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The Chaos Theory -- SirKibble's One-Player Storyline for MYM4


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=908]The Chaos Theory -- SirKibble's One-Player Storyline for MYM4[/drupal]

<div align="center">The Chaos Theory

<font size="3">SirKibble


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Looks fantastic so far, you've got a very nice writing style there, Kibble. I'm loving Master Hand and Crazy Hand discussing/debating commonly suggested characters for SSB4, and the ending really gets me amped for the next (first) chapter. How does a hand nod???

Anyway, great stuff. :bee:


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Looks fantastic so far, you've got a very nice writing style there, Kibble. I'm loving Master Hand and Crazy Hand discussing/debating commonly suggested characters for SSB4, and the ending really gets me amped for the next (first) chapter. How does a hand nod???

Anyway, great stuff. :bee:
Thanks. With SWF being down all day, I'm actually a significant portion of the way through the first chapter. As far as the nodding... Just use your imagination, I guess. :laugh:

Pretty cool. Interesting having a boss as the very first thing in the game.
Thanks, HR. I didn't originally intend on having a boss fight here, but it ended up working itself in well as an introductory piece for Master Hand. I figure it's a common enough battle for Smashers, they wouldn't think too much of it.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I'm liking this so far, especially the fact you get to fight MH at the beginning.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I thought Megaman could've been Samus at first and the dragon Charizard, but everything came into clear when Master Hand told Crazy hand the dragon was too big. :chuckle: Great start.

I'm just amazed that it was Mario instead of Kirby as the main character.:chuckle:

Speaking of Kirby biases. . .My Dedede bias is becoming even larger then I expected. You will Love the
first half
of my seventh chapter.

Can't wait to see more of this.:bee:


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I thought Megaman could've been Samus at first and the dragon Charizard, but everything came into clear when Master Hand told Crazy hand the dragon was too big. :chuckle: Great start.
Lol, I didn't even think of that. Guess the use of that line ended up helping out more than I'd expected!

I'm just amazed that it was Mario instead of Kirby as the main character.:chuckle:
Kirby's going to get a more comical introduction next chapter. I've already got it planned out. References to two games play out perfectly to introduce him.

Speaking of Kirby biases. . .My Dedede bias is becoming even larger then I expected. You will Love the
first half
of my seventh chapter.
I greatly anticipate it!

Can't wait to see more of this.:bee:
Glad you liked it. :)

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY

yo everyone who has an account on smashboards or ever wrote on it should meet somewhere n play brawl!!!

Deleted member

Good first chapter and prologue - the most professional writing style of all these 'OPS' and 'BBQ's.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I loved that. Kirby being attracted to the Mario gang's cake was brilliant, and that was also a good idea with the underground levels.
That was my favorite idea, working Kirby in via the cake. :laugh:

It's a bit short though. . .

Give a wolf a taste, they'll hunt you down for more.:p
Yeah, I know it was a tad bit brief. The thing is, I couldn't make it too much longer without delving into pieces I don't want to touch until next chapter. The next one will be longer, though. Believe me. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
What? Where's the nuclear explosion when the Falcon and Smash punches collided?

But anyways, this was a fun chapter. And I'm not just saying that becuase I'm in it.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
Great chapter Kibble, I especially like the idea of the Warpstar battle- I'm surprised Sakurai hasn't come up with that yet :laugh:.

The best part of the chapter has to be Link's Smash Ball :p.

Keep up the good work :).

Deleted member

That was very good. The inclusion of 'Psycho' is really interesting and I am pleased with how you differentiated between normal Joe and his 'boss' form. Slight spelling hiccups keep this from being perfect punctuationally, some unique ideas are making it special. :)


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Misery & Balrog

Yes, I’m using fanart. Finding decent non-8-bit pictures of these two is a royal pain.

Misery and Balrog are two of the major antagonists of Cave Story. They basically serve as henchmen for the main antagonist, “the Doctor.” In reality, though, Misery is more like the Doctor’s slave, and Balrog, while also a slave to the Doctor, essentially takes on the role of Misery’s personal punching bag. The Doctor sends Misery on important missions, and Misery then leaves Balrog to “clean up” and take care of the majority of the fighting and grunt work necessary for the task. Of course, that’s not to say Misery can’t hold her own in a fight if she has to, she just prefers to make Balrog do the dirty work.

{ Control Notes ]

Misery and Balrog work as a team, albeit a somewhat dysfunctional one. Misery assumes primary movement controls (dashing, jumping), while Balrog has to be moved about by other means. By default, when over solid ground, Misery floats about Ganondorf’s height over the ground. She dashes and jumps from this point, and when she falls, so long as she’s not tumbling from a hit, she will stop at that same height above the ground. Tapping the control stick down while she’s hovering will cause her to drop to the ground, where she can move as a normal character, and jumping back up to her standard floating height will cause her to return to the float state.

Misery also reacts to the shield input, but not with a typical bubble shield. Instead, while shielding, she will be surrounded by four revolving spheres of dark electric energy. Each is about half the size of Kirby, and they revolve in a roughly-Bowser-sized circle around Misery at a moderate speed. They deal no damage but pretty good knockback, and have high priority, being able to knock away opponents as well as halt projectiles. However, it is far from unthinkable for an opponent to penetrate the shield with an attack, therefore Misery must be careful not to rely on it too much. On a positive note, it does not deteriorate over time like the standard bubble shield. While the Shield button is pressed, movement controls revert to Balrog, therefore Misery has no dodges.

Inputting a Shield Special will cause Misery’s shield to rotate around her slightly faster and revert your controls completely over to Balrog until you input another Shield Special to resume control of Misery. If Misery is hit, after tumbling to the ground (assuming she is not knocked over the edge), she will put the shield up again, but will take no other defensive or evasive measures. Balrog, even when under full control, has really no shield to speak of, only bracing against attacks when the Shield button is pressed, which will somewhat decrease the knockback taken.

Be aware also that Balrog is the only one of the two who can pick up and use items in the traditional sense. The only exception is, of course, the Smash Ball, which either one can break for the pair to be able to activate their Final Smash.

Both Misery and Balrog must be KO’d in order to make them lose a stock. Either one can function solo, but will experience some changes to their moveset. Control-wise, it is worthy of note that without Misery, Balrog responds to basic movement controls without you holding the Shield button. He still, however, has no shield or dodges. Other changes to the movesets will be detailed later.

Misery and Balrog have separate damage counters as well. The one shown at the bottom will be that of the character you are currently controlling. In other words, it is Misery’s by default, and will only switch to Balrog’s when she is KO’d or after using a Shield Special to directly control Balrog.

{ Statistics ]

SIZE: Average {Misery stands about Luigi’s height.}

WEIGHT: Light {Misery weighs little, roughly as much as Kirby.}

GROUND CONTROL: Poor {Should you drop Misery to the ground, she moves quite slowly. Her speed is comparable to Link’s this way.}

AIR CONTROL: Good {Misery moves back and forth in the air about as well as Mr. Game & Watch. Note that she’ll move this speed if you walk when floating, a bit faster if you dash. Her jumps are both also quite good, and her fall speed is somewhat slow.}​

SIZE Large [Balrog is about the size of a crouching Bowser.]

WEIGHT: Very Heavy [Balrog weighs slightly more than the Koopa King. On top of that, he has partial superarmor, and won’t flinch when hit by weaker attacks, similar to the effect of a Metal Box on a normal character.]

GROUND CONTROL: Average [Balrog can actually dash pretty fast for the huge guy he is, at about Yoshi’s speed. His traction is notably bad, though, as he will slide rather far after you release the control stick or when you try to turn around.]

AIR CONTROL: Poor [Balrog has a pretty high first jump and decent aerial movement. However, his second jump is a wild flapping of his arms that doesn’t move him upward at all, but helps him to hover for a few moments. He also falls like a rock.]​

{ Moveset ]

{ Misery }

Neutral Special { Dark Shot }
Misery fires a small burst of dark energy in whatever direction the control stick is tilted. The darkness moves about as fast as Ness’s PK Thunder, deals 4% damage, and pushes opponents (or Balrog) back somewhat with a wind hitbox-like effect. There is no hitstun, however, which can make the move useful for gimping. If the shadowy projectile strikes a wall or solid ground, it will be destroyed in a small burst that deals no damage but has a strong push effect on anyone and anything within two Stage Builder Units, pushing them away from the blast. This move is one of Misery’s more basic methods of moving Balrog around without you having to manually control him.

Forward Special { Shadow Bolt }
Misery points her staff forward and a sphere of dark electricity half the size of Kirby appears directly in front of her. It immediately starts moving forward a little faster than Jigglypuff’s walk. If the sphere ever comes to a point directly over an opponent, it will stop, spark for a moment (as a hitbox dealing a couple flinching 1% hits), then shoot straight down as a small black lightning bolt dealing 8% damage and weak upward knockback. However, Misery can also manually cause the lightning strike by inputting another Forward Special (for this reason you cannot have more than one sphere on the field at a time).

If the lightning bolt strikes Balrog, he’ll stall in place for a moment, hovering briefly if he’s airborne, as the electricity pulses through and around him. The effect of this is similar to Pikachu’s thunder when it strikes him, broadening the hitbox to the entire area around him, as well as increasing the damage to 22% and the knockback to rather good. As a downside, Balrog does take 10% damage from this.

Down Special { Block Apparition }
Misery points her staff forward, causing a stone block one square Stage Builder unit large to appear directly in front of her. It will immediately drop straight down, dealing 18% damage and strong downward knockback to opponents it strikes on the way down. Opponents caught under it as it strikes the ground will be pushed to the side enough to be out of the way, still taking the regular damage and knockback. From this point on, the block acts as a normal Stage Builder block would if placed in that location. Convenient for Misery is the fact that when hovering, she can pass over this block with no trouble, while her opponents will likely have more trouble navigating around it. Misery may only have one of these blocks out at a time; the creation of a new one will cause the old one to vanish into thin air.

If Misery drops the block directly onto Balrog, he will take the full damage, but no knockback, instead exerting all his strength to catch the heavy block. You cannot move Balrog at all while he is holding a block, though opponents can still hit him and deal knockback, causing him to drop the block. While he is holding one, the next press of the Attack button while optionally tilting the control stick in any direction will cause Balrog to heave the block in that direction (it is thrown forward and upward, at a 45 degree angle, by default). The block maintains its damage property while in its new trajectory, with the knockback adjusting to be in whatever direction the block is currently travelling. The trajectory is similar to that of the average character’s tossing of a crate, but about twice as long. This can be a powerful weapon in your arsenal, but be cautious of the damage you’ll be doing to Balrog to use it.

Up Special { Teleport }
The resulting action of this input depends on how close Misery currently is to Balrog. If Misery is not within three Stage Builder Units of Balrog, this functions as a rather typical teleportation recovery. In terms of range and speed it is about halfway between the recoveries of Mewtwo and Zelda. At her moment of reappearance, Misery is briefly a hitbox dealing no damage but flinching knockback, which is really no good for anything but preventing her from being too easily edge-hogged.

If Misery is close enough to Balrog when using this move, she will instead hold her staff up and cause Balrog to disappear into thin air. The next time this move is used, Misery will cause Balrog to appear two Stage Builder Units away from her in the indicated direction. Balrog is a hitbox as he appears that deals 10% damage and decent diagonal knockback. Note that the variations of this move involving Balrog do not put Misery in any kind of helpless state, so she can potentially use it to get both of them back to the stage.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Grab { Bubble Catch }
Misery swings her staff forward, releasing a Kirby-sized bubble that quickly travels forward about as far as Link’s Clawshot goes. If the bubble fails to contact anything, it will pop at this point. However, if it manages to cross paths with an opponent, an item, or Balrog, it will expand or shrink to their size, and envelop them. Misery has now effectively grabbed whatever she caught. In the event that the catch is not an opponent, Misery may move around freely, with the bubble floating in close orbit around her. She may use the Grab input again any time to enter a state where the standard post-Grab moves become available. If she has grabbed an opponent, she will automatically be in this state after the Grab.

Pummel { Pain Pulse }
Misery causes a dark aura to pulsate through the bubble, having a slightly different effect depending on what she’s grabbed. If the bubble’s contents are an opponent, this shadowy aura simultaneously deals 1% damage to the opponent and heals Misery of 1% damage. The repetition rate on this Pummel is moderate, so don’t expect to be able to pawn off too much damage.

If Misery has grabbed an item, this can cause her to use or break it, depending on the item. For example, a grabbed capsule will be broken open with this attack, with the contained item now inside Misery’s grab bubble; a grabbed Fire Flower will spew flames as normal; a grabbed Maxim Tomato will be consumed.

Finally, if Misery has grabbed Balrog, the effect is the same as for an opponent, but with one important difference: rather than pressing the button repeatedly, you may simply hold it down to transfer Misery’s damage to Balrog at a rate of 10% damage per second. Additionally, Balrog will not ever escape the grab, only leaving it when Misery throws him or either of them is hit by an opponent’s attack.

Forward Throw { Projectile Toss }
With a swing of her staff, Misery sends the contents of her bubble flying forward. This deals a measly 3% damage to the victim, but they will take a fair amount of horizontal knockback, and are a hitbox until they regain control that deals 5 - 15% damage to anything they hit (the amount of damage is determined by the character’s weight). Naturally, Misery can also use this to throw items she’s grabbed, which will behave as they normally would when thrown.

Back Throw { Warp Burst }
In a flash, Misery’s bubble (as well as its contents) disappears and reappears a short distance behind her. As it reappears, Misery casually points her staff backward, causing the bubble to explode in a Blast Box explosion-sized burst that can damage other players close enough to it. The explosion deals 9% damage and pretty good diagonal knockback. If Misery had an item grabbed, the explosion will destroy the item (though explosive items like Bob-ombs will add small amounts of damage and knockback to the explosion).

Up Throw { Bounce }
Misery forces the bubble holding her victim to start bouncing repeatedly. It reaches about Ganondorf’s height each time it bounces, and will continue to do so until the victim breaks free of the grab or takes damage. Yes, this throw deals no damage, merely leaving the victim stuck in the bubble. Misery can move around after use of this throw, allowing her to potentially hit them with a different attack or use this time for setup. She is also free to use her grab despite her former grab victim not being entirely free from it. She may also re-grab the bouncing opponent, but this will not reset the grab strength, making it only really useful when bouncing Balrog or an item. Opponents who touch a bouncing bubble will be lightly pushed away from it with no damage or hitstun. Since items and Balrog will never break free of the bubble on their own, this can be useful for keeping items away from opponents or allowing Balrog easier access to Aerial attacks (Balrog, unlike opponents, is not struggling to escape the bubble, and therefore can attack from inside it once this throw has been used).

Down Throw { Drop }
Misery suddenly channels a whole bunch of dark energy into the bubble at once, dealing 5% damage, healing herself for the same amount, and popping the bubble. Essentially, this is a super-powered Pummel that ends the grab. The victim takes no knockback from this, often making it an ideal throw when you’ve grabbed Balrog. This will have the same effect as the Pummel on items, but will also drop them to the ground afterward.

[ Balrog ]

Neutral Attack [ Overload ]
Balrog clenches his fists and begins shaking violently in place, releasing an electric wave of energy around him. The range and damage are proportional to Balrog’s current damage percentage. At 0%, the range is akin to that of Jigglypuff’s Rest, and the attack deals a mere 2% damage. It maxes out at 200%, where the range is equal to 2/3 that of a Smart Bomb, and it deals 16% damage. Note, however, that the attack always has quite a bit of startup lag and is easy to dodge because the hitbox is very brief. Knockback is fairly weak as well, regardless of Balrog’s damage.

Dash Attack [ Juggernaut ]
Balrog bends over slightly as he continues running forward, looking as if he were trying to headbutt something (if his head weren’t virtually his whole body, that is). He’ll continue about two Stage Builder Units from the point where the move was used, dealing 12% damage and pretty good knockback to anyone he hits. This attack has very high priority. Balrog suffers almost no start lag, but quite a lot of end lag due to his bad traction in stopping.

Balrog can also charge into the blocks Misery drops on the field to break through them, smashing them to pieces as he does so. The effect of this is similar to Charizard’s Rock Smash, dealing heavy damage (20%) and strong knockback at the break (opponents have to basically be touching the block to be hit by this), and multiple small hits afterward.

Forward Tilt [ Grapple ]
Balrog reaches forward in an attempt to grab. If he fails, he’ll tumble forward and effectively have moved a short distance in that direction. If he connects with an opponent, he’ll grab onto them and hold them until they break his grip, which is roughly the same strength as a normal grab. When they break the grip, he’ll toss them forward in a basic throw dealing 8% damage and okay knockback. Still, the time when Balrog’s got a grip on the opponent can be quite useful for Misery.

Additionally, this is the only way for Balrog to pick up Misery’s blocks if she doesn’t initially drop them on him. He will take a little extra time to pick it up, then automatically throw the block over the default trajectory, making it somewhat less versatile this way, but also avoiding damaging Balrog for the attack.

Up Tilt [ ]

Down Tilt [ ]

- - - - -

A note concerning Balrog’s Smash Attacks: Balrog himself does not charge the attacks, but as long as Misery is around and also capable of taking the input (i.e., not in the middle of receiving knockback), she will charge Balrog’s Smash Attack as he pauses before using it. This also means she won’t otherwise respond to the input (for example, using the Down Smash, which requires you to tap the control stick downward, does not cause Misery to drop to the ground).

Forward Smash [ Missile ]

Up Smash [ ]

Down Smash [ Body Slam ]
Balrog jumps straight up about a Stage Builder Unit’s height, then crashes back down to the ground. The base attack deals 10% damage and high downward knockback to anyone Balrog hits on the way down. When he hits the ground, it causes a small quake that stuns all characters within about a Stage Builder Unit on either side of Balrog (including teammates and even Misery if she is on the ground). Given that Balrog suffers a lot of ending lag, however, he can’t really make much use of that stun-time.

When charging the move, Misery will suspend Balrog in mid-air before he slams down. Tilting the control stick left or right while charging allows you to slowly move Balrog in the indicated direction. If the control stick is tilted for the entire duration of a full charge, it will move Balrog about a Stage Builder Unit’s length in that direction. Charging does not affect the damage or knockback output of the move, but will increase the area affected by Balrog’s quake, up to 3x the uncharged amount at full charge. Misery suffers virtually no lag on this, unlike Balrog, so she can often take advantage of the stun.

- - - - -

Neutral Aerial [ ]

Forward Aerial [ ]

Back Aerial [ ]

Up Aerial [ ]

Down Aerial [ ]

{ Solo Misery }

Without Balrog, Misery takes on a few basic directional attacks for use with the Attack button. These function the same on the ground and in the air. The Forward Tilt is executed if no directional input is given.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Forward Tilt { }

Up Tilt { }

Down Tilt { }

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Forward Smash { }

Up Smash { }

Down Smash { }

[ Solo Balrog ]

As stated, without Misery, Balrog takes over all standard controls, though he still lacks a shield. His moveset really doesn’t change much, but he does get a rudimentary grab game in place of Misery’s, and a single Special, which is executed regardless of directional input whenever you hit the Special button.

- - - - -

Grab [ ]

- - - - -

Special [ ]

{ Final Smash ]

{ Balfrog ]

Misery transforms Balrog into a giant frog. etc. etc.

{ Playstyle ]



Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
ZOMG! Psycho Joe is a boss!!! Warp Star Battle! WOOHOO!

I'm not the best at critiquing this kind of thing, best leave that to the Warlords and Spades and Chrises and HRs who have more experience writing and reading them. Still, this is pretty dang awesome. You write BBQ the same uniquely professional way you write movesets. Tis good, tis good.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Excellent chapter, Kibble. I can already smell the Kirby bias making it's way in. :chuckle:

I liked the unique level designs you put in, particularly the one with keeping up with DK/Diddy. It's so simple, yet brilliant. Will Peach ever get any playable time though or just forever be told to sit and look pretty at the castle?:p

I'm liking the plot with the hands and eagerly await to see it become further developed. Out of all the SMs I've read, this one most feels like one that belongs in Brawl.

Although that's probably due to it focusing on characters in Brawl so far.:p


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2008
*Sends Sundance _______________ on __________ Day,
Excellent chapter, Kibble. I can already smell the Kirby bias making it's way in. :chuckle:

I liked the unique level designs you put in, particularly the one with keeping up with DK/Diddy. It's so simple, yet brilliant. Will Peach ever get any playable time though or just forever be told to sit and look pretty at the castle?:p

I'm liking the plot with the hands and eagerly await to see it become further developed. Out of all the SMs I've read, this one most feels like one that belongs in Brawl.

Although that's probably due to it focusing on characters in Brawl so far.:p
I think that's because, like I said before, it is based off of the SSE formula. Not talking and expressing ideas and emotions in different ways. SirKibble does an excellent job doing this and when I read some chapters, I can see actually playing them in Brawl.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
ZOMG! Psycho Joe is a boss!!! Warp Star Battle! WOOHOO!

I'm not the best at critiquing this kind of thing, best leave that to the Warlords and Spades and Chrises and HRs who have more experience writing and reading them. Still, this is pretty dang awesome. You write BBQ the same uniquely professional way you write movesets. Tis good, tis good.
Lol, thanks. Glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys the Kirby stuff I put in here. :chuckle:

Excellent chapter, Kibble. I can already smell the Kirby bias making it's way in. :chuckle:
I'm trying not to be too heavy on it, lol, but it sneaks in there.

I liked the unique level designs you put in, particularly the one with keeping up with DK/Diddy. It's so simple, yet brilliant. Will Peach ever get any playable time though or just forever be told to sit and look pretty at the castle?:p
Thanks, I'm trying to keep things interesting, not having every level be "go through, kill guys, solve puzzles, get to the end to clear," so I'm glad it's paying off.

As far as Peach goes, she'll get playable time. I just haven't decided exactly how yet.
She could get kidnapped or possessed or who-knows-what. Even if nothing happens to her, you know the princess; she'll get restless eventually. :)

I'm liking the plot with the hands and eagerly await to see it become further developed. Out of all the SMs I've read, this one most feels like one that belongs in Brawl.

Although that's probably due to it focusing on characters in Brawl so far.:p
Thank you. Yeah, I'm working out from the Brawl cast into MYM characters. The story feels more appropriate that way to me. Plus, that ensures that everyone knows at least a few characters in the story well. :)

I think that's because, like I said before, it is based off of the SSE formula. Not talking and expressing ideas and emotions in different ways. SirKibble does an excellent job doing this and when I read some chapters, I can see actually playing them in Brawl.
Thank you very much, Tornadith! :bee:


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I enjoyed this chapter.

The shy guy battle at the beginning was my favorite part, I like that you described all of the members of the team.

The King's debut was of course epic since he used his quotes.

I approve of Kale Demos as a boss.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I enjoyed this chapter.

The shy guy battle at the beginning was my favorite part, I like that you described all of the members of the team.

The King's debut was of course epic since he used his quotes.

I approve of Kale Demos as a boss.
Thanks for commenting, HR! :)

I think I'll keep the King around a lot for comic relief. I hadn't originally intended on much dialogue in this Story Mode, but the King just plain merits it! :laugh:


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
I too enjoyed the Shy Guys and that you managed to give play time to Peach and Bowser, the Shadow Queen thing was a good idea (Get in here PPL!). However. . .Peach beating Bowser, much less in giga form, destroys any canon the Mario series ever had. Peach cries in horror and gets kidnapped by Bowser, waiting to be rescued. She doesn't beat the crap out of Bowser and rescue herself.

Other then that little tidibt, I liked it, what with Zelda sneaking out as Shiek and the King's quote.

Oh, and we must now resume the fad of putting Shadow Queen in all our posts.

Shadow Queen for SSB4


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I too enjoyed the Shy Guys and that you managed to give play time to Peach and Bowser, the Shadow Queen thing was a good idea (Get in here PPL!).
Thank you.

blablastuffaboutPeachbeatingGigaBowser... Effectively:

This is non-canon.


*Smash Bros. kicks Warlord into large pit, causing him to lose a stock and respawn feeling refreshed and without-damage*

But seriously, I see what you're saying. But this is Smash Bros., where Peach can regularly beat up Bowser, and Jigglypuff has potential to beat up the likes of Snake and Ganondorf.

So... Meh. I hear your complaint, and respectfully choose to more-or-less disregard it. :bee:

Other then that little tidibt, I liked it, what with Zelda sneaking out as Shiek and the King's quote.
Again, thank you.

Oh, and we must now resume the fad of putting Shadow Queen in all our posts.

Shadow Queen for SSB4
Oh, man...

Shadow Queen for SSB4!
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