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The Dating Advice Thread


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Have a cute girl/guy that plays smash that you cannot simply pop the question? Are you questioning whether to ask out a girl/guy in general? Do you need advice on how to strengthen your relationship? Well I am your guy and this is your thread. Give us some minor details and such, and myself and anyone who is willing to give advice will do it! If it is too embarrassing, you can private message me, and please note that I am not a miracle worker. Sometimes there is loss and heartbreak, and that is life.

Deleted member

Don't need a girl, or a date.

I got what I need, right here.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
First of all, you have to realize that a girl is only a girl, she definitely farts, and does odd **** on her free time so don't worship her. Do not ask out a girl just because she plays video games, she is already assuming that the only vagina you saw was on national geographics. Next, do not ask out a sl*t, she will obviously do everyone while lying to you, do not fall under the spell. Fix yourself first before even attempting to ask a girl out, if you haven't showered in years, and wear anime shirts, you will not get her unless she smells just as bad as you. Oh and the biggest tip(besides not being desperate, or targeting a girl in a community mostly of men) is to do something else with your life other than smash brothers, sure you can have it as a hobby, but if all you do is talk about smash, play smash 24/7 that shows non gaming girls you are a waste of space.

Bonus tip: If you are going after the average game girl(Not alllllllllll), then cater to your audience, you could look like a rat and smell like Donkey Kong's tropical sh*t, but if you are a top player, she will suck your weasel dry anyway. So get good at the game, very good. Women like status of any kind, depending on your audience.

Bonus tip 2: If you are taking dating tips from smashboards forums, you are already doomed.

Shadow the Past

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2012
Portsmouth, OH
Gunna make an actual serious post since I was just recently thinking about this today. A married girl from college told me this about a year ago and my friends also agree with her, so hopefully it holds some truth for you as well.

There's something that guys and girls both need to know about the opposite gender that you probably don't know, and it's about how they aquire feelings for one another. When a guy meets a girl, he will try and become friends with the girl, and if things go the right way, will become interested in her. However, for girls it's a completely different mindset. When a girl first meets a guy, that first impression is everything. Because in that first time you're meeting her and having a conversation with her or whatever, in her mind she's determining whether or not she's interested in you or just wants to be your friend. Once she has enough in her mind to determine if you should be one or the other, it's set for good. There are obviously acceptions to this, but generally this is how it goes.

Basically, guys, if you want a girl, make a good first impression. Girls, if you want a guy, be a good friend.

Trick or Treat

Yes, that is a key thing to remember. Life isn't like an anime where you can befriend a girl and do something nice for her and she all of a sudden falls in love with you.

Also, don't think too much of how a girl acts toward you. Just because she's being nice, or texts you first, etc etc, doesn't automatically mean she wants the D. Even being flirtatious doesn't mean much. If they do things like sit on your lap and hug you and be all flirty, ot usually means they're just very comfortable around you or most guys, or they're a ***** trying to deceive you.

Edit: I've decided to make it my goal to get most of you guys laid, or to just find love. Whichever really. So I'm going to post even more advice.

First off, treat her like any other person. Don't cater to her every whim, don't go out of your way to do things for her (once in a while is okay, especially if the task is actually warranted), basically don't show a lot of interest in her. Show enough to make her notice, but nothing more than that. We girls usually want what we can't have, so we tend to be more interested in a guy who's not clearly trying to get with us. Why? Because that's too easy. Thus, the key to the friendzone. While this isn't so much the case with me, if a girl knows you like her and you'll do things for her, she's going to keep you there in her back pocket, because she knows that no matter what you'll still be there either way. It's not always done maliciously, so don't hate the girl for doing that, it just kind of...happens. One thing to try, depending on how far along you are with this girl, is what my friend likes to call "the asshole approach." If you text each other on a somewhat regular basis, next time she texts you, ignore her. Don't respond for at least 3 days. Sure, it could potential ruin things, but if she doesn't text you or bring it up, then she's most likely not even interested.
Another thing to do is to just say no. Like I said before, you can't make yourself so available and easily accessible. You can't keep saying yes every time she wants you to go with her somewhere, or for you to get her something. It might come across as being an asshole, but that's kind of the point. It's really not bad, though. I'm not saying to treat her like ****, but you can't treat her like she's a queen or anything. That comes later when you two are madly in love and living out a movie love story.
That being said, she still needs to have some interest in you, obviously. Otherwise, she won't really care either way. Whether you win her over with your looks, your smooth charm, or something else like common interests or just your personality, you need to have something to make her take note of you. As was already said above me, girls supposedly make their judgments upon first meeting a guy. This isn't always true, because you definitely can win a girl over after some time, but it still helps to nail that first impression.
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Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
This looks like advice from a girl ^ girls don't know how to get girls, they mostly don't even know what they want, very few girls are actually secure about themselves and have a dominant type character.

Even though, some of that stuff is true, you shouldn't have that type of attutide with a girl without a true undestanding of things, is all about being an alpha male, not a douchebag, as an alpha you choose your girl and show her the interest that you have in her, be it sexual and/or romantic, and if the girl does respond well with gratitude you keep going at her if she doesn't then you simply don't because she haven't done anything to deserve your attention, you move on and look for another female.

Do not expect a female to respond you in a good way if you can't pass her " acceptability standards", this of course involves, the way you look (dress and overall physique), talk, approach her, etc. basically like one of the posters said above if you don't meet this standards (that vary from woman to woman) you will simply not fit in the "potential mate" category in her brain and thus you'll remain in "just a friend" category. It is very well possible to change this even if you're in the friendzone right now, you can change the way you look and dress (not your face but at least you can change your clothes and physique) and learn to talk her in a way that appeals more for a romantic and sexual kind of relationship.
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Trick or Treat

This looks like advice from a girl ^ girls don't know how to get girls, they mostly don't even know what they want, very few girls are actually secure about themselves and have a dominant type character.
Sadly this is true. Even as a silly example, I don't know what I want for a relationship. Some times I want a **** buddy, other (and most often) times I want to find my future husband and true love. Even deeper than that, the "type" of guy differs sometimes. So just in that sense alone, I don't know what I want.

Even though, some of that stuff is true, you shouldn't have that type of attutide with a girl without a true undestanding of things, is all about being an alpha male, not a douchebag, as an alpha you choose your girl and show her the interest that you have in her, be it sexual and/or romantic, and if the girl does respond well with gratitude you keep going at her if she doesn't then you simply don't because she haven't done anything to deserve your attention, you move on and look for another female.
Well, yes. I didn't literally mean for people to become douchebags. Unless the specific girl is into that, then that's going too far. But still, trust me, you can't show THAT much interest in her. Or, you can, but if you do, you have to be able to move on and look for another female. This mostly applies to more casual relationships, though. You show interest in the girl, but also show her that she's not as important as she thinks. By that I mean, don't keep pressing unless she responds positively, and if she isn't interested, move on to the next one and act like you don't care. That's the key, not showing that you care. Like, "Oh, you're not interested in me? Okay." with a shrug, then move on to the next one.

Do not expect a female to respond you in a good way if you can't pass her " acceptability standards", this of course involves, the way you look (dress and overall physique), talk, approach her, etc. basically like one of the posters said above if you don't meet this standards (that vary from woman to woman) you will simply not fit in the "potential mate" category in her brain and thus you'll remain in "just a friend" category. It is very well possible to change this even if you're in the friendzone right now, you can change the way you look and dress (not your face but at least you can change your clothes and physique) and learn to talk her in a way that appeals more for a romantic and sexual kind of relationship.
Again, sad but true. Still, everyone's guilty of it to some degree. If we're not attracted to you physically, you either have to grab our attention and "wow" us in some other way, or...get a makeover. Same goes for your behavior. If you get nervous, or you're simply a boring or awkward person to talk to, that just won't cut it. Even if you're attractive. So learn to be funny. Or do something fun so you can talk about it. Or, for a more personal and romantic relationship, take on the other person's hobbies or favorite TV shows etc, so you at least have something to talk to them about.

Of course, what each girl wants is different for everyone, so don't give up if you strike out a lot, you'll hopefully find someone who likes what you have to offer. I've seen some pretty unusual and surprising relationships over the years.

Who knows? You may even meet your future wife on a chance encounter as one of your customers one day. That happened to a friend of mine. Pretty cool story.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Sadly this is true. Even as a silly example, I don't know what I want for a relationship. Some times I want a **** buddy, other (and most often) times I want to find my future husband and true love. Even deeper than that, the "type" of guy differs sometimes. So just in that sense alone, I don't know what I want.
Well, I don't know exactly what you meant (that's why I usually tell to guys that is better not to try to understand women in their somewhat contradictory ideas and thoughts) but it seems that the idea of having a **** buddy to you is more fun than the idea of having a husband, while the later is possibly more fulfilling for you as a woman (women just love the whole idea of marriage, is like the ultimate dream come true) may not be as fun.

The good news is that you can have both if you give it a chance with that person, if sex is amazing but there's not much interest in something serious then is possible that love may grow with time (if you give it a chance like I said), if the relationship is very romantic and fullfulling but sex is boring, sex can get better with communication and a little research here and there, either way you can get what you seek, but is not an easy task because it requires a lot of commitment from both parts.

I realize that being a woman is difficult in this topic, because of the fact that you have to take a big choice when accepting a partner, he may not be the right one, and that might dissapoint you and probably hurt you in the end (I'm guessing that's another big part you prefer the first kind of partners). Is like taking a big risk, and I'm sure you may be asking yourself a lot of questions about the guy inside your head if you're going to commit into something serious with him.

Well, yes. I didn't literally mean for people to become douchebags. Unless the specific girl is into that, then that's going too far. But still, trust me, you can't show THAT much interest in her. Or, you can, but if you do, you have to be able to move on and look for another female. This mostly applies to more casual relationships, though. You show interest in the girl, but also show her that she's not as important as she thinks. By that I mean, don't keep pressing unless she responds positively, and if she isn't interested, move on to the next one and act like you don't care. That's the key, not showing that you care. Like, "Oh, you're not interested in me? Okay." with a shrug, then move on to the next one.
Like I said, as a MAN you should take the lead and make the first move almost always (sometimes the girl is just crazy in love with you at first sight). Do not show her interest or do anything that she doesn't deserve, if she answers you back with something nice like a giggle, smile, whatever then you can keep going at her, you should only reward her when she has a nice/pleasant behavior towards you. Is very simple, if she's interested you'll see that she keeps being nice to you, make a move and try to caress her in some way, find something that you like on her, maybe her earrings (ears), necklace (neck), bracelet (hand), hair w.e touch her there and say that you find it cute and whatnot. I'm personally a very direct guy and I like this approach, and I find that's a pretty good point to start with something more. Also, always look her at her eyes when you're talking to her... always.

Again, sad but true. Still, everyone's guilty of it to some degree. If we're not attracted to you physically, you either have to grab our attention and "wow" us in some other way, or...get a makeover. Same goes for your behavior. If you get nervous, or you're simply a boring or awkward person to talk to, that just won't cut it. Even if you're attractive. So learn to be funny. Or do something fun so you can talk about it. Or, for a more personal and romantic relationship, take on the other person's hobbies or favorite TV shows etc, so you at least have something to talk to them about.
True, and this is something everyone can work on, usually most girls don't care about muscles (althought they really go crazy about them once the guy is naked though xD) you don't need to look like a huge ripped meathead, just having an athletic and well developed physique is almost always enough for the vast majority of women, the thing is... women are attracted to this types of physiques because they associate them with a strong mate that can protect them, is some naturally programmed stuff into their brain kind of thing, they also simply fall for manliness in the same regard, they of course find many things attractive in our male bodies just like we men find on their female bodies. To get a good body all you have to do is get your ass off the couch and start going to the gym, it'll raise your chances of success at getting the girl you want, and who knows, you might meet a girl there too. As for talking, I'm sure there are tons of stuff that you can learn on the internet, apply them and see what works and what doesn't.
Of course, what each girl wants is different for everyone, so don't give up if you strike out a lot, you'll hopefully find someone who likes what you have to offer. I've seen some pretty unusual and surprising relationships over the years.

Who knows? You may even meet your future wife on a chance encounter as one of your customers one day. That happened to a friend of mine. Pretty cool story.
Yes, don't cry because you didn't get the first girl you put your eyes on, like they say... there are plenty of fish in the sea.
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Shadow the Past

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2012
Portsmouth, OH
Making yourself look good doesn't just mean you have to go out to the gym and get yourself ripped or whatever (not to discourage anyone, by all means lol). Something as simple as changing your wardrobe (i.e. lose the fedora), eating better, or getting a hobby you can express are all great ways to show girls that you can take care of yourself, which means you can take care of them as well. Girls are more keen to guys like this as opposed to those who choose to dress in unfashionable/unexpressive clothes, eat poorly, and don't have any hobbies or interests.

Trick or Treat

Now the other question is, how do girls get girls? This same advice might not apply for those kinds of relationships. I'm having a tough time, myself.

Well, I don't know exactly what you meant (that's why I usually tell to guys that is better not to try to understand women in their somewhat contradictory ideas and thoughts) but it seems that the idea of having a **** buddy to you is more fun than the idea of having a husband, while the later is possibly more fulfilling for you as a woman (women just love the whole idea of marriage, is like the ultimate dream come true) may not be as fun.
It's more like...I'm a big romantic. I love love and romance and would love to meet some amazing guy and have a fantasy love story. However, it's not limited to that. There have been times that I see a really hot guy and in my head I'm like "**** me now!!!"

I don't like that, though. I'd prefer to not think like that ever.

The good news is that you can have both if you give it a chance with that person, if sex is amazing but there's not much interest in something serious then is possible that love may grow with time (if you give it a chance like I said), if the relationship is very romantic and fullfulling but sex is boring, sex can get better with communication and a little research here and there, either way you can get what you seek, but is not an easy task because it requires a lot of commitment from both parts.
Yeah, there's always the possibility to fix whatever it is. It's not just one or the other, or rather it doesn't have to be.
I realize that being a woman is difficult in this topic, because of the fact that you have to take a big choice when accepting a partner, he may not be the right one, and that might dissapoint you and probably hurt you in the end (I'm guessing that's another big part you prefer the first kind of partners). Is like taking a big risk, and I'm sure you may be asking yourself a lot of questions about the guy inside your head if you're going to commit into something serious with him.
This is also true. If you know that it's just something casual, right from the start, you don't really get hurt easily, and it's also easier to let them down as well. However if you're in a serious relationship, but they turn out to be not that great, in whatever way, it's tougher, at least for me, to end it.

Like I said, as a MAN you should take the lead and make the first move almost always (sometimes the girl is just crazy in love with you at first sight). Do not show her interest or do anything that she doesn't deserve, if she answers you back with something nice like a giggle, smile, whatever then you can keep going at her, you should only reward her when she has a nice/pleasant behavior towards you. Is very simple, if she's interested you'll see that she keeps being nice to you, make a move and try to caress her in some way, find something that you like on her, maybe her earrings (ears), necklace (neck), bracelet (hand), hair w.e touch her there and say that you find it cute and whatnot. I'm personally a very direct guy and I like this approach, and I find that's a pretty good point to start with something more. Also, always look her at her eyes when you're talking to her... always.
This pretty much goes with the stuff I was saying, with just a few differences.

However, there's one big red flag. You have to be able to tell if she's being genuine. Girls are notorious for their fake smiles and laughs. Oskurito's advice here only applies if you can tell the girl is being genuine. A lot of girls exaggerate or completely fake their laugh/smile for one of two reasons. It's either meant maliciously, to trick you (like a succubus!), or it's because they don't want you to feel bad. But that's just human nature. If a guy or girl came up to you and said something they thought was hilarious, but you didn't find funny at all, more often than not you'd fake a laugh just so they feel better. Doesn't mean you're interested in that person.

So you can't JUST go by that.

True, and this is something everyone can work on, usually most girls don't care about muscles (althought they really go crazy about them once the guy is naked though xD) you don't need to look like a huge ripped meathead, just having an athletic and well developed physique is almost always enough for the vast majority of women, the thing is... women are attracted to this types of physiques because they associate them with a strong mate that can protect them, is some naturally programmed stuff into their brain kind of thing, they also simply fall for manliness in the same regard, they of course find many things attractive in our male bodies just like we men find on their female bodies.
Meh, for me I just like how it looks. I don't care if the guy is "strong" or can "protect" me, I just think that having a slightly fit body simply looks better. I don't really care much about the body nor manliness, though, not as much as other things.

The guy I have feelings for right now, for example. He isn't the sexiest guy out there. I can argue that I'm not even that physically attracted to him. Granted, we've been close friends for a while so that helps (Warning: This doesn't help for most girls. Quite the opposite), but I still have such strong feelings for him nonetheless, because we're almost like a perfect match for each other, as selfish as it is for me to say that. It's like those two characters in a TV show who everyone feels would be perfect and should be together.

So, at least for me, that is enough to make me fall for him. Much more than any amount of manliness or "alpha male"-ness would ever do for me.

To get a good body all you have to do is get your *** off the couch and start going to the gym, it'll raise your chances of success at getting the girl you want, and who knows, you might meet a girl there too. As for talking, I'm sure there are tons of stuff that you can learn on the internet, apply them and see what works and what doesn't.
This, so much this. One of my other close friends goes to the gym every day, and he's been telling me about all the cute girls he sees there. He talks to them some time, but he's more focused on actually exercising than getting to know the girls. Point is, the opportunity is there. You'll meet some fine ladies. Even if you don't see physical results in your body, just the fact that you're at the gym and doing something to take care of yourself, and for the girls there to see that, is enough.

Yes, don't cry because you didn't get the first girl you put your eyes on, like they say... there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Very much so. And love can come from the most unlikely of encounters, so keep that in mind.

Making yourself look good doesn't just mean you have to go out to the gym and get yourself ripped or whatever (not to discourage anyone, by all means lol). Something as simple as changing your wardrobe (i.e. lose the fedora), eating better, or getting a hobby you can express are all great ways to show girls that you can take care of yourself, which means you can take care of them as well. Girls are more keen to guys like this as opposed to those who choose to dress in unfashionable/unexpressive clothes, eat poorly, and don't have any hobbies or interests.
Though, to be some, some guys can really pull off a fedora.

One other thing. Love yourself. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. If you hate or look down on yourself, and you beat yourself up or even just not caring about being happy, that's not good. You have to have a positive outlook for yourself, and have to care about yourself, because if you don't, why should anyone else?


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Now the other question is, how do girls get girls? This same advice might not apply for those kinds of relationships. I'm having a tough time, myself.
I don't know, can't help you there, I'm guessing it'll depend on what role the female is willing to take in the relationship and how compatible are both girls, I'm still clueless about the L world lol

It's more like...I'm a big romantic. I love love and romance and would love to meet some amazing guy and have a fantasy love story. However, it's not limited to that.
Aww that's cute ^_^

There have been times that I see a really hot guy and in my head I'm like "**** me now!!!"

I don't like that, though. I'd prefer to not think like that ever.
I think almost every woman would be horny on that kind of scenario, nothing wront with that, you're a good girl, lol. I think you're afraid of what everybody else thinks about you wanting to get ****ed by some hot guy. How society sees women is the problem, while is perflectly normal for a grown up guy to want to **** a woman that he finds very attractive is not good to see a woman wanted to be **** by a very attractive man, that behavior is usually labeled as $luty. I personally think women have their rights too, nothing wrong with feeling horny, I think if you say that when you're with your girl friends it'll be fine/cool but not sure what will happen if you said that in front of some guys, for me is perfectly normal and it shows that you're not boring in that sense.

However, there's one big red flag. You have to be able to tell if she's being genuine. Girls are notorious for their fake smiles and laughs. Oskurito's advice here only applies if you can tell the girl is being genuine. A lot of girls exaggerate or completely fake their laugh/smile for one of two reasons. It's either meant maliciously, to trick you (like a succubus!), or it's because they don't want you to feel bad. But that's just human nature. If a guy or girl came up to you and said something they thought was hilarious, but you didn't find funny at all, more often than not you'd fake a laugh just so they feel better. Doesn't mean you're interested in that person.

So you can't JUST go by that.
Yes is true that women do fake and/or exaggerate but you can't keep guessing whenever she's truly genuine or not, that's a girl thing xD You simply feel confident about yourself, you keep going at her and sooner or later you'll find out if she's genuinely into you or not. If at some point you think she's playing with you or whatever, by all means discard this girl, there's no need to put yourself in that kind of situation, like I said, you shouldn't keep showing interest on her if she doesn't show her interest in you as well.

Meh, for me I just like how it looks. I don't care if the guy is "strong" or can "protect" me, I just think that having a slightly fit body simply looks better. I don't really care much about the body nor manliness, though, not as much as other things.

The guy I have feelings for right now, for example. He isn't the sexiest guy out there. I can argue that I'm not even that physically attracted to him. Granted, we've been close friends for a while so that helps (Warning: This doesn't help for most girls. Quite the opposite), but I still have such strong feelings for him nonetheless, because we're almost like a perfect match for each other, as selfish as it is for me to say that. It's like those two characters in a TV show who everyone feels would be perfect and should be together.

So, at least for me, that is enough to make me fall for him. Much more than any amount of manliness or "alpha male"-ness would ever do for me.
Like I said, this depends on the woman, you don't seem to care much about the physique but some woman do care and a LOT.

Besides, what if the guy you liked was also jacked? wouldn't it be more awesome? just saying =P
Though, to be some, some guys can really pull off a fedora.
I don't know what you meant here, english is not my first language sorry xD

Trick or Treat

I don't know, can't help you there, I'm guessing it'll depend on what role the female is willing to take in the relationship and how compatible are both girls, I'm still clueless about the L world lol
Yeah, it's definitely different than a heterosexual relationship. I'm technically bi so I'm more than willing to get involved with females, but it's not exactly easy for me to go up to a girl asking for a lesbian experience.

I think almost every woman would be horny on that kind of scenario, nothing wront with that, you're a good girl, lol. I think you're afraid of what everybody else thinks about you wanting to get ****ed by some hot guy. How society sees women is the problem, while is perflectly normal for a grown up guy to want to **** a woman that he finds very attractive is not good to see a woman wanted to be **** by a very attractive man, that behavior is usually labeled as $luty. I personally think women have their rights too, nothing wrong with feeling horny, I think if you say that when you're with your girl friends it'll be fine/cool but not sure what will happen if you said that in front of some guys, for me is perfectly normal and it shows that you're not boring in that sense.
Yeah, there really is a huge double standard. Like, it's okay and normal for men to want sex and the like, but girls aren't supposed to be like that, or at least they shouldn't talk about it. I hate how people think like that.

Yes is true that women do fake and/or exaggerate but you can't keep guessing whenever she's truly genuine or not, that's a girl thing xD You simply feel confident about yourself, you keep going at her and sooner or later you'll find out if she's genuinely into you or not. If at some point you think she's playing with you or whatever, by all means discard this girl, there's no need to put yourself in that kind of situation, like I said, you shouldn't keep showing interest on her if she doesn't show her interest in you as well.
Yep. As soon as you she that she's playing you, drop her completely. Who knows, maybe doing that will make her ACTUALLY interested in you. It happens.

Like I said, this depends on the woman, you don't seem to care much about the physique but some woman do care and a LOT.

Besides, what if the guy you liked was also jacked? wouldn't it be more awesome? just saying =P
Of course, everyone's tastes are different.

And, not really. I don't like jacked. Fit and toned is nice, I suppose, but nothing special.

I don't know what you meant here, english is not my first language sorry xD
Oh, I just meant that some guys can look good wearing a fedora. I like fedoras.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't date and I've never dated

I don't think I ever could

It's far easier and has less drama to just hang with friends and chill


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Yeah, there really is a huge double standard. Like, it's okay and normal for men to want sex and the like, but girls aren't supposed to be like that, or at least they shouldn't talk about it. I hate how people think like that.
I think this will change in years to come, I'm not the only one who doesn't like this double standard, heck it might even be beneficial for men at the end of the day, if women are left free to express a little bit more of their naughty side then why not?
Yep. As soon as you she that she's playing you, drop her completely. Who knows, maybe doing that will make her ACTUALLY interested in you. It happens.
Sometimes women like to play dominant with you, like make you work really hard just to show her how much you're interested (these kind of women tend to be cocky and arrogant) but then again they might don't want to leave you as easily because they actually find you attractive, and they may talk to you again. I personally hate this type of woman, they'll play this game until you show enough interest for them to commit. Who knows what you'll have to go through with their game, I think is not worth the shot.

What I said earlier about rewarding good behavior still stands.

Of course, everyone's tastes are different.

And, not really. I don't like jacked. Fit and toned is nice, I suppose, but nothing special.
and if he was fit and toned? =P

I don't date and I've never dated

I don't think I ever could

It's far easier and has less drama to just hang with friends and chill
How old are you?
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I think this will change in years to come, I'm not the only one who doesn't like this double standard, heck it might even be beneficial for men at the end of the day, if women are left free to express a little bit more of their naughty side then why not?

Sometimes women like to play dominant with you, like make you work really hard just to show her how much you're interested (these kind of women tend to be cocky and arrogant) but then again they might don't want to leave you as easily because they actually find you attractive, and they may talk to you again. I personally hate this type of woman, they'll play this game until you show enough interest for them to commit. Who knows what you'll have to go through with their game, I think is not worth the shot.

What I said earlier about rewarding good behavior still stands.

and if he was fit and toned? =P

How old are you?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Holy... u srs bro? why you have that kind of attitude?
It's better than what happens to my friends in their relationships

Girls boyfriend beat her up and SHE ended up in jail because she tried to defend herself

Another girl was left paying thousands of dollars for an apartment when she broke up with her boyfriend and had to move out (And he refused to pay)

There's more stuff, but it all seems like BS to me


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Oh I get what you're trying to say, yeah, sometimes relationships suck, is better to stay single until you find someone mature enough for a serious relationship, or you could just **** around here and there without giving a **** lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
Don't beat yourself up and try too hard to impress some chick. Why must you bust out your magic carpet to impress some girl you just want the peach from? Makes no sense. Ask yourself what are you looking for? If it is for a relationship, then keep your standards high and not get love goggles for anyone with a v.ag. Also, if you get rejected, don't take it to heart and just move on to the huge sea of women. Women have their reasons to reject you, but most of the time they do it because you are too easy to get, creepster, or they let the power of being female get to their head. Stay away from the girls that let the power get to their head just because they were born female, go **** a goat if you have too, don't give her anymore ego trips.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
people all think differently and making solid 'this will work 100% the time guys are like this girls are like that blah blah' advice posts isnt always the best way to go

politeness and confidence can be key in any situation, not just for dating, so i guess thats my 2 cents?

Shadow the Past

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2012
Portsmouth, OH
Though, to be some, some guys can really pull off a fedora.
I think the reason some guys can pull it off is because those guys already look good without a fedora, therefore the fedora just further compliments their look. Think of any attractive guy, then put a fedora on him and he'll still look attractive. But if it's on an unattractive guy, it just looks silly.

I'm majoring in Digital Simulation and Game Design at the 7th best college in the US for learning about video game design, and I see a plethora of people (i.e. nerds) on a regular basis who are not particularly attractive but insist on wearing a fedora. There was one guy who was passable but now he's "upgraded" to a top-hat so now he looks even more ridiculous. Basically it's one of those "What I think I look like/What I actually look like" photos you see all the time on social media.

I have a bit of a vendetta with fedoras lol.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
@ Oskurito Oskurito pretty much nailed much of what I was gonna say, especially about the slut double standard. Seem like the kind of dude I'd hang out with, so you're cool in my book.
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Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Wow, some of the advice in here. Wow.
Yeah, what are you wow'ing at? ;D

people all think differently and making solid 'this will work 100% the time guys are like this girls are like that blah blah' advice posts isnt always the best way to go

politeness and confidence can be key in any situation, not just for dating, so i guess thats my 2 cents?
Yeah, nothing works 100% time some of the stuff I said was personal experience. But still, is all about being alpha, and I didn't learn that on my own, and I wasn't bragging or anything, just trying to teach some stuff that actually works. If you don't believe me, check out the book How to become an alpha male (google it).

I shared this book with a close friend of mine who I currently work with, and GUESS ****ing what, he got out of the friendzone + he got a kiss and he ditched the woman for a hotter one who is his current girlfriend of 2 years!, yeah bro, wtf, talk about big changes.

@ Oskurito Oskurito pretty much nailed much of what I was gonna say, especially about the slut double standard. Seem like the kind of dude I'd hang out with, so you're cool in my book.
*Alpha detected*


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I just feel that quantifying getting into relationships and trying to go into these little "tips" is silly. Like that "wait three days before texting" stuff is absolute bull ****.

Just be friendly, let her actually talk (and have yourself not dominate the conversation), and show interest but not desperate levels of interest. No tip will magically change whether you hit it off well with her or not.
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Smash Lord
Nov 27, 2013
I just feel that quantifying getting into relationships and trying to go into these little "tips" is silly. Like that "wait three days before texting" stuff is absolute bull ****.

Just be friendly, let her actually talk (and have yourself not dominate the conversation), and show interest but not desperate levels of interest. No tip will magically change whether you hit it off well with her or not.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Yeah, what are you wow'ing at? ;D

Yeah, nothing works 100% time some of the stuff I said was personal experience. But still, is all about being alpha, and I didn't learn that on my own, and I wasn't bragging or anything, just trying to teach some stuff that actually works. If you don't believe me, check out the book How to become an alpha male (google it).

I shared this book with a close friend of mine who I currently work with, and GUESS ****ing what, he got out of the friendzone + he got a kiss and he ditched the woman for a hotter one who is his current girlfriend of 2 years!, yeah bro, wtf, talk about big changes.

*Alpha detected*
If you need a ****ing book to tell you how to be an alpha male, you don't get to be an alpha male. Getting out of the friendzone means you're not bitchmade. If being non bitchmade is all you need to be an alpha, then man **** me I'm already Vince Mcma-



Trick or Treat

I just feel that quantifying getting into relationships and trying to go into these little "tips" is silly. Like that "wait three days before texting" stuff is absolute bull ****.

Just be friendly, let her actually talk (and have yourself not dominate the conversation), and show interest but not desperate levels of interest. No tip will magically change whether you hit it off well with her or not.
They're just tips, not a rulebook to follow word for word. And no, I'm sorry but it's not bull****. Have you tried it before? Most of the time, it does work. Now, to be clear, I'm not saying it will automatically work 100% of the time or whatever, I'm just saying that it does, and has, worked quite a few times before. I know it might seem dumb or silly to you, but it definitely does work sometimes.

And again, none of us are really saying that our tips are magically going to get you a girlfriend. I can't speak for anyone else, but just about all of my advice is from a lot of personal experience, both with myself and my friends of both genders. And trust me, I have a lot of experience. It may be different for everyone else. What works for one guy might not work for the next. And obviously the girls are different too. Just because the "wait three days" will work on one girl doesn't mean it will work on the next.

Your "just be friendly" advice doesn't work as often as you might think, I hate to say it. Of course, you could argue that 9 times out of 10, if it doesn't work, then the girl isn't worth it. Ideally speaking, that's definitely how you should be able to get the girl, but it's not. Only the awesome, worthwhile girls really respond to that.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
I just feel that quantifying getting into relationships and trying to go into these little "tips" is silly. Like that "wait three days before texting" stuff is absolute bull ****.

Just be friendly, let her actually talk (and have yourself not dominate the conversation), and show interest but not desperate levels of interest. No tip will magically change whether you hit it off well with her or not.
Yeah, that part about waiting is mostly bull**** (sry envy).

Getting her to talk first is a good start.

If you need a ****ing book to tell you how to be an alpha male, you don't get to be an alpha male. Getting out of the friendzone means you're not *****made. If being non *****made is all you need to be an alpha, then man **** me I'm already Vince Mcma-


LOL xD Bro, if you don't believe me just read the book srsly, I was just trying to be a 100% honest telling where I got my stuff from, this **** works, no joke.

Oh my god, this thread.

I'm not against the idea, but this is like the blind leading the blind.
If you think we're all blind then enlighten us with your wisdom.

Trick or Treat

To be fair, the texting thing is more useful for the friendzone, as opposed to picking up some random girl.

If you text her often enough, next time she texts you just don't respond.

Just about every time a guy I know has tried this, it works. The girl, who's come to always expect a response from the guy, realizes that the guy doesn't "need" her (in the sense that if they stopped talking it wouldn't bother him as much, and he'd move on), and that not every moment of his life is spent focusing on her. And again, from past experience, she'll usually being putting more effort into the friendship and start showing more and more interest.

You can disregard this all you want, I'm just telling you that's how it is. Won't always work, 100% of the time because every situation is different, but you can't just say it's bull**** and doesn't work.

To clarify, this mostly applies to those relationships where your friend knows you like her, or whatever, and that'd you'd do anything for her. It's likely that you could eliminate this by not making yourself so available, to the point where she takes you for granted (that's the big key) in the first place, but still.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
If you think we're all blind then enlighten us with your wisdom.
Haha, I don't think that would help?

I'm not gonna pretend that I know everything there is to know about getting someone, because that's silly. People are different! And no two girls (or guys) are the same, so it's a bit of a moot point. People and their relationships are too complicated for a single answer imo.

Honestly, I think this thread has good intentions, but it just seems like a downwards spiral of generalizations. Anyway, that's just my two cents, peace~
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