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The Day It All Ends


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Link to original post: The Day It All Ends

Hello there. For those of you that don't know me, I'm a final year 6th Form/Senior High student. Come June, I'll have graduated, and will have left school life behind forever. University may be education, but it sure as hell isn't anything like school.

Wow, shouldn't I be happy? Just 2 more months and I'll be free forever right? School sucks blah blah. Well guess what?

I've come to realise over the years that school is the most incredible experience you could ever hope for. The friends, the memories, the atmosphere. You think you're being oppressed? Get out in the real world and the workplace and think again. People say a lot of things make a man. Well, I think your school experiences make up for 90% of what you become. In those crucial years of early formation, we discover ourselves, and open our eyes to the world gradually (or go on the internet and learn in 5 minutes).

You may find it weird that I'm so sad to let go, but perhaps you might think differently when you've left school. There's a whole unofficial code and atmosphere underlying school life, and most of us have a personal harmony we build with the codes. All the traditions, the little things, they'll all disappear, as I walk out the doors for the last time in June.

I've had a great time in both elementary school and high school, never not taking a decision, no matter how mischievous, and for this reason, I feel I have no regrets about wasting my youth. I've also academically achieved, so I guess I don't have to worry that I misbehaved too much. Despite all this, there's still so much I feel I could do and could have done. So much I want to do now that I don't have time for, and of course, it'll all be over in June.

What I want everyone at school who reads this to think about is whether they're really so big and grown up, and whether they're really ready to move out and face the world. Why do you think school sucks? Do they work you too hard? Not enough freedom?

School gives you the ultimate liberty. The liberty of youth. You think you're so oppressed, but wait until the oppression of responsibility ties a noose around the neck of your soul, and tell me you don't want to be a child again.

Practically every adult will tell you that childhood is the best time of your life, but you always argue back and say "I wanna be an adult and then I can do what I want."



You have far less freedom as an adult, realise this now. I'm not saying being an adult doesn't have it's perks, pleasures and satisfactions, and adulthood is still an incredible experience.

However, don't ignore the incredible thing called youth. Milk it, don't waste it trying to always act grown up. Have you ever heard the phrase "act your age?". Yeah, that's right, if you're 15, you don't need to act like a 20 yo, admirable though that may be, you'll regret not making the most of that period you had when you COULD get away with doing stuff a 15 yo would do.

It's all coming to an end for me now, and as I look back with a heavy heart, I want all to know, that school is amazing, childhood is amazing, and that you should never deny yourself the pleasures you're entitled to.

Oh and for good measure

Edit: A response that I think you should all read.

Despite what people say, yeah. School is amazing. It's a period of time when you are pretty much free of anny worries or cares. The most important thing you have to do is keep up your grades. The most traumatizing thing that will happen to most people is breaking up with someone. (Lol how menial...) Around sixteen and seventeen are the years when people should begin to realize, "I don't have much time left. I need to enjoy it for everything I can."

As a child in a five to thirteen age range, it's rather easy to say, "I wish I was older. Then I could do whenever I want." And who can blame them? At that age, they truly do believe that they are restricted. I can only say one thing to their foolish thoughts- Ignorance is ever so bliss. When a parent is restricting you from getting something you want; when you're too short to reach the cookie jar; when you're not allowed to go play with your friends until you finish with your homework...Looking back on it, those actually were much more lenient times than they are now. Sure, I can reach the cookie jar. Sure, I have money to buy the things I want. But I have to work to make the money for the things I want. I have to watch my intake on those delicious cookies, otherwise I'll get incredibly fat and lose the self-esteem I've worked so hard to build. My homework is far harder than it was prior to high school, and I can't see my friends as often.

As people grow, things get progressively harder. Due to the standard of living, though, we honestly don't realize that we had it so easy back when we were children until it's far too late to enjoy the freedom we were granted. I'm only sixteen, and while I've got most of my life planned out, (Even though it won't go anything as planned. It usually doesn't- and that's the fun of it!) I'm not looking forward to the day I turn 18 and my parents say, "Time to go!" and boot me out. (We've mutually agreed on this. I have funds for an apartment saved up for my 18th birthday.) Even when I'm "Free" from the chains of my parents, I won't be free from the chains of other things. From school, I go straight into college or work. Whichever. When I graduate college, I start working for real. Hey look- I'm now working the old 8-6. My life has just become monotonous and boring.

For the love of god, all of you still in your teens. ENJOY IT. This coming from someone in your age group, I don't think there is any reason for you to think your life is a swirling abyss unless something TRULY terrible happened. Enjoy your young life. ENJOY SCHOOL. THE TIME OF DAY WHEN YOU CAN SEE YOUR FRIENDS OFTEN. It really is the only relaxation you'll get for a while.

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
You made an excellent point here Teran, I hope some of our younger members will take this advice to heart. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Good read.

Even though I did have my moments of greatness in my childhood, there are also a lot of memories that kinda cancel them out. I've also got a really close friend who can help see me throught the toughter moments of adulthood, wheras most of my sad childhood memories were caused by the people who should be helping (i.e. my parents) so...yeah. I'm in quite a situation. :laugh:


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Well Ridley, that is sad to hear, and I mean I'm not saying everyone's childhood is gonna be the most awesome experience. However, 90% of kids in the west have the world at their feet and just sit there and b**** and moan like little emos that it's so depressing being a kid and that they wanna be independent and move out etc.

I just wish people wouldn't be... so rash. D=

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Well Ridley, that is sad to hear, and I mean I'm not saying everyone's childhood is gonna be the most awesome experience. However, 90% of kids in the west have the world at their feet and just sit there and b**** and moan like little emos that it's so depressing being a kid and that they wanna be independent and move out etc.

I just wish people wouldn't be... so rash. D=
You're making me think of a quote that I really like to use towards kids like that:

The world doesn't owe you anything; you owe the world.

I hope you find that fitting.

Smooth Criminal


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
That quote is so true it hurts.

I also just realised that this is the 777th thread in the User Blogs section, talk about a lucky number


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2009
North London, UK
Your words speak to me as God telling me an objective. Im 14 and I already agree my younger years (before 14) were the best years of my life. I feel an excitement becoming an adult, but I know the dejection I'm going to feel about never going to be able to return to my childhood.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Yeah, I wrote a blog about this same topic a few weeks ago. High school was amazing for me, but I didn't realize it until it was years gone. We all get so caught up in the angsty "I'm not cool/the jocks beat me up/no hot girls like me" and we forget to just stop and take stock of that moment in our lives.

Listen to Teran, because he's right. Before you know it, you'll be entering your mid-20's, dealing with rent, relationships, bosses and everything else, and you'll look back fondly on the days when your biggest worry was a test you didn't study for.


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
At this point in my life, I don't think I'd ever want to relive my junior high/high school days again. Unless I could go back with the mentality I have now, its an experience I can't say I miss (well, except my senior year. it was actually fun.).

Seriously, being relentlessly picked on and called a loser by my peers, for several years, sort of pushed me into my own little corner, and made me to not want to take part in a lot of the fun things that most teenagers get to experience, out of fear.

Personally, I've had a lot more fun in the couple years I've been out of high school than I've had at all in.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2008
Behind you! (PA)
Wow... I kinda got depressed from reading this.

My life is flying by, and I never took it seriously. I always thought being an adult would be a time of freedom. In reality, you just lose all of your friends, no more flirting with the hot chicks because it usually isn't pervy if you flirt in school, now you have some serious bizniz to take up your life.

I'm motivated now to get held back in school.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
I actually wasn't gonna read this because I thought it would be too long, but it had pictures, so I couldn't resist.

Teran, as you graduate, be sure to drop the bad habits that you had in high school that you could get away with. Like laziness and procrastination. I haven't dropped those habits yet, and they are kicking my *** right now as we speak.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.

Now that's that's out of the way...

Good read. Since I've been Homeschooled my whole life I can't say I really feel the same as you as far as the "lifestyle" but things are changing and all those points you made are completly true.

But everyone has regrets of some sort no matter what. You just got to keep them to as much as a minimal as you can.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Being a High School Student, I hear more "school sucks" while passing the other students every day, more so than I've ever heard before in my incredibly young life. Every time those words reach my ears, I think, "Do you honestly believe that you're going to have unlimited freedom as an adult? Enjoy your youth and liberty while it lasts."

Great Read, Teran. Excellent post.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
An excellent post. I agree completely with you, and I'm only sixteen.

Despite what people say, yeah. School is amazing. It's a period of time when you are pretty much free of anny worries or cares. The most important thing you have to do is keep up your grades. The most traumatizing thing that will happen to most people is breaking up with someone. (Lol how menial...) Around sixteen and seventeen are the years when people should begin to realize, "I don't have much time left. I need to enjoy it for everything I can."

As a child in a five to thirteen age range, it's rather easy to say, "I wish I was older. Then I could do whenever I want." And who can blame them? At that age, they truly do believe that they are restricted. I can only say one thing to their foolish thoughts- Ignorance is ever so bliss. When a parent is restricting you from getting something you want; when you're too short to reach the cookie jar; when you're not allowed to go play with your friends until you finish with your homework...Looking back on it, those actually were much more lenient times than they are now. Sure, I can reach the cookie jar. Sure, I have money to buy the things I want. But I have to work to make the money for the things I want. I have to watch my intake on those delicious cookies, otherwise I'll get incredibly fat and lose the self-esteem I've worked so hard to build. My homework is far harder than it was prior to high school, and I can't see my friends as often.

As people grow, things get progressively harder. Due to the standard of living, though, we honestly don't realize that we had it so easy back when we were children until it's far too late to enjoy the freedom we were granted. I'm only sixteen, and while I've got most of my life planned out, (Even though it won't go anything as planned. It usually doesn't- and that's the fun of it!) I'm not looking forward to the day I turn 18 and my parents say, "Time to go!" and boot me out. (We've mutually agreed on this. I have funds for an apartment saved up for my 18th birthday.) Even when I'm "Free" from the chains of my parents, I won't be free from the chains of other things. From school, I go straight into college or work. Whichever. When I graduate college, I start working for real. Hey look- I'm now working the old 8-6. My life has just become monotonous and boring.

For the love of god, all of you still in your teens. ENJOY IT. This coming from someone in your age group, I don't think there is any reason for you to think your life is a swirling abyss unless something TRULY terrible happened. Enjoy your young life. ENJOY SCHOOL. THE TIME OF DAY WHEN YOU CAN SEE YOUR FRIENDS OFTEN. It really is the only relaxation you'll get for a while.

Gawd I'm a bad poster.

On a side note- Finalark, I agree with your signature 100%. Final Fantasy IX was superior to VII in every way, shape and form.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Redson, you are awesome, I'm quoting you in the OP


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Wow, this really opened my eyes to a ton of things.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thanks, I guess. I didn't think it was that great, but if you think it was, thanks for the compliment.

The User Blogs section is my favorite section of Smashboards. I love hearing people's stories, and I love replying to them, despite how bad my posts may be.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Thanks, I guess. I didn't think it was that great, but if you think it was, thanks for the compliment.

The User Blogs section is my favorite section of Smashboards. I love hearing people's stories, and I love replying to them, despite how bad my posts may be.
You really didn't think it was that great? It was an awesome post! A great read and with excellent writing! Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. I got into that habit and earned the nickname "Pessimists Prime."


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
I was a major nerd in high school.
Didn't talk to anyone, did my work, drew pictures, kept to myself most of the time.
There wasn't anything remotely memorable about my high school years, but I did make a friend Freshman year who is now my very best friend and like a brother to me, that's the only thing I look back on in fond memory about highschool.
That and drawing hentai for lesbians Junior year.
True story.

I'm terrible, I know.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
It's like you said it just out of spite. Which leads me to believe that you're a troll. Which makes me not want to try and convince you otherwise.

School is what you make of it. If you think it sucks, enjoy the rest of your hellish childhood.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Lmao cba, you're making LGBT Smashers unhappy xD.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Let's not overdo it...adulthood is not this magical thing, but neither is school in its later years -- I highly disagree with the statement that you are free of worries, because unless you completely disregard the future you have to keep your grades up, which is no easy task. School has its fair amount of stress too...

Nonetheless, I do agree with this for the most part. I remember when I was about 13 I really wanted to get older because every time I went to a restaurant they automatically gave me a kids menu even though I didn't want one and I was annoyed about looking so young as to have them assume. Of course there were other things, but that's one thing I recall clearly. When you're younger, you always want to grow up, but being grown up isn't all its made out to be. It's like the line from "In This Diary" by The Ataris -- "Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up".

I basically stand at this point; being an adult sucks. Being a teenager sucks. The best time of your life is likely going to have been Elementary School, because the stress was minimal at most, you have the entire world in front of you, your innocence prevents you from realizing all that's wrong with the world...it's utter ignorance, but it's the best.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
I`m only 14 but have been realizing lately that-for the most part-
my life`s been great.

On a side note- Finalark, I agree with your signature 100%. Final Fantasy IX was superior to VII in every way, shape and form.[/QUOTE]

I agree that it was better, but it seems people are starting to not like FF7 because too much people like FF7????? I like FF9 better, but I still really like the characters and the story of FF7.
I guess the reason is so many spinoffs and stuff but oh well.

Kupo means boring!?


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Wow, teran, all you said is basiclly what i think and im barely in 9th grade......i guess im one of those few kids that wanted to be older, but never really wanted to be older. Like firus, when I was 13-14 people gave kids menus (actually they still do and im 15:(). Really just enjoy what you can right now, seriously. If you get the perfect job when you get older, or get the patent for perpetual motion so you can have an endless supply of money then good for you, but what if you end up saying "would you like to supersize that for only $3 more?" No you probably won't get the first and lets hope you don't get the second, but again enjoy what you have right now, stress or no stress, homework or no homework, enjoy the work your are doing, cuz it will probably beat having to fill out the house bills and such.....

Get the last drop out of you lemon called life and enjoy the sweet and sour taste it has:bee:!


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2006
Detroit Michigan
Lucky??? This is ironically the day I was just thinking about what I'm going to do about school tomorrow lol!
This thread is so true it deserves to be bookmarked.....Ima do that now :)
Because I know that once I graduate college is around the corner and man o man...that **** ain't to easy to take in.....Great thread 10truths!
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