Smash Master
A game with similar game mechanics made by the same company, played by people largely of the same community as Guilty Gear and you wonder why some people might call it tension? I must be an idiot too since the first couple months I called it tension. Do people always say barrier and not faultless? Or perhaps we should remind ourselves that it's barrier burst and not burst.I don't get it... are you saying that Heat is is actually the translated version of Tension?
Indeed he plays Jigglypuff; if he wanted to call it Purin that's cool... for that is it's Japanese name. W/e.
Again I don't care what you call it I just found it funny that some people go out of the way to call it Tension for no reason, personally I just say Heat, or more often I'll just say meter.
So I guess the D button is called Dust?
But who knows knows, maybe this is semantics, I'll still say "super" and "DP," but it seems like those two (along with "meter") and pretty universal to almost all fighting games. If you called the meter in SFIV "Tension" people would wonder wtf you're talking about.
tl;dr I contemplate the meaning of life.
Who cares whether or not they go out of their way to say one thing or the other? people use whatever and we can largely understand what the heck is going on.