Fire Emblemier
The Crests are to Blame

I know he isn't the most likely or most wanted Kong, yet lets think about this would anyone be upset if he appeared. I think not, anyways Lanky first made an appearance as a playable character in DK64 and is even a trophy in Brawl. Now lets get to the move-set I made up. Also this isn't a joke character he will fit in well.
Up Special-Balloon Monkey-This his recovery move, Lankey blows up into a balloon and floats works likes Pit's up-special.
Neutral Special-blow-dart grapes-In DK64 all playable characters get a ranged weapons, the most famous being Diddy's peanut popper. Lanky's ranged weapon is blow-dart tube that shoots grapes. This would work like both Diddy's Peanut popper and Fox's blaster. It can be charged up for more power and distance, but it held too long the grape explodes in his face.
Down Special-Handstand ground-pound- works like Bowser's down special. Lanky flips into the air and then pounds the ground with his hands.
Side Special- Handstand Dash- Lanky goes on his hands and charges at opponent, works Fox's Side Special.
AAA- Lanky since he is orangutan has longs, he extends his arms and facepalms opponents on thid hit it repeats.
I can't think of the rest can you guys help.
Signature- Credit to Kikwi-Kiwi

Supporter List's
Diddy Kong
Young Horsetail
Lanky Kong

Lanky Kong is the Clown of the Kongo Jungle. Although he's only appeared in two games, I would see him as having potential to be a character in this game. In the hit game for the N64, Donkey Kong 64, he was one of the 5 playable characters, others being Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Tiny Kong and Chunky Kong. All 5 of these characters had unique movesets to make the game fun to play, and as a matter of fact, Diddy Kong's Brawl moveset is 50% based off of this game! (Jetpacks, Peanut Popguns, etc.) Moving back to Lanky, let's explore what his chances are for getting in to the next game.
Is He Original?
I'd say Lanky Kong is one of the most unique Kongs. He runs around as care-free as a moose in Hawaii, and thinks every aspect of life is just a joke. Unlike the other Kongs who see their adventures as serious quests, Lanky just tags along for fun. I think this would make it easy to incorporate a fun, yet simple moveset as well as providing a funny variety of possible Taunts and Victory poses.
Special - Slap: Stretches his arms in front of his and slaps the enemy. (Like his B move in DK64)
Up Special - Inflate: Lanky inflates into his balloon form and floats upward for a period of time, slightly controllable left and right. (Slow, but decent amount of time. If struck it cancels.)
Side Special - Spin Swat: Lanky spins around (both moving or standing) and slaps opponents with his outstretched arms. (Similar to Luigi's spin)
Down Special - Glissando: Lanky plays a glissando on his Trombone and it dazes enemies around him. (Works like Jigglypuff's Sing, except it dazes foes rather than putting them to sleep.)
Final Smash: Trombone Tremor
Lanky plays his DK64 Trombone tune and all enemies on the course get hurt (like Kirby's Mic attack from various Kirby games). Anyone who survives the blow is dazed for a few seconds.
Is It Likely?
Unfortunately, due to Lanky's lack of appearance in games, I don't think he would be chosen over characters like Dixie Kong or King K. Rool. However, if the DK Franchise gets more than 4 characters, like the Mario Franchise will most likely be getting, there is a possibility. On that topic, I see Donkey Kong as just as much of a deserving franchise to have many characters. Up until Brawl, it only had 1 character, and I always thought there should be more. But then again, that's just my opinion.
Please share your thoughts. To be honest, I'd probably agree with any rants that you come up with. I just wanted to post this to show that I would support him getting in and I wanted to share a possible moveset for him.