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The British Thread : UK Circuit idea on most recent post !!!!

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2006
Inferno_blaze said:
only if anyone can agree to pay for somewhere to host it, and invite people
anyone?? if i knew the average price and a good place i think i could. but i cant do it all by myself


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
Well any decent places to set up a tourney costs a *****... i don't live in London, but i could look it up, and we could all meet up and chip in a certain amout (10-20), and see how that goes. What do people think, and who would willing to play £20 to help set up the tourney (if enough people go you'll gt your money back).


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
That's another problem though, getting people to come, I've got quite a bit of coursework atm so I'm busy but after next week I'm in the summer holidays so I'll be able to think more about it


Smash Rookie
Jul 15, 2006
West Sussex, England
Hello all.
I'd just like to stick my oar in a bit if thats alright.
I joined this website just yesterday in the hope of finding a SSMB tournament somewhere in England, preferably somewhere in the South. I certainly haven't read all that has been said on this British forum but I have read enough to see that any tournaments are few and far between. I think you had one in Lancashire so time ago?
I would be more than happy to do a bit of research, try find out how much venues would be, stuff like that but I would be more than a bit apprehensive about spending a lot of my own money just yet, not knowing anyone at all and being as old as I am (24) the internet is still new and scary to me! I hope you can understand that!
I have no idea on the number of people that would want to attend such a thing and the best location to accomodate most people but I would very much like to get involved in some proper tournaments.

The first thing that springs to my mind would be birmingham arena but that is obviously for masses of people...

How do things stand at the minute? Does anyone have any plans in motion?

(Hope thats not too pushy or anything, let me know if it is)


Smash Ace
May 19, 2006
hey does n e 1 know where and wen it is yet i dont really mind but i got to sort transport and that out cos im traveling from yeovil.

hey rouse were u at the taunton tournament back awile ago

oh yeah shiek rules


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
ooh, several things to say to the brits today, so lets get started. First of all monty, i was at the taunton tourney (i was the guy in the beany), and it was pretty awesome, although i did leave early, and sheik does rule, buth marth is better. Thirdly Sweep, hey dude, welcome to the site, if you look back over the last few pages you'll see me and as many of the brits i can get to help are trying to set up a tourney in London (despite me living in Swindon), some time during the 6 week summer holidays. If anyone could chip in any money that would be great, but we won't properly look into it until around the 24/7/06. If anyone has any question P.M me, and Inferno, nestee and bloodbowler, expect P.M's from me on the 24/7/06 (next monday). As always P.M me if you need anything. :)


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
For those interested in trying to run a tournament in London ;

There is two main factors that influence how well a tournament is



From what ive learned in previous London tournament events is that the cost of a community hall and the like is pretty expensive in London. To be able to cover your rental costs you will need to find enough players in order to spread the cost of the hall evenly and at a price low enough per person so that people come.

Hence, housing. The English / Uk scene is not large enough to expect to get enough people from the london area in itself to cover your tournament. Not only that but the majority of the UK scene aren't in the london area ie Scotland , North West, South West , Newcastle, Midlands. You NEED to make sure these guys turn up to ensure 1. hall costs are covered 2. competitive tournament.

Look for ways to house people or else the tournament will be a no show and somebody will be dishing out alot of pennies from their pocket!

Also RE: Rouse , the Taunton Tournament was shambolic and the worst tournament id been to be far lol




Newho, ill give you a brief lowdown on the UK scene. Basically the tournament scene here is VERY sparse. I recently ran a tournament late April which was the first in about a year. The next planned tournament is BloodBowlers but that isnt till October. Infrequent tournaments in the UK are mainly due to a lack of leadership (re: when im not about lol) which impacts on lack of people willing to host tournaments and lack of players re: 1.age, alot of the new players shpwing up are unable to travel the distance for tournaments and alot of veterans losing interest.

Tournaments here average around 30 people.

If your wanting to host a tournament there really isnt anywhere that is preferable. Aslong as you find a venue, housing and give people enough time then people will show.


iI just read up abit , quick info for the london pppl :

If your looking to host a tournament this is how it works: get your yellow pages out and ring round community halls, function rooms, banquet halls, schools, intanet cafes anything like that asking if you could rent the place for a function. Most people will laugh at you lol . Some wont an dwill give youa quote for the weekend you specifiy. Repeat this until you find a venue in a good location on the right date that is a decent price. A decent price is basically you take the amount they say and divide it by the amount of people you expect coming IE: people expect to pay an entrance fee to cover the hall costs. Normally its around a fiver per person.

Base your search for venues on that !


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2006
Loughborough, England
Sweep: Everything Kone said.

Welcome to the site, welcome to the British thread. Always good to see new smashers. As far as tournies go they're VERY rare here. We've had three so far this year. The london tournament keeps getting called off but I remain hopeful. The Lancashire tournament you were talking about hasn't happened and will be happening this October. Full details about that can be found here:


That aside if anyone's into travelling and can't wait that long I'm always up for having some people round for a smashabout. Any questions, PM me.

EDIT: As far as spending money goes, if you give everyone enough notice and get enough of a turnout, you'll get your money back, or most of it at least.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
Few things:
1.Hey Kone, long time no speak,
2.I dunno i left the tourney really early and only really played you and Montey
3.I'm sure at least a few of us would be willing to travel down there for a few games BB, i'll P.M you about it
4.I am (and i hope the rest of us are) well aware of how insanely hard this will be to set up, which reminds me, if you could give us a hand kone that'd be great. Ooh, and
5.I am unsure about whether i can make it to the lancaster tourney, but i hope i can make it, and if i can it will only be for the saturday, although there is a chance i may kip there (miniscual).
I think that's everything i had to say, so, again P.M me if you need anything.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Rouse: ive no problem given general advice but ive got no interest in the tournament scene anymore, especially if its massively outside my area.


Smash Rookie
Jul 15, 2006
West Sussex, England
Well thanks for the swift replies guys - I would suggest that my initial thoughts of hiring Birmingham National Indoor Arena were probably a little over the top!

I would be interested in both this Lancashire event and also the London one which I hear is in the making. I've been looking on the other pages - the Lancashire one is still Oct 24th? If this is so I will lok into transport and maybe getting time off work.

As an aside, I am almost certain that I would be able to hire out a local hall near me if people are interested in adding to the number of tournaments happening in the UK. (Would be in Chichester). That being said I would want to go to at least 1 other event first to get the feel of things and to see if it is what I'm looking for... but its a thought for the future.

My only other question is are there any like, official tournaments held in the UK? It seems that there are several privately organised events done by you guys, but are there any really big tournaments at all - that would be the business!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
OK, i'm afraid there are no major touneys, just private ones (the brits keep it real). The lancaster date still hasn't changed, and it would be a good idea to arrange that Chichester early next year, or very late this year. If any of those tourneys go well, i guess we could start doing them annualy. I hope that answers everything, remember, we start plans for the london tourney on the 24th of this month, i'll p.m you about them.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2006
London, England
yeah i reckon the 20th of august will be just fine, if it happens im coming for sure, i may be able to chip in for the tourny as well


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
Everybody else, cause we need to find a place to stay, and if somebody else could find a decent hall to rent between the 20th and the 22nd, we could use that site i posted (see page 50) to find a place to kip for two days.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2006
Loughborough, England
Maybe I'm missing something here but apartments for hire places are usually VERY strict on rules. I personally would not turn up in a million years to a tournament where I had to pay anything over £50 total, not including travel fees. Not just because I don't have the money but because it's a very large amount for a tournament. Even for one night it's £110 pounds. This is of course not including the travel fee, food, entry fee, cover charge for the venue and so on.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
Hey, i just threw up a site, i'm always open to suggestions. More importantly we need a place to actually have the tourney....Anybody live in london?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2006


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
its easy to find info on community halls, church halls and function rooms. open a yellow pages or go on yell.com or upmystreet.

it gets alot tougher when u start ringing. u got to go thru alot of places asking if their free, for how much and if their happy with your reason for using their hall.

doing the above is the bit that SOMEBODY needs to do, then look into housing issues and turnout problems.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
after next week I'll be able to help a lot more, I'm doing coursework atm and I'm on hol next week so after that I'll help, for a tourney we need a community hall and someone to house us cos no one is going to come to a tourney which costs them to stay overnight.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
re: the apartment idea is silly, i jus twont touch the problems there lol

Housing is Normally sorted the followin ways:


Thats right, your own homes london people. Find out how many people can have people for a night. If theres quite a few people able to house 2-3 people for a night your sorted.


Thats right alot of tournaments use the venue over night. Londons a big place, ring round everything u can find and inquire whether overnight housing is a possibility. Yes, you'll get laughed at alot but theres a chance somebody will understand.


This has not been used before but it is a possibility. When a venue is located google b and bs in the area and put up links to them and general cost per night. For youth hostels ring them up and inquire about rules for staying there ( sometimes u got to be a member but if your wanting this tournament enuff then u cud even look into sorting membership out) and how much it would be for a night or a mass renting etc


Other Pearls of Wisdom for you guys from my experiences over the last couple of years for would be tournament organisers ;


When locating a venue you will come across the fact that no one has a clue what your on about. Half of the people you rng won't care, their running a business and will get a fee from you. The other half will and a computing game tournament may not be what they want!

So you have to sell it, you want to say something like ;

Your looking for a hall to run a gaming convention / tournament etc on behalf of the uk ssb gaming community. elaborate that its a community that knows one another and have regular meetups as a way to compete and see one another. throw in the fact that foreigners are uaually present, makes it seem much grander than it actually is eg people travel to these things **** me its got to be a big deal etc

sound mature, even give the impression that its professional etc , ask to meet the owner if their not that receptive/ need more persuasion. asking to meet them will impress them. ask them about the venue space etc

Make a good impression


You got to think alot about this aswell. No good finding a venue in the middle of no where. Look to find a venue that is near transport links eg trains/underground/buses. If your going itnernational sorting out how to get foreigners from the airports ( if its london u got alot of options) to their hosts or venue!

Also near shops, shops help alot!


This is essential for a good tournament. You need to ensure that you have enough TVS and gamecubes. This means LARGE TVS, enough 28 inch tvs at least not just one or two. Small tvs are fine for pool games or friendlies but shudnt be used for latter bracket matches.

MAKE ****ING SURE THAT THE TVS RUN AT 60HZ no competitive tournament runs 50hz matches. Make sure their colour and make sure that you can get the tv on AV ie IF THEY NEED A REMOTE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE REMOTE AND IT HAS BATTERIES THAT WORK. Too many tournaments are run slower than cud be as 2-4 tvs arent useable (taunton >_> lol)

Multipoints/extension cables. Make sure you check the venue out and work out how many power plugs you have and get the right amount of extension cables to ensure all tvs are useable and that they can be spaced out in the venue. Nothing worse than having few power sockets and lack of long extension cables minimising tvs that can be used and cramming alot of tvs near one wall etc

///TVS//// You got to ensure that you have enough large tvs. tournaments ran on alot of small tvs is ****e.

Where do u find large tvs ? ? - > ask around people that are coming, friends and family. On top of that you can rent tvs. Once again check yell.com or yellow pages for tv rental!!!!!!

ALSO dont forget getting your tvs to the venue. your going to have to find somebody or some people with cars to help transport tvs to the venue an dback. DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY, its an absolute pain in the ***. The last thing you want to do as a tournament host is after an entires day of running a tournament is to then have to sort out getting 10 + tvs abck to their owners or somewhere to store them over night (ask venue owner if u can get them in morning if possible, probs say no)

Ensure you have enuff cubes for tvs with memory cards with all stages. This isnt normally a problem, just ask people to bring a cube, but make a list of people expected to bring one so you have enough. I couldnt use three tvs last time due to a lack of cubes :/


Yup, this is obviously vital. If your running your first tournament you got to look into how your going to run the tournament. Most tournaments are run by first doing pools and having the top two or three progressing into a double elimination bracket. To run a DE bracket smoothly download tournament maker! and read up on how to run a bracket properly ie seedings and the like. Also note seeding is needed for pools to ensure that known good players are seeded and avoid playing one another two quickly.

If you think your going to have problems then ask somebody in the community to help you run pools and the bracekt so no mistakes re made.

You also need to have a estimate turnout so that youc an sit down and work out how man ypeople you will have per pool and how many people will progress into the bracket. You then need to compare this to your total tvs and work out how long each tournament will take. Once again its vital you get enough tvs, nothing worse than pools lasting hours too long!!!!


Turnout is a HUGE factor in running a tournament for obvious reasons. Getting a good turnout relies on a big effort from the tournament host. The tournament host needs to persuade and convince people to come to the tournament.


Majority of the established players in the UK are outside london eg scotland , doug bb n co in the north west, myself and newcastle crew near scotland, jam scott n co in midlands etc. Makign sure these established players come is important as they add a competitive edge, known players and obv reliable turnout. Hence the host needs to alk to these guys, find out if their interested and find out their problems or issues coming and convince them to make the trip. REMEMBER it costs people money in travel to come to your tournament. Also housing helps again to get htem to come ;) as does given them plenty of time to get themselves organised. Less than a months notice is usually no good if your aiming for a large tournament.

To also ensure a large turnout the host needs to convince new players or players that have not been to a tournament before but have shown interest. Ill tell you right NOW alot of the new players will FLAKE , you can basically take a third of the new players that say they will come and right them off. You wont get all the new players coming. Thats a BIG thing to learn. Be realistic on your turnout ;) (once againw hy its improtant to ensure the veterans are making your tournament, their reliable turnout to help with a competitive tournament and to split hall costs)

Now this is what ive done before pretty much every tournament ive been to or thinking of goin to and inbetween tournaments. Ive collected a large list of msn contacts and have spoken to them alot before tournament and inbetween tournaments. Building a rapport with new players makes them mor elikely to turn up RE: new players are flakey for alot of reasons ie costs, their age, travellign distance, meeting unkown people on the net. Its likely as the host you will have to speak to their parents. Ive done it alot. If a player is unsure about meeting us strangers then give them the option of chatting to their rents. If you can calm the rents down then it helps alot!

So, if i was hosting this tournament i do the following: go thru thus thread, fo thru the london tournament thread entitled 'the engligh experience' . search smashboards for london and you will also find two previous london tournament attempts. get contact details for anyone that has shown interst. talk to them on msn and aim and get them convinced to some ^_^ also contact me on msn and i can give whomever some more msns of people that i chat to that are from london but havent posted here.

Post on other gaming forums ( you rarely get anyone to bite but theres more interest since brawl has been announced eg gamefaqs nintendo official forums etc )



thats all i can think of right now x_x im sure theres more but im pretty wrecked! apologies for awful grammar, cant be hooped with typing it properly .

ill add more soon, hope this is helpful

ed xxx


Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2006
Swindon, England, UK
OK, that's sound cool, but first things first we need to oppoint people to different things.

Okey dokey, firstly me, i'll get people to come and find a place for us to stay overnight. Now Nestee, sorry to hit you with this, but could you sort out the actual hall and ask kone about how good it is and stuff, because he'll be a big help. Inferno, your job is to be in charge of finnances. If anybody feels they can not do their job, either take it up with me, or, if your still stuck, pass it on to someone smaller than yourself.

If theres any problems, just post here. :alien:
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