If you're going to alter Mega-Sceptile's moveset, assuming he is the mega evolution than it would make sense to replace whatever you will be using for his projectile attack with Dragon Pulse, it would look similar to Lucario's projectile. Dragon Rage/and Breath would look very similar. Outrage would be hard to translate into Smash, it's a 3 turn move that confuses the user afterwards. Twister could be used, it is a weak Pokemon move though. Dragon claw would be a great dash attack. Draco Meteor could only be used as a final smash, meteors hit everywhere on the battle field. I am not familiar with Dragon Rush, or Dual Chop though the latter sounds intriguing. And I've gone over Dragon Tail.I dig that @Jmacz I've gone over all dragon moves in a list and I wanna see if anyone here approves of any of them for whatever reason: (Excluding Roar of time and Spacial Rend because Legendary-exclusive only dragon moves)
- Dragon Rage
- Dragon Breath
- Outrage
- Twister
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Dragon Rush
- Dragon Tail ( nice idea Jmacz for D-air)
- Dual Chop ( I could see MegaSceptile make great use of this move)
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