Fire Emblemier
The Crests are to Blame
I know he isn't the most likely or most wanted Kong, yet lets think about this would anyone be upset if he appeared. I think not, anyways Lanky first made an appearance as a playable character in DK64 and is even a trophy in Brawl. Now lets get to the move-set I made up. Also this isn't a joke character he will fit in well.
Up Special-Balloon Monkey-This his recovery move, Lankey blows up into a balloon and floats works likes Pit's up-special.
Neutral Special-blow-dart grapes-In DK64 all playable characters get a ranged weapons, the most famous being Diddy's peanut popper. Lanky's ranged weapon is blow-dart tube that shoots grapes. This would work like both Diddy's Peanut popper and Fox's blaster. It can be charged up for more power and distance, but it held too long the grape explodes in his face.
Down Special-Handstand ground-pound- works like Bowser's down special. Lanky flips into the air and then pounds the ground with his hands.
Side Special- Handstand Dash- Lanky goes on his hands and charges at opponent, works Fox's Side Special.
AAA- Lanky since he is orangutan has longs, he extends his arms and facepalms opponents on thid hit it repeats.
I can't think of the rest can you guys help.
Signature- Credit to Kikwi-Kiwi
Supporter List's
Diddy Kong
Up Special-Balloon Monkey-This his recovery move, Lankey blows up into a balloon and floats works likes Pit's up-special.
Neutral Special-blow-dart grapes-In DK64 all playable characters get a ranged weapons, the most famous being Diddy's peanut popper. Lanky's ranged weapon is blow-dart tube that shoots grapes. This would work like both Diddy's Peanut popper and Fox's blaster. It can be charged up for more power and distance, but it held too long the grape explodes in his face.
Down Special-Handstand ground-pound- works like Bowser's down special. Lanky flips into the air and then pounds the ground with his hands.
Side Special- Handstand Dash- Lanky goes on his hands and charges at opponent, works Fox's Side Special.
AAA- Lanky since he is orangutan has longs, he extends his arms and facepalms opponents on thid hit it repeats.
I can't think of the rest can you guys help.
Signature- Credit to Kikwi-Kiwi

Supporter List's
Diddy Kong