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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
o god....i feel stupid, joels post just went right over my head lol, i just looked at it again haha


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
James your such a double posting noobapotamus,

Daver, could i be a "dousche" because i beat your *** out of the 7 spot like some Pistons VS. Lakers type of ****, only to challenge Jusin and lose like a ****in ****er though.

And BTW look at my posts, I GOT EM BACK, im no longer a noob in the post department.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
lol, good post up a few daver

the rest of yall. i dont even know why you get all excited off friendlys or almost wins. but im not gonna even get into that, i dont even feel like getting into it on here.

anyways winterchill, i can come by for a little bit tom. around 5ish. that cool, $15 money match? 5 stock best of 5 fd only no items? pm me ur address if thats cool (so i know where im going).

hope everyone is ready for vgames


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
hey joe, i had the drug test today, and if PBT tom, i can go to MLG, cause i cashed some nice bonds, and got about 500$

so u say u guys are leaving at like 4ish? just make sure u call my cell, or i guess ill call urs....if u answer it...and ill let u know if i 4sho can make it.

Deleted member

So what's the deal with the teams thing at the V games? Is anybody planning on going to that tomorrow even? Heh, is it even going to happen? If they do some team thing, two guys from our crew have to take that ****, especially if it's for like $400 like Joe said.

Joe, could you do me a huge favor and give me a ride to the V games on sunday? I don't think it would be much out of your way and I'd pay for gas money like usual. We would probably have to be there at like 12:30 to register. Just post or PM me back to let me know otherwise I'm going to have to find a ride somehow.

And good luck to you guys that are going to MLG.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
teams for vgames looks to be a no go.... but im still gonna rock mlg.

leaving james/joel/justin.... around 4 friday im looking at. that cool with all? james we taking ur car?

monstro, yeah ill give u a ride


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
**** with everyone at MLG me and monstro could dominate the team tournament, only if i can get off of work in time or somethign

What time does that **** start tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
eh, think its a no go on takin my car, even for me, heh, since my dad would get wicked pissed with the whole restricted liscense thing. but 1 question...do we gotta sign up for MLG and V games? if so someone post the ****ing sites for them lol, think i know where all this **** is?

and joe, i think we should do teams again this time, i was workin on my shiek all today, and tom when we meet at justins, if we all gettin there early, imma WTA with shiek vs fox since we didnt play the other night, heh.

and how the **** does mow think u got a slick falco joe? lol, only slickness is when u fall off the level =)


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
lol, cause it was a while back when he played me. and i used to beat u, nar, and pyro in falco dittos so dont get it twisted, lol. but yeah james falco is def. better than mine now

and teams maybe, i want to get a consistent partner going but i told a vidjo awhile back i would partner with him when none of u kids were going. but i havent heard nothing from him in a couple days (then again he doesnt have a cpu, so all could be good). plus theres joel, so we are just have to wait to see whats up. but i do think u have gotten a lot better and if u keep practicing we could **** some **** up hardcore one of these days. just dont get it twisted about friendlys, remember what happened last time? friendlys and toureny matches are two different things on how i play

and naw u dont gotta sign up, u can do it at the tourney on the day of


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
o ok, wasnt sure...ppl talkin about sign ups an ****. and yes i know joe, u go into WTA mode, like last tourny, but i think i was a little off that day.......heh. but ya, nar said he isnt goin, and thats for sure, but ya, i really dont know if i even wanna do teams though, didnt u or someone say theres gonna be items? they fun an all, like last tourny, but that was more like a smash fest lol, and like we all know, items = gay wins.

but this tourny if we fight, imma WTA, or at least get u to 1 stock....=D


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Well, looks like I can't go now either.....****

One of my fish aquariums decided it felt the need to start leaking now of all times......****ing gay. Gotta dish out $40 that I actually don't even have to buy a new god ****ed aquarium tomorow. Never trust your dad's 40 years old fish tank that has a small chip on the seem....Mother ****er........................

EDIT: Well, I'm done cleaning up all the water that seeped into my carpet, warped my dresser, and dripped into a huge *** puddle in the basement, as well as took down the whole tank. It's now almost 6 in the morning, and knowing how I sleep, I probably wouldn't be up in time to go to MLG anyways.

Still not sure if I'll even be able to go to V Games on Sunday now either.

Man, I thought I was slick when instead of buying a new 30 gallon high aquarium, I'd just use my dad's old one from the 60's. See what trying to conserve money gets you? Let this be a lesson to all to blow your money. It'll end up biting you in the ***.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
yeah and no items

and if u wanna smash since justin is sleeping, u can prolly come over my place if u want. in like a couple hours that is. we will prolly leave from here now


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
hey joe.... have fun in Chi town man. Sorry no one could really make it. And kick some of those guys who are considered the best, right in the a$$. I have a feeling you are going to take the V-games this sunday!!


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
well hey joe, if we aint meetin at justins, since hes sleeping and all, u could come out to my place and stay till we go, imma try an get a hold of joel too. and is it just going to be me u and joel going to mlg? but im jumpin in the shower now, cause fat *** brother wants me to go get him subway. so call my cell if u wanna come out here.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by Dope
well hey joe, if we aint meetin at justins, since hes sleeping and all, u could come out to my place and stay till we go, imma try an get a hold of joel too. and is it just going to be me u and joel going to mlg? but im jumpin in the shower now, cause fat *** brother wants me to go get him subway. so call my cell if u wanna come out here.
yeah the only thing is we are gonna leave from my place since its on the way. and u r like 45 outta the way. plus morris and vidjo are coming to my place and coming with, since that wouldnt work. but tryin get ahold of joel and get u guys out here by like 4. ill pm my addy, u got the cell if u need it i gotta do some stuff now


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
ok np, ya like i said, goin to subway now, and just gonna go take my PBT and tell em "hey, i dont care, i took it today cause i had to go outta town" so they arent all like, "oooo u missed it, derrrr" but ya, jus PM the addy, and me an joel will prolyl head out there, ill jus get dropped off at his place or something. and my cell is aobut to die lol, i cant seem to find a charger, but ill leave it off till im ready to use it.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
MONSTRO, call me on my phone, JUSTIN you to,Daver Nar and I are headed to free play at the va games, maybe see if we can get that team tournament going, so call me you guys have to come out ! Justin ill PM you my cell #

Deleted member

Well Adam I just called and left a message on your voice mail. Haha, Justin and I need to head out... you do realize who you said that to right? We might have a few problems such as getting there. I left my phone number on my message so if they do get some team tourney going, let me know I guess or if you want, you could just win it with Daver or Nar and then give me some of the prize money.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Oh let thy noobs be crushed said the lord, so crusheth thy noobs i did. With a fell swoop of Ganons mighty fist, many noobs were sent tumbling, noobs strewn about as though were apples fallen forma tree, just like these apples thy noobs to were ripe for the picking. And so the tail goes, thy noobs were no more, it is said you can hear the echoes amongst the shops and ******** cart stores of summit place "No, im but a noob, NOOOOO !"

That was an excert from the Bible of noob crushing, and dont worry Joe I made sure they were paid up and couldnt back out before i commenced with the slaughter, sorry i just couldnt resist, ask Nar it was too easy, I 4 stocked countless foes, COUNTLESS actually only like 5 thers wasnt enough peopel to get that team tournament going.

Deleted member

and mow, im james "dope" and i know fer a fact joe Vs fox would stuff something furry in ur mouth, and my falco will too =)
bring it. with cash.

and you guys are trying to compare to NYC? haha ok.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
I dont know if theres much validity to Mows trash talk, i seem to remember him trying to challenge every one of the MI guys at one time, only to be smoked by all of them. . . except for, someone. . .who we will leave unmentioned.

NYC is for *****es, MI is whee its at, i mean theres woods and ****, the woods make people tough, tough as nails, and trees , tough as ****ing trees.


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2003
Muskegon, Michigan
I also live in Michigan.

Area Code: 49442. I'll be going to Waterford (somehow) tomorrow to attend the regionals. Doesn't look like I could get any practice until then. There's a possibility I'm screwed; however...

I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna creep. Down at pumpkin... *cough*

If by some shady miracle, a smasher lives near this zip code... PM me, I'm craving some decent practice beforehand T.T


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2004
hey, im gona need a teammate for FC(vidjo went out likea biznatch)

joel, lipton? im loookin at you guys
anyone from MI works


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Atma, I'll team with you I suppose. Only because we could rock a team of plumbers like no other. I've always thought a Mario bros. team would be sweet, but never had the opportunity.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Friends?!?! I hate you Atma! It's like Atma = worse than a nazi! MWUHAHAHAHA! Hey, since I know you'll be checking back here, you OH guys coming to SSA2? I used to be against you spamming my tourney topic, but then I realized it kept it bumped. :(


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
King Luigi, I was in the DC++ hub, and heard from more than a few people that you were a noob. Is this true? Don't lie either, because OmniGamer will tell me the absolute truth since he's gonna go to the KY V Games.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Why the **** doesnt Atma want to be my teamate, not that id want to be his prepubescent asses but i rock HARD and why is he always saying "biznatches", and what happened to TEAM BLOUSE is Justin leaving me for Duncan, MOVING ON. **** IT, **** YOU !!! I dont want to be stuck with Monstro, last time we were on a a team we killed eachother liek 8 times. What the **** am I going to do now !?

Oh yeah, how was MLG if anyone knows by now ?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
I tried calling Joe's cell, but only got his voice mail.

Sorry Adam, I just can't pass up the opportunity to rock old school plumber type shiz.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
**** it, its your funeral, in more ways than one, as in your dead to me.

. . .

Did you watch the rest of the masterworks ?


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2004
justin, u better get off ur MMMORPG'in *** and practice,GET IN SMASHFEST, im practicing too, i really think i can get to joshu's level in a few weeks , i think ive almost been there for awhile, i wana ****ing rock at FC
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