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The GITG Crisis thread.

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Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
In lew of having to type the same story over and over again. and because I know NC. i wanted to make an explanation of my side of the GITG crisis...

Welp, basically an old school roy player (vZakat) showed up to this tournament and almost beat one of our top fox players (Karn) and we got really hype and loud. This caused the R.A's of the dorm to Tell us we had an hour to leave the Venue in exactly one hour, but that was actually a trap.

See, they saw a few younger looking smashers such as my girlfriend (who is 22) Drinking they called the police when we got loud and basically knew we wouldnt go anywhere.

But basically what happened next was a friend of my girlfriends that goes to UNCG warned us of said trap. We evacuated the people who needed to most (Those under age, and holding etc)

We narrowly escaped the clutches of the 5-0 and headed back to smiths for a good night of commeradery and good times.

In the end, no smashers got in trouble thanks to that R.A that my GF knew. Thank god.

Okay so another reason i made this thread was so others could tell their stories, I've already heard quite a few but im more than sure there are more. haha

So lets hear it NC

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
i heard that the cops were coming, so i dumped the rest of my four loko in a taco bell cup and got the **** out of there.



Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
since I left you
I found the world so new


Half Genie
Aug 24, 2005
Scuttle Town
I still don't know why everyone hyped that match up so much. It just suddenly happened. I feel kinda bad for causing a ruckus.

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Alright, I really think this is cool.

Basically, on the very nice set up made for Cam vs Sneak's Money Match (provided by M@!) Karn vs vZakat happened on that TV, and vZakat, an old school Melee Roy Main, was getting off on Karn game 2 and everyone was going insane with chants like "Roys our Boy", mindless yelling, cheering, and me & snap running around like tards.
Well some eye brow less ***** said we need to quiet down and which I exclaimed "Party Pooper!", in which she turned at me and said "If you don't like it you can be written up, or we can get the cops."

At this point, everything was fine for like 20 minutes, where she came down the stairs again telling us to get everything cleaned up and done by 11:00pm, which it was around 10:20, 10:30ish. 10 minutes later I was told the cops were called and I was flustered by it, since we didn't do anything within that span of 10 minutes, but I guessed that they discovered people were drinking

After I was told this I noticed people vanished.

Cam, Rhiannon, Jim, Snap, Behr, Vilt, NisP booked it, gone in a flash, I then began to panic when I realized there was a very small bits and a little nug in my jacket pockets and tried not to worry about it because it wasn't very serious at all but everything was tense so I over dramatized to myself a bit.

Kevin wanted to head up stairs and wait for others to finish up and not be around the cops. Snap calls me and tells me everyone is going to my place, without asking me anything, and my Mom had to get up at 8:30ish to get ready to go to a Bizarre, This blew my top and pissed me off more than anything, and I told my Mom only to get yelled at and finally Malk said "We'll do it at my place." Everyone finally got up and we were wrapping up leaving when the eye brow less girl that reported us and a fat girl came over and said "leave already, the doors over there! Shoo, shoo!"

Well I replied nicely with "We are trying.", only to receive a snobby reply "You don't try, you get out", once she said that I told her what a ***** she was and told her UNCG has ****ty people and she should shut her mouth. We left, on the way to Kevin's car, heading to Malk's, I tripped and got ****ed up, and finished up.

At the end of it all, PLUR, Josh ended up staying at my place, in which I got zero sleep because Josh took Kevin's sleeping bag, and I gave him my bed so he would be ready for a 2 hour trip.
My story I guess.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I was playing Melee WFs with Yay(game 3 just started) and the cops came down about 15-20 minutes after the woman told us it would be "an hour" before the cops came, and we were told to shut the TVs off right away. We did so even though Yay said "are you guys serious right now?" I was then assaulted with tons of questions about what we were gonna do lol. I heard everyone was going to Smith's LOL and that's why he called his mom. After we get setups squared away and packed up, Yay and a few others help clean the rest of the room up under the scrutiny of the cops(Maria took the money in her purse and ran because it was lolgambling to have it there).

Eventually, we decide to go to Malk's(which was his suggestion long ago but we couldn't all get organized to really agree on it until later lol). We all cram into Malk's apartment about an hour later and finish the tourney pretty slowly lol.

Some of this was covered already and some more of the story exists, but I don't wanna spoil it all. XD

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
moral of this story, if your underage and wanna drink

dont do it in a ****ing public venue, treat it like your smoking weed or something
LOL are we here to point fingers?

Im pretty sure that i just want to quote vilt

"This is why you should get a real venue for tourneys"


I saw Cam and pulled him aside after rhiannon informed me of what was about to happen, I said "Cam the cops are coming" he looked at me in the eyes for an uncomfortably long time and said "Get me the **** out of here" I nodded and motioned for him to follow me, we walked outside and grabbed moo and our **** and got the hell out. but when i turned to leave i didnt see cam anywhere near by. "Uh oh"

I walk up the stairs to three cop cars flashing thier sirens and four policemen getting out, i looked back to moo and asked if jim was holding "No but he has a bowl"
"Uh oh"

but low and behold, sitting right there in front of the police smoking a ciggaritte at the age of 16, was Jim. Calm as hell, nodding to the policemen as they passed.

"What a hard *****"

I walk down the hill towards moo's car when i hear a russeling in the woods, cam slides down a small slope and makes his way towards an alley. "Cam, what are you doing" I yelled

"Im getting the **** out of here"

"Our car is the other way"

"Im getting the **** out of here"

"Cam the cops are in the venue right now"

"**** your trolling me right?"

"No come with us"

Cam chose to stay behind to meet an unnamed questionable individual


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
more like learn the proper ****ing place and time, if they wanted they could have held chris accountable for this and then you would have ****ed over someone else, not that you'd give a **** with your narcissistic attitude


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2010
currently outa my mind.
i'm with matt on this one. it was said at the beginning that it was being held in chris's dorm. on a college campus. even if you're a student, they don't tolerate underage drinking and they don't want you drinking in public even if you are of age. so to do it in a public place on a college campus that you attend and you're kinda the "responsibility" of a student is selfish, thoughtless, inconsiderate and stupid. I'm not pointing fingers, just stating this for anyone who did.

smith...you're cool, but ****talking the RA didn't help the situation at all....even if she was a *****, which i'm really sure she is.

all in all. cops kinda **** **** up...i personally don't like them...but they're all over the ****ing campus all the time >_< try not to obviously do **** that will get u ****ed up by them.

PS....real venue ****? get the **** outa here wit that. you knew **** well what kinda venue it would be before everyone came. deal with it. no matter where you are, ppl need to use some common sense....so buy some, borrow some, trade your soul for some...give some **** for some, just get some cuz you're gonna need it in life.

anyway....yeah. w/e

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
more like learn the proper ****ing place and time, if they wanted they could have held chris accountable for this and then you would have ****ed over someone else, not that you'd give a **** with your narcissistic attitude

dude, im pretty sure my girlfriend, not chris, would have ACTUALLY caught the blame (She bought me the alcohol after all). Because if the cops would have asked me, i wouldnt have sold out chris, i wouldnt even have brought his name up. As far as anyone knew, i was with Stephen not even there for melee in the first place. So get the **** off your high horse, at least i can admit when im on mine.

Id rather be arrogant than ignorant, ***hole.

This thread wasnt made for your popularity contest

**** this side of NC, so what if we stirred up a little trouble loosen up your buttholes and have just a little bit of fun? K? no one got in trouble no big deal.

Even if they had i was the only person drinking under age (besides...cam?) and not to brag but i mean, im a pretty **** good guy, i wouldnt sell anyone out. If you dont know that about me you dont know enough to speak on the subject at all.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I don't like a venue we can't get hype at, but I mean that aside I'll just leave this drinking thing alone as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Stick to the story guys?


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
except you guys bailed before the cops showed up.

they definitely could've ***** me. i'm surprised i didn't get wrecked. but i played ignorant to both the money involvement and the alcohol. lucky for me, they didn't just say "well we know there was alcohol here" and pressed forward with it.

it's done.

but when i host a GITG 2, it will also be on campus. it will be in an amazing room, with plenty of space, and it will be ours as it will be rented out, in the building with the large food court, the EUC. When this occurs, I will have to ask you all to keep the drugs and alcohol out of the venue to the point where it's undetectable. Hype should not be a problem, but as it is a college campus please leave alcohol for a post tourney affair.

Edit: So we hid the **** out of that money. initially, it was in my goalie gloves bag, and when we started putting the room back together, as soon as the cops showed up, i hid the bag under one of the flipped over chairs on the table. as we cleaned the room more and more, yay, maria, and ryan stacked more and more stuff on the chair with the money hidden. then eventually, ryan and maria worked together to get the money into maria's purse, completely undetectable.

NC too **** good.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
I don't like a venue we can't get hype at, but I mean that aside I'll just leave this drinking thing alone as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Stick to the story guys?
Thank you kevin.

Anything I said about a venue was in refrence to the venue, was in refrence to the four things 1, Time. 2, Expensive campus food, and the fact that we could have ALL got booked for gambling. like, WTF is that? seriously? 3. ******* d bag student RA's (Smith had every right in the world to cop an attitude with that *****)
4. The fact that we cant get hype for any match ever. Ruins tournament atmosphere and eliminates a big factor of what makes NC tournaments great.

also, for the record, i dont give a **** if we cant drink at a venue, does everyone suddenly think im a raging alcoholic because i had half a four loko?
I never drink at all... I was not drunk on half a loko

and the fact that i bailed? I mean, i did try to tell everyone but i was told you guys wanted to finish up the tournament. Moo wanted to leave as much as I did. I dont want to deal with that political Bull ****. Really.

High horses you got there fellas


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
i'm with matt on this one. it was said at the beginning that it was being held in chris's dorm. on a college campus. even if you're a student, they don't tolerate underage drinking and they don't want you drinking in public even if you are of age. so to do it in a public place on a college campus that you attend and you're kinda the "responsibility" of a student is selfish, thoughtless, inconsiderate and stupid. I'm not pointing fingers, just stating this for anyone who did.

smith...you're cool, but ****talking the RA didn't help the situation at all....even if she was a *****, which i'm really sure she is.

all in all. cops kinda **** **** up...i personally don't like them...but they're all over the ****ing campus all the time >_< try not to obviously do **** that will get u ****ed up by them.

PS....real venue ****? get the **** outa here wit that. you knew **** well what kinda venue it would be before everyone came. deal with it. no matter where you are, ppl need to use some common sense....so buy some, borrow some, trade your soul for some...give some **** for some, just get some cuz you're gonna need it in life.

anyway....yeah. w/e
Lol this kid.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Eassssy Snap, Chris said we're gonna get a better venue we can get hype at.

Let's just cool it with the personal stuff.

Edit: lol maybe after the tourney, cam. I know you. =p


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
dylan, don't overreact. no one called you an alcoholic, they just said it wasn't smart to publicly drink in a place where drinking is not allowed. quit blowing things out of proportion.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alright Snap, cool it. No point in making this worse than it has to be. It was an unfortunate experience and let's just leave it at that if we can't agree.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
and matt, i question your knowledge of the law if you think they would charge chris for any of the underage drinking shenanigans. but you really never know, some cops are serious *******s.... however that one is slightly extreme..

but just in case, everyone kiss rihannon's foot cuz we didn't have to find out.

**** this side of NC, so what if we stirred up a little trouble loosen up your buttholes and have just a little bit of fun? K? no one got in trouble no big deal.
o... and a lil bit of this.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
expensive campus food?

if taco bell is expensive, then idk where you're gonna eat :confused:

edit: as you were all technically my guests, at least some heat probably would have fallen on me. notice how they didn't try to question all of you, i was the only one who directly talked to police and the RA's one on four. you were all gone by that point, which i'm quite grateful for.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
A normally 89 cent burrito was 1.34 at UNCG taco bell.

and kevin sorry im just the bane of NC everything has to be about me forever always.


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
A normally 89 cent burrito was 1.34 at UNCG taco bell.

and kevin sorry im just the bane of NC everything has to be about me forever always.
All I'm telling you to do is calm down, I'm not saying you're totally without a point or crazy. Just have a civil discussion please. I know you can do this because I can have one with you when it comes down to it. =)

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alright if this thread keeps being about Snap I'm just gonna lock it because this isn't doing what the thread was supposed to do at all.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
All I'm telling you to do is calm down, I'm not saying you're totally without a point or crazy. Just have a civil discussion please. I know you can do this because I can have one with you when it comes down to it. =)
No man, I am the absolute most important part of anything forever.

:dazwa: :dazwa: :dazwa: :dazwa: :dazwa: :dazwa:

also i wanted this thread to be about the fun stories we have from this night

nothing else :D


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Edit: So we hid the **** out of that money. initially, it was in my goalie gloves bag, and when we started putting the room back together, as soon as the cops showed up, i hid the bag under one of the flipped over chairs on the table. as we cleaned the room more and more, yay, maria, and ryan stacked more and more stuff on the chair with the money hidden. then eventually, ryan and maria worked together to get the money into maria's purse, completely undetectable.

NC too **** good.
quoted for refocus.

many who were involved later into the night don't give a **** about this thread.

i.e karn, cam, josh, sneak, maria, yay, ewb, twitch, fiz, and rohan

like...the people who didn't just...leave. we had a pretty good time at malks house. they're the ones with some good stories, imo.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Also rhiannon wants everyone to get the **** out of their mouths and have fun.

She said she would have taken the blame and if youve got a problem to take it up with her.

Edit, heard maria definitely Ocean's 13ed that money right out the venue, good ****.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
Edit, heard maria definitely Ocean's 13ed that money right out the venue, good ****.
god **** I just got so confused by this post.

what the hell are brawl people doing in this thread?
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