Smash Cadet
yeah, thats it. these outfits look s-weeeeetHere!
Also, I'm pretty fine with the customizing the weapons. I mean, it would be cool if you could have like an Abraham Lincoln with a magnum, but it's not that big of a deal. (This also means that you can make different characters like Ryu) At least the outfits are awesome. The whole customization this is really cool in my opinion. Smash bros always seemed a bit restricted with the typical, "one char, one moveset. no differences." Because if someone has experience and knows how to beat your player and you have no defense, it's kinda meh. But due to the fact you can customize your moves and or Mii Outfits, you can surprise 'em, so you actually have a shot.
Mii Fighters might be banned in tournaments, but I don't care about that, because I'm a casual player and I like playing games for entertainment. My school friends and I have regular time in class where we just start talking about Mii match-ups and how cool it would be to punch Sakurai in the face. And the customization.
If they sell the outfits as DLC, that's dumb. They're pulling classic TF2 and Runescape shenanigans. U WANA LOK KOOL!?/ THEN BUY OURE K0000L NEW OUTFIT FOR THE MIIISSSS YE
And Streetpass would be fine if you start with them. Unlocking them throughout the game would be cool too, like stickers or trophies.
Not gonna lie, I'm a kid, but Smash Bros. is friggin' amazing. My friends are freaking out over friggin' Destiny at the lunch table while me and my friend Justin are talking about Mii's. I don't have a 3DS, but I NEEEEEED IT.
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