DigiFes is back for 2019, the 20th anniversary of Digimon Adventure. The Digimon Adventure Festival has been a yearly event to celebrate Digimon since 2014 (renamed last year since it was a bit of a different event), but for 2019 it's back to the original name.
DigiFes 2019 will be July 28th, 2019 at the Maihama Amphitheater.
A massive theater with seating for over 2,100 people, it's the largest venue for DigiFes yet!
They aren't announcing any guests yet, but they confirm Digimon series cast, staff, and musicians will be there to talk and perform.
Digimon Adventure 20th Twitter teases it as the biggest event they've ever held.
They also point out the new project, the 'theatrical version' anime has already been announced and to look forward to the next report from them!
More details, including the time of the event, will hopefully be announced soon.