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The Debate Hall Social Thread


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I never said I wanted anything, I think you're projecting your feelings onto others because you're too weak to admit the fact that you're a subpar debater.

Besides, being moderator of this room is like being king of a pile of ****.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Wow, I cannot believe this ****.

Yes, RDK, you're a knowledgable debater. I don't know why that has given you such a mighty sense of entitlement, but let me quash it for you; being knowledgable isn't the only criteria, and certainly not the most powerful one. And a sense of entitlement was nowhere on the chart.

Since your problem seems to be with Sucumbio, I'll just go ahead and debunk whatever the hell is going through your head on that subject first. The Proving Grounds moderator was never going to be selected based on intelligence and debating caliber alone. A standard measure of both is expected and taken for granted when someone is given Debater status.

I wasn't looking for "best debater evar omg" in choosing the PG mod. I was looking for a "good enough" debater with strong activity and the right personality for the job. A PG mod needs to gently chide people when they have good potential but are a weak debater, not sledgehammer how wrong they are into their face. The latter is the style I've seen from you, and that's not an insult, as that's the same argumentative technique I've used for years. I tried to play mentor to the PG when it was first opened, and had to alter my whole style of posting so drastically I couldn't keep it up.

I also wanted someone deeply entrenched in the Proving Grounds, a somewhat recent addition that understands the PG experience from the inside, and with it fresh on the mind. With this all this in mind, Sucumbio was a very lucrative choice -- the PG mod's job isn't to reign supreme, after all. That's the job of every Debater in the Hall.

Sidenote: Sucumbio isn't a Debate Hall moderator.

I take issue with your assertion that Sucumbio is below-average, and I'd argue that your blatant bias has clouded your judgment on that one. And you can't say you're not biased. Making critical comments about decisions that did not effect the change you desired, with said change directly involving you, makes it an inherent conflict of interest. Even if you were making a rational complaint -- you aren't -- you would still be biased.

As a final note, just in case you were going to try taking a swipe at my credibility as well, Sucumbio was initially recommended by CK as a candidate before I started evaluating. That's right -- the first seed of Sucumbio's promotion was planted by the site's Director of Staffing. Think on that for a while.

Frankly, I'm completely astonished by your immaturity. You're being an absolute child.

So here's the deal: I'm going to WARN you for your behavior -- and this is a beyond generous exception, given the forum's rules -- and see to it you don't get infraction-dogpiled for your tantrum. I don't know why you're behaving this way; it completely blindsided me. Before today, I'd have called this behavior out of character from what I knew of you. As it stands, I won't let it tarnish your reputation as a formidable debater, or dislodge your place here.

But it ends here. Man up, stop pouting, and get back to debating. This BS is not going to get you anywhere.

I mean it -- zero tolerance.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Another I'd endorse is Omicron, who originally felt snubbed by the DH's rigidity. But in anyone's case (if you can think of any others, let me know, perhaps I can PM them and see if they're still interested) they should still go through the PG first.
Omnicron is not coming back to the DH. That was a three month project I did in which he told me quite bluntly he's not heading up that alley no more.

So, no to him.

We have 4 PG members to be considering.

Vi veri veniversum vivus vici
νοχ τωιz

Werekill is perhaps ready now, he's got a lot of good participation. The other three are fairly new to the PG and I'm sure we'd like to see more posts before letting them in. Thoughts on Werekill?

I've sent PMs out to some older PG members that were definitely active enough and decent posters, mainly just wanna see if they're still interested in DH membership and if so I'll ask that they post again so we can make it official.
Werekill is the only one of these four that is ready IMHO.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
I was about to say I hadn't seen anything special from Werekill, but after some reflection and reading through his posts, I'm willing to endorse him. I agree with kazoo on the other three; they need a bit more time. Too bad about Omnicron, I would have supported him if he came back, but oh well.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Ok, that's 3 for Werekill, anyone object to his admission?

EE I think in general 3 positives would be sufficient to admit in general, that seem fair? That way if there 1 was "no" vote and 4 "yes" votes, that's still 3 uncontested "yeses" so we'd still let them in? Anyone else have thoughts on this??

Too bad about Omnicron, I would have supported him if he came back, but oh well.
I PM'd him (and C-Stick) and got a reply from Omnicron, and in point of fact we should see him coming our way soon. He's got mine and KG's backing but I did ask him to throw a PG topic up for official's sake and so others in the PG can have a chance to debate with him.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
werekill said a lot of ******** things when he was in the DH which caused CK to kick him from the room.

Just thought I'd throw that out there before people start saying yes to him.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
ah, thank you for the input, that's key info. interesting, this must have been a while ago then, eh? hrm, well that may change things a bit, we he specifically disruptive/breaking rules or was he just so bad at debating CK gave him the axe?


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2009
Northern Virginia
We should give Werekill a seconds chance. Hopefully he learned from his experience.

As for the "three yes" idea, it sounds pretty good. Of course, you'd have to wait a day to give people a chance to say no if they want to, like we did with mariobrouser.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Honestly, what I've seen of Werekill has been kind of muddled. One post I saw didn't even make it clear what side he was taking, or what his point was. I'll look into him more but for now I think this loaf needs more time in the oven.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
What does bringing up Succmbios debating skill have anything to do with him being mod? Crimson King, though a formidable debater, still wasn't the best of the bunch. He was no Gold Shadow, Alt 4, or Dum. Even more if we look at the other sections of the board the skill associated with the board is in no way a relation. Some of the worst players and lead understanding do at times get put to a character board mod. The mod position isn't about anything but rules and etiquette.

My what a party I missed.

Deleted member

RDK was just butthurt.

The way I see it is like...

well, to be frank. Who the hell is Evil Eye, anyway? Granted, I have been rather AWOL on this board for a while, but back when I was checking this site every 45 minutes for responses, he was never around. Like... ever. I've probably only seen him post under 10 times, and most of them have been administrative. Meaning CK sent him a message on AIM to tell him to do something rather than him actually checking the DH with an active interest. Or so it seems like.

Anyway, now he shows up and makes a random decision and doesn't choose the guy who's been here for ages. RDK's shown a lot of dedication to SWF, and the DH isn't reflecting the time that he's put in. He cares about the place and sincerely wants it to succeed. Not that he does anymore, it seems. Nor do I, after this.

Succumbio, don't take this personally.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
RDK also hadn't posted in like 2 months prior to the decision. It was the debaters who were trying to get this place changed, and RDK was nowhere to be seen.

Deleted member

Like that matters. We've been trying to "reform" the DH ever since I joined. The "reform the DH" thread comes up every 6 months or so. Believe it.

Besides, 2 months is nothing compared to the 4-5-6 years we've spent on this board. It's just ridiculous.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Like that matters. We've been trying to "reform" the DH ever since I joined. The "reform the DH" thread comes up every 6 months or so. Believe it.

Besides, 2 months is nothing compared to the 4-5-6 years we've spent on this board. It's just ridiculous.
I have to agree.

Not only that, but members here approach situations in the wrong manner.

For example, the process of selecting qualified Debaters.

After members stagnate for a lengthly period of time in the Proving Grounds, they will naturally lose interest and not post here, especially after how inactive the Debate Hall has been.

It's absurd how long applicants have to wait before being accepted. It took me nearly a year to be let in, and I had forgotten about this place too.

Of course this is the Debate Hall, where intellectual discussion is found in its prime, but I suggest we conduct a major overhaul of tradition and let in several applicants. At the same time, sometime within the week.

This way, activity will increase, new potential will be found, and more applicants will show interest.

However, mediocre posters can still be manually booted. Like DeLoRtEd already stated, activity isn't picking up with our current method of handling new subjects.

Thoughts? I know I don't really post here, I've lost interest.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2005
philly, PA, aim: blazedaces, msg me and we'll play
Like that matters. We've been trying to "reform" the DH ever since I joined. The "reform the DH" thread comes up every 6 months or so. Believe it.

Besides, 2 months is nothing compared to the 4-5-6 years we've spent on this board. It's just ridiculous.
Delorted... are you honestly trying to justify RDK going around cursing?

Seriously guys, we're fighting over modship? No offense to any moderators, you guys do your job well... but this isn't exactly a lifelong legacy. There are more important things in the world...

Grow up... there's enough BS drama in my real life, I don't want to come onto the DH and see any more here...

And you guys all know what my suggestions were with the PG...

Regardless, there actually is a decent amount of activity right now... which is good. Try not to see only one side of the story...


Deleted member

Delorted... are you honestly trying to justify RDK going around cursing?
I haven't (yet) condoned his swearing, so don't put words in my mouth.

blazedaces said:
Seriously guys, we're fighting over modship? No offense to any moderators, you guys do your job well... but this isn't exactly a lifelong legacy. There are more important things in the world...
Yeah, it seems petty. Yeah, it seems immature. But consider the following: we're arguing about real life topics on a video game forum — I think it's okay to go a little further and actually give a **** about who moderates the place.

That being said, there are many DH vets that the modship should have gone to: you, RDK, Aesir, hell...me. Regardless of who it is, Evil Eye has no presence here. I have no idea why he's the one choosing. Why didn't we do a vote?

Relax about the tempers. That's natural on a debate forum. At least the argument is isolated in this thread.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002

The way I see it is like...

well, to be frank. Who the hell is Evil Eye, anyway? Granted, I have been rather AWOL on this board for a while, but back when I was checking this site every 45 minutes for responses, he was never around. Like... ever. I've probably only seen him post under 10 times, and most of them have been administrative. Meaning CK sent him a message on AIM to tell him to do something rather than him actually checking the DH with an active interest. Or so it seems like.

Anyway, now he shows up and makes a random decision and doesn't choose the guy who's been here for ages. RDK's shown a lot of dedication to SWF, and the DH isn't reflecting the time that he's put in. He cares about the place and sincerely wants it to succeed. Not that he does anymore, it seems. Nor do I, after this.

Succumbio, don't take this personally.
I'll be frank: Back. The. ****. Off. EE does a lot of stuff behind the scenes. When I was doing the moderation of this room, he was my soundboard for EVERYTHING. He and I created the Debate Hall, and he never really left it, even when I was just frustrated with a lack of activity and wanted to open the room.

He knows his stuff, he's in charge of the Debate Hall as Overseer, and he deserves respect.

As for the whole RDK breakdown, I believe it's over, and I'd rather leave it like that. Sucumbio was chosen for a lot of reasons, and there were others considered. I'll leave it at that.

Werekill was banned for being completely off with his opinion, not backing it up, and then, posting a web comic. The first, I don't really care about. If you can actually back up your stance with stuff, you can proclaim anything. But all three made him come off as a troll.

I don't hold grudges, so I'd give him another shot.

Deleted member

I'll be frank: Back. The. ****. Off. EE does a lot of stuff behind the scenes. When I was doing the moderation of this room, he was my soundboard for EVERYTHING. He and I created the Debate Hall, and he never really left it, even when I was just frustrated with a lack of activity and wanted to open the room.
So what? I suppose I should thank you for the clarification, but that still doesn't change anything. He made a dumb-*** call, and I'm questioning it. Excuse me for wondering where the hell he's been for all these years, but not that it matters.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2005
philly, PA, aim: blazedaces, msg me and we'll play
I'm absolutely NOT interested in arguing.

But man, when action was needed, Succumbio pulled his own weight. He was the first to post in the forum support, which if you want to be technical, is what got this entire thing moving. He also made plenty of great suggestions.

In my eyes, he's more than proven himself for the position he was given.

This doesn't mean the people you mentioned might not have done a good job as well...


Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
So what? I suppose I should thank you for the clarification, but that still doesn't change anything. He made a dumb-*** call, and I'm questioning it. Excuse me for wondering where the hell he's been for all these years, but not that it matters.
It changes everything because you questioned his presence. I clarified that he is present, just not posting. He reads the room probably more than most members that post do.

Who said he made the call? I am director of staffing, I choose mods, and I take recommendations with a grain of salt usually (though, most recommendations go through, I rarely use that alone).

Fact is you and RDK were never considered because there are more things to choosing a moderator than activity. If I picked the best debater, they'd A. stop debating as much, and B. may not have the other things a good mod needs. Sucumbio, who is a fine debater btw, took initiative and typically stays level headed. I can't remember the thread, but he took my entire post, summarized it, and interpreted it. He sought to help people develop (ie. the point of the proving grounds), and that's what I was looking for.

You and RDK have really only one person that "took your spot," and that is Goldshadow.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
And Goldshadow absolutely deserved it.

The problem isn't who was appointed to be moderator. The problem is what is being done to boost activity in here, and we're going about it in the wrong way.

This little thing of ours has caused more activity in one week than the actual debating that has gone on in the past two months.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
And Goldshadow absolutely deserved it.

The problem isn't who was appointed to be moderator. The problem is what is being done to boost activity in here, and we're going about it in the wrong way.

This little thing of ours has caused more activity in one week than the actual debating that has gone on in the past two months.
It was?

I resigned as debate hall mod a while ago. Since that day (actually a few days before), EE and I were working on replacements. I suggested we keep the DH and PG separate to keep the rock tumbler that is the PG going, and the only way to do that was appoint a mod for it. With the current set-up, we had one or two active mods running both rooms, and if one went inactive it was down to one. It wouldn't work.

With this set-up, we can make sure ONE guy is setting the standards to be compliant with what the Debate Hall mod wants. Sucumbio's sole goal is to suggest people for DH and keep order in the room.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
The thing is, RDK had legit IRL reasons for not being available, which is why he hasn't been around period, not just not back here.

Honestly, there was another nod he deserved, that he ended up getting passed up for this reason.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
It was?

I resigned as debate hall mod a while ago. Since that day (actually a few days before), EE and I were working on replacements. I suggested we keep the DH and PG separate to keep the rock tumbler that is the PG going, and the only way to do that was appoint a mod for it. With the current set-up, we had one or two active mods running both rooms, and if one went inactive it was down to one. It wouldn't work.

With this set-up, we can make sure ONE guy is setting the standards to be compliant with what the Debate Hall mod wants. Sucumbio's sole goal is to suggest people for DH and keep order in the room.
I don't think he's qualified for the job. And I'm not the only one.

Let's go back to your other post:

Fact is you and RDK were never considered because there are more things to choosing a moderator than activity. If I picked the best debater, they'd A. stop debating as much, and B. may not have the other things a good mod needs.
A lot of people in here have a problem with my absence from actually debating in the topics around here, even though said people weren't around either so that claim is invalid. In any case, for the past couple of months before I had to leave I purposely stopped debating to try and help out some of the newer PG members, because god knows they need it. Literally the only time I posted is when I was helping someone else out.

Succumbio on the other hand is relatively new. His debating skills aren't up to par and he has a few things to work on before helping other people, let alone being a mod.

I've been a main player in the DH since 2006. Who is more qualified to moderate the Proving Grounds? Me or Succumbio?

Sucumbio, who is a fine debater btw, took initiative and typically stays level headed. I can't remember the thread, but he took my entire post, summarized it, and interpreted it. He sought to help people develop (ie. the point of the proving grounds), and that's what I was looking for.
I remember the post. It doesn't change the fact that he's new and unqualified.

Several people here have said that he was still actively debating during the time when there was almost no activity in here. Now recall what I said about why I wasn't here. My sole purpose for posting was to help other people out; I wasn't interested in debating because I've been a part of every single discussion topic since I came in here and it's been done to death.

This is why the decision was contradictory and confused a lot of people.

By the way if you don't mind my asking, who's been let into the DH from the PG since Succumbio's appointment?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
RDK, why do you care so much? It's an online forum. You didn't get chosen to be a mod. Tough ****, suck it up. Insulting Sucumbio achieves absolutely nothing.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
When someone's unqualified, they're unqualified. Making Succumbio a mod is like making you a mod.

And get off my nuts.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002

The problem isn't who was appointed to be moderator. The problem is what is being done to boost activity in here, and we're going about it in the wrong way
I don't think he's qualified for the job. And I'm not the only one.
Um, what?

I'm done arguing this. Sucumbio's mod. If you have a problem, take it to PMs.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
When someone's unqualified, they're unqualified. Making Succumbio a mod is like making you a mod.

And get off my nuts.

As long as the mod does their job, who gives a ****? If you're so upset about this, then leave. You act like we need you here or some ****. Stop being a drama queen.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006

As long as the mod does their job, who gives a ****? If you're so upset about this, then leave. You act like we need you here or some ****. Stop being a drama queen.
You seem to be the one upset about this.

Who are you anyway?

I'm done arguing this.
Ironic. We are in the Debate Hall, right? I didn't accidentally post in the wrong room?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002

Ironic. We are in the Debate Hall, right? I didn't accidentally post in the wrong room?

Debating implies "an intelligent discussion of differing opinions." Nowhere does 'whining like an infant that lost his toy" fit in there. This is just a fundamental misunderstanding though.

You have lost what respect I had for you with this display. You literally have just posted different reasons to be upset, and when addressed, you ignore them.

Sorry if you are upset, but I've made my decision. The social thread doesn't need to be cluttered with this anymore.
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