. (Naruto, Goku, Ash Ketchum, Inuyasha, etc.)

B. Characters who originated in movies/animated movies aren't eligible. (Shrek, Wreck It Ralph, etc.)

C. Characters who originated in cartoons aren't eligible. (Spongebob, Mickey Mouse, etc.)

D. Any other characters who originated outside of gaming in general aren't eligible. (Storybook/book characters, Real people, etc.)

2. The character has to sell

Obviously, this wasn't "mentioned" as a rule, but it's definitely something that would be a key factor, no matter what.. as it would ultimately decide whether the character was worth the time or not. This, is arguably probably one of the main reasons the ballot was started to begin with..: So Nintendo could get an idea of what characters, were heavily popular, and which ones didn't receive votes at all. Sorta like a "which characters have profit potential" sort of thing.
So basically a few things flesh out from this rule:

A. The character must have a notablely large fanbase. (Again, this is based off of the "is the character profitable?" question. If a character has a large/decent fanbase, they would probably be more interested in the idea... luckily, the nature of the ballot in general helps with this aspect anyway, as the ones at the top will probably receive the most attention.)

B. The character must work as a fighter. (Of course, even though this is fan service, the character still has to flesh out as a fighter. The reason for this, is simply this: No matter how much a character is requested in the ballot, if they don't play well, or work horribly as a fighter, that could affect their profit potential. Some "might" buy them just to have the character, though others might see that "this character sucks" aspect as a turn off.)

So did Sora, but it's obvious why he'd never make it in.
Again, we still can't make any assumptions. I still personally don't see legal issues as much of a problem at this point.. as I'm fairly sure 100% of all 3rd parties and indies LOVE the idea of profits being generated from long term paid DLC, from a very popular Nintendo game.. not to mention the publicity the character would get.

The only way I would see Disney turning down the opportunity, is if they had Sora planned for some Disney Infinity related scheme.
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Didn't Bomberman already die years ago?

On a serious note, he has potential, mostly based on his 3D outings, like Hero and Jetters, but... Bomberman doesn't really bring in money anymore. Not to mention that it's just been just the same game over and over recently.


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Well, I fleshed out those two rules I mentioned a few posts ago. The first one pulls upon the ballot's one and only verified rule, and the second just pulls from business logic..:

1. The character has to have originated from a video game

That rule is arguably one of the most notable, and important. In fact, it was the only rule specified for the ballot. This rule basically feels like a safety net put up by Nintendo. They knew they would probably get a thousand troll characters, and get suggestions for non-video game characters, so they probably set this up.. lol.
So basically this rule means:

A. Characters who originated in anime/manga media aren't eligible. (Naruto, Goku, Ash Ketchum, Inuyasha, etc.)

B. Characters who originated in movies/animated movies aren't eligible. (Shrek, Wreck It Ralph, etc.)

C. Characters who originated in cartoons aren't eligible. (Spongebob, Mickey Mouse, etc.)

D. Any other characters who originated outside of gaming in general aren't eligible. (Storybook/book characters, Real people, etc.)

2. The character has to sell

Obviously, this wasn't "mentioned" as a rule, but it's definitely something that would be a key factor, no matter what.. as it would ultimately decide whether the character was worth the time or not. This, is arguably probably one of the main reasons the ballot was started to begin with..: So Nintendo could get an idea of what characters, were heavily popular, and which ones didn't receive votes at all. Sorta like a "which characters have profit potential" sort of thing.
So basically a few things flesh out from this rule:

A. The character must have a notablely large fanbase. (Again, this is based off of the "is the character profitable?" question. If a character has a large/decent fanbase, they would probably be more interested in the idea... luckily, the nature of the ballot in general helps with this aspect anyway, as the ones at the top will probably receive the most attention.)

B. The character must work as a fighter. (Of course, even though this is fan service, the character still has to flesh out as a fighter. The reason for this, is simply this: No matter how much a character is requested in the ballot, if they don't play well, or work horribly as a fighter, that could affect their profit potential. Some "might" buy them just to have the character, though others might see that "this character sucks" aspect as a turn off.)
Considering how Shantae: Half-Genie Hero's kickstarter campaign reached double the amount than what was originally asked for, that should mean something. Not to mention all the coverage Wayforward got in Nintendo Power, and the positive reaction that Shantae NAB! got when it was in WarioWare DIY.

The only way I would see Disney turning down the opportunity, is if they had Sora planned for some Disney Infinity related scheme.
about that...
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Considering how Shantae: Half-Genie Hero's kickstarter campaign reached double the amount than what was originally asked for, that should mean something. Not to mention all the coverage Wayforward got in Nintendo Power, and the positive reaction that Shantae NAB! got when it was in WarioWare DIY.

I could also see Yooka Laylee getting some interest... however, since their first game is slated for release in October of next year.. They'll definitely miss the party XD (Though I could see them being notable smash 5 candidates if they get popular enough.)

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015

I could also see Yooka Laylee getting some interest... however, since their first game is slated for release in October of next year.. They'll definitely miss the party XD (Though I could see them being notable smash 5 candidates if they get popular enough.)
Shantae's large streak of critically-acclaimed games should also help. All 3 games have had 8-9/10 scores.

While Sonic still sits at really low scores in his recent outings.
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The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Shantae's large streak of critically-acclaimed games should also help. All 3 games have had 8-9/10 scores.

While Sonic still sits at really low scores in his recent outings.
Well, that's because most of Sonic fans are less pleased by the newer games then Shantae's are by comparison.

And Shantae's games in general are more solid then Sonic's most recent games.

What's the comparison between Sonic and Shantae for anyways?

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Well, that's because most of Sonic fans are less pleased by the newer games then Shantae's are by comparison.

And Shantae's games in general are more solid then Sonic's most recent games.

What's the comparison between Sonic and Shantae for anyways?
Yep. To be honest, Sega is definitely in a bind. If they/someone doesn't do something soon I'm almost afraid of what could happen to em :/


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015
Well, that's because most of Sonic fans are less pleased by the newer games then Shantae's are by comparison.

And Shantae's games in general are more solid then Sonic's most recent games.

What's the comparison between Sonic and Shantae for anyways?
Because Sonic is a 3rd party character who's audience in Japan is incredibly small, and his games nowadays are terrible, yet he still gets a spot on the roster.

In Rayman and Shantae's case, having good games should matter just as much as being "iconic" in some way.
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The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
probably because sonic made it in XD and his recent games are crap.
Sonic has plenty of history with Nintendo, from being a rival in the 90s to being a allied company to this day, and his fan base makes him highly well known. Without Sonic, Mario wouldn't have had a bigger competitor in the Super Nintendo days, and with Sonic being planned for Melee, it's clear his iconic towards gaming and to Nintendo as a whole meant something.

Just because his games aren't as good as they used to, it DOESN'T make him a bad character to have in Smash.

Megaman had a hiatus for years and made it in, and Pacman's newest games are also of question towards to fanbase. Having bad games now doesn't negate all the GOOD ones they had in the past and how that impacted gaming to this day.
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Keyblade Master
Sep 10, 2015
Sonic has plenty of history with Nintendo, from being a rival in the 90s to being a allied company to this day, and his fan base makes him highly well known. Without Sonic, Mario wouldn't have had a bigger competitor in the Super Nintendo days, and with Sonic being planned for Melee, it's clear his iconic towards gaming and to Nintendo as a whole meant something.

Just because he's games aren't as good as there used to, it DOESN'T make him a bad character to have in Smash.
i know xd, was trying to make a joke XD

kinda backfired.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
i know xd, was trying to make a joke XD

kinda backfired.
It's ok, It wasn't directing it at you persay, but it just annoys me when a current franchises success is not as good as it use to be is being judged for a "spot" in Smash just because a character they like isn't in. All of the 3 parties in Smash have high significance in gaming's history and a part of Nintendo's history as well. They have changed gaming to this day, and they all had connections to Nintendo, either as rivals :4sonic: or as companies for sticking with their systems at the time, :4megaman:, or just being good allies to Nintendo as a whole; :4ryu::4pacman: and the others as well. Shantae, just like these other characters, does have just that herself, it just a matter of time for her inclusion in Smash to happen at some point, only time will tell.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Well guys, finally got around to something that has been LONG over due...

I added Shantae to the Notable campaigns section of my help thread, and have thus revived it.

Spoiler Updated: 9/11/2015

Classification: Protagonist
Franchise: Shantae

Rundown: Shantae is a half-genie. Being the guardian of Scuttle Town, a fishing port town in Sequin land, she works tirelessly to protect the town, and it's citizens from danger. This of course includes the constant attacks, and evil plots of the nefarious pirate captain, Risky Boots. Though somewhat young, and naive, Shantae is modest, and persistent. She will go to great lengths to protect her home town and her friends.

Combat potential: Shantae may just seem like your average belly dancer, but don't be fooled! She is adept in combat, and is even capable of using her long hair as a whip (and boy does that thing HURT!). She knows some magic attacks, however, her main key ability, is her ability to transform into different animals and creatures using different dances. She can turn into a monkey, elephant, spider, harpy, and much more. She has even rocked some pirate gear at one point in her career. All of this said, don't let her innocent appearance fool you. She'll happily dance all over your face if you let your guard down!

Campaign link: Found here

Thread owner: 8-peacock-8

Supporters: N/A (Needs to be counted up.)

Thread pages: 151

Hashtag: N/A


Keyblade Master
Sep 10, 2015
It's ok, It wasn't directing it at you persay, but it just annoys me when a current franchises success is not as good as it use to be is being judged for a "spot" in Smash just because a character they like isn't in. All of the 3 parties in Smash have high significance in gaming's history and a part of Nintendo's history as well. They have changed gaming to this day, and they all had connections to Nintendo, either as rivals :4sonic: or as companies for sticking with their systems at the time, :4megaman:, or just being good allies to Nintendo as a whole; :4ryu::4pacman: and the others as well. Shantae, just like these other characters, does have just that herself, it just a matter of time for her inclusion in Smash to happen at some point, only time will tell.
Yeah i understand completely but what i jokingly stated is the current mindset of some people, sad but true.

sonic's inclusion was a gurantee, same with pacman and megaman

all iconic characters. Sonic's rivalry did help steer mario to greater heights but that's what competition does in general.

ryu was surprise, i had no idea they would bring him since he is from a completely different type of fighter. I am glad they did though.


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2015

Changing my current wallpaper to this masterpiece.

Speaking of Shantae art, I really do like Jamesman's design of the characters.
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