Peach with any character -> God
Puff with most characters -> God
CF is easily high tier, he live long, very seldom get gimped, kill and gimp easily and can teamcombo from anywhere on the stage..
Puff and Peach are control characters, they don't do so well in ditto teams, since you would want someone getting the enemies attention while Peach/Puff get inside their defenses ever so slowly, CF, Fox, Falco, Marth can all do this.
So I never consider Puff/Puff or Peach/Peach as the best team but when either of them are in a team it'll be beast.. since both of these characters got some ridiculous move that break momentum and rank dmg(Peach with her dsmash and puff with the bair and rest)..
Man this game would be so much better if Peach and Puff were banned or taken out of the game, then all games would be fast and great and not like "OMG CC DOWNSMASH, I did 60% on you :D:D:D"