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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2004
louisville kentucky
so tell me jv3x3, r u the best in michigan, or is a.hills finest? i know u said he placed higher than u in some tourny, but i wanna know what u think.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Who the **** cares, who are you anyways, coming into a Michigan topic saying Jv is the ONLY good player and that everyone else sucks, do you think hes some kind of conceited ******* whos going to come out and say "yeah, a matter of fact i AM the best in Michigan", who the **** does that. If you wanna know whos the best its a ****ing tie between him and A hills finest because there both insanely good with mutliple characters, so if you would please stop trying to orgasm off of Jv's response we can get to the mroe important topic of who the **** cares about what anyone has to say from Kentucky anyways.


All the things
Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA
Hmm... I know it's a bit late to ask, but are we gonna see any MI reps at the Columbus V Games? Smash will start at 2 today (sunday).


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Joe, how does it feel to have best Luigi in Kentucky hanging by the mouth from your balls? heh

Omni, I don't think I heard any talk of going to the Columbus V games. We just had are weekendly fill of WTA (whoopin that ***) over on the west side of MI, heh. Does anybody know what happened to GEK's thread? I tried to find it to post about the tourney, but I could find it. I know occasionally my brain sorta goes into shutdown mode, but I went through the first 3 pages like 4 times and didn't see his gathering thread. Oh well.

Hey, maybe our crew name should be WTA for Whoopin' That ***. Just a though, heh.

EDIT: OK, my dumb *** found the thread....


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2004
louisville kentucky
**** 3===d or whatever, sounds to me like ur an inconsiderate little bitc*. i just asked a si plae question, to jv, i didnt really want a response from u, or any of u, i asked jv, ok. geez what a dumass


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001

i doesnt matter what i or anyone thinks thats just how we do it. tourney results for top part of rankings, tourney results/challenge matches for the bottom (cause in any tourney top 2 places are only guaranteed to be the best two players that day). Nar placed ahead of me 2nd last tourney, so he got the one spot. I placed ahead of him the tourney yesterday so now ill have the one spot back. But michigan has good players, nar (a.hills is good)

And heres the results of the gathering tourney.

1. Jv3x3
2. A.hills
3. Needle of Junath
4. Lipton/James
6. Phatassesrock/GeK

1. Needle + A.hills
2. Jv + James
3. Lipton Buddy+ Phatassesrock

Basically our crew owned top 6 places in singles. Top 3 teams. (king, so that should show you we have more good players). Me and james put nar in joel in the loser bracket in teams, but they took us out in the finals. Prize money was less than stated, so that **** sucked. But im proud of how our crew did

Columbus v games, negative.

Speaking of crew name. WTA or Fuze, everyone pick one and post which one it is. I vote Fuze, kinda cause how we all fused together from different places/different types of people and its in memory of fuse who inspired a lot of michigan people back when it was all you alls first tourney. Nar plays captain cause of him.

P.S. The singles brackets were fine, people just didnt follow them. Double brackets were a lil messed though


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Hey, don't forget I play Falcon cause of him! Although, I really don't bring too much justice to him.....

Either crew name would be sweet, both are really good. I guess I'll have to sleep on this one.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
Whoppin that a$$ is an even better team name. The money sign shows that we are going to take everyones money.

This weekend was alright. GEK ..... I know I cant accomodate you for the V-Games because of my living situation and it might even be safe to say that others might not as well.

We all had a good time at the tourney, but you have to be more upfront with every aspect of the tourney. You cant just take money out of the pot at
your own will when you state the rules of the pot at the begining being 60/30/10 or whatever. You have to be honest with everything and you cant just say that theres an "out of state bonus" of 100 bucks just to entice ppl to come, when you probably would never of even paid that out. (which you should have because you told Joe you would give that to our crew if we can take 1st). If it costs a 100 bucks to rent it out and you were sure that there wasnt going to be a bunch of people, you shouldnt of rented it out.

Another thing that was poorly organized was the fact that you relied on our car to get to the venue. It seemed like no one in your crew even has a car. What if our crew didnt even come.

You probably wont like me very much after this, but its the honest truth and the reason I say that "its safe to say that others might not [accomodate] as well" goes back to the saying "if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". Your a cool dude but I know I wont come to another tourney of yours again.

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
its sad that everyone who has talked **** to us michigan people(more specifically Fuze crew) since after i started playing seriously has either gotten proven wrong or down right smoked, luigi from kentuky ill personally be glad to add you to that list


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Cyber verbal ownage brought to you exclusively by Dave R.

So wait, none of that $100 out of state bonus was thrown in, or did I read what Daver put wrong? I thought Joe got a little bit of it. I'd suppose I'd be pissed, too. heh

EDIT: Oooh, I guees me and Joel posted at the same time. You can add him to the list of cyber verbal ownage. I guess Dave R's no longer exclusive, heh.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by Liptonbuddy
Cyber verbal ownage brought to you exclusively by Dave R.

So wait, none of that $100 out of state bonus was thrown in, or did I read what Daver put wrong? I thought Joe got a little bit of it. I'd suppose I'd be pissed, too. heh
negative none.... he told me it might only be $50 if he was short on cash which is ok since i knew that before hand (notice knew before hand). But my 60% of 17 people x 7 should have been $72 = plus either $50 or $100 bonus should have been either $122 or $172 total fon singles (and i told everyone i would pay for gas on the way back if i got this, so it affected everyone). I got $50 total for singles, and $8 total for second in teams. Big difference. I feel bad that he had to pay money out of his pocket (if that was the case), but none of the **** was stated up front so i pretty much didnt get anything near what i should had based on the stated rules nor would have anyone else who traveled. So yeah i know putting on a tourney takes work (ive done plenty, and the first person i always thank after the ones i didnt is the host), so i got a lot of respect for that and all that helped with it, shoot i even talked to darren... but pretty much you just cant do a tourney like that, i know you tried and i know you put in work. but none of the money adds up like you said, no where did it say the money to rent the place was coming out of the pot, i mean u guys didnt even have a ride lined up in the morning to the place.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Wow, look at those results, unbelievable, complete domination, you guys are really rippin into that tourney though, doesnt sound like you gusy were quite satisfied, which means that looks like the amssacre is the greatest tournament to ever exist, which by the way i think i might wait until thanksgiving again to have.

Deleted member

Well it sucks to hear that the tournament was not run too smoothly, but I'm glad to see how our southeast MI guys pretty much owned the whole thing.

Well I see Joe updated the rankings quickly. Hmm... I wonder why.

Well hopefully we'll get a smashfest going before V-games and MLG this weekend.


Smash Rookie
May 24, 2004
before V-games and MLG this weekend.

I know what V-games and hopefully we'll go, very likely. But whats MLG and where and when is it?


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
oh yeah it looks like im not going to be bale to make it to the V games, which friggen sucks, so im praying for rain, but im going to try and make it to the end of it or something, when does it even start ?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
So who's all going to MLG? Who's all driving? Just Joe again? I know I want to go for sure, if that's cool with whoever's driving, which is more than likely Joe.

We gonna have a smashfest like thursday/friday for a little warm up or something?


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
I was hoping dave r could maybe drive this time.... since i end up driving a lot. But yeah, so whats up daver are you going? can you drive? id like to leave asap friday, but whenever you get off work (if you can get off early that would be cool too though), is this cool with all/who wants to come? I think daver (providing he drives) will only have one or two spots left in his ride (after me/him/justin), so better speak up quick.

Also, NYC who wants to go it would be next weekend. We would leave thursday sometime/anytime and make it back by monday work. Gas money would be some, but not much considering the trip. Housing n all that would be taken care of too.

yeap, so after all that ****... im down for some practice wednesday. Justin that cool with ya?

Deleted member

Could somebody hook me up with a ride on Wednesday? I'll pitch in for gas money like usual.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
yay...my first post, even though ive been registered. but what is going on this weekend, as in....on the 18th....because im going to get my liscense back and apply at this job tom, and incase i start this week or somethin, i just wanna know when we are having a smashfest or what not. so Joe, just call my cell whenever in the next couple days, cause u know what is going on, i forgot everything u were saying, this last weekend lol.

and another thing, to mr king luigi.....shut up.....:


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
What, what is this trickery, some type of tom foolery for sure, James, on the boards, i cant believe what im seeing, stranger yet, is avatar isnt something that makes him seem incredibly homosexual, BECAUSE HE IS !


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
adam...adam....adam....poor adam....i dont think i can even count the # of times, ive seen or heard u use the word homosexual...im starting to forget y i am even replying to that post.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit

yah man who the **** is king luigi? by the way he types I was guessing hes in the 10-15 year old age range with a 5-10 year old Comprehension level. Don't come in an MI topic talkin ****, especially when 90% of the people from MI would prolly own u in the long run. If nothing else, i'll beat the **** out of you, but I wouldnt waste my time coming to Kentucky just to beat your sorry ***. I can get chicken anytime from around here.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Re: .

Originally posted by A.Hills.Finest
If nothing else, i'll beat the **** out of you, but I wouldnt waste my time coming to Kentucky just to beat your sorry ***. I can get chicken anytime from around here.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, that was just too ****ing smooth! I don't know though, Nar....He is best Luigi in Kentucky..........

Maybe our new Toe to Toe should be Michigan vs. Kentucky. Who else smashes in Kentucky? Probably not too many people, since they're all up in the hills ****ing their sisters! OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! All kidding aside, are any Kentucky smashers going to FC? Maybe even a few of you guys could come to my tourney, SSA2, in August. I can house a few people, and I'm sure jv or N.o.J. can house a few people, although I shouldn't speak on their behalf.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
Re: Re: .

Originally posted by Liptonbuddy
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, that was just too ****ing smooth! I don't know though, Nar....He is best Luigi in Kentucky..........
O yeah your right .....*Home alone Face*..... Luigis scare me so much, I might have to practice up a new char....Lord knows my falcon wouldnt stand a chance against kentuckys best luigi.

Yeah how bout Toe to Inbred toe, MI vs KY, ooooh I can just smell the suspense.... O wait that must be kingluigi's ***... *ZING!*

Wow im almost in the mood to smash now, hope to see the crew wednesday.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by Needle of Juntah
my question is... if we go to MLG we cant go to V games and visa verse?
naw different days u can do both


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Oh man i hope you guys get stranded in chicago somehow, ill find a way to make it to those v games and then to that $10,000, no matter how many ****s i have to suck to get it.

But seriously we shoudl dig that Toe to Toe thread back up and start talking some more ****, on a rleated note, have you ever tought how much of an unstopable wreckingball of KOs it would be if Michigan and Ohio joined froces.

Oh yeah, and i thik we shoudl be Team velvet touch, either velvet touch or . . . . or Tiger Destruction, yeah, our team anem should be Tiger Destruction.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
JV - Are you sure you can do both? On the schedule it shows that the tournament runs on Sat and Sunday (sunday being smash day). And I think its only singles matches not doubles.

In regards to the driving, I cant make it to Chi-town this weekend. I have too many obligations back here on Fri and Sat. Let me know how you found out about Teams being on Friday. And if no one better wants to team up, lets team together. (give me a shot coach... i can do it!!) we would make a good team.

Dope - Glad you could finally be the nerd that you are and that you made it on here with all your friends.

Everyone - I will see your punk a$$es hopefully on Wed.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
ummm....**** ohio =). untill they beat team FUZE(and yes im down with team FUZE)i think we are solo, but yes, i agree that it would be some serious ownage with us and them, but all i gotta say is atma, next time we fight, u aint beatin my falco ONE time, thats a how do u say?.....promise.....

and adam.....wtf is tiger destruction? lol. i think u need to lay off the frosted flakes.

and since today is tuesday...the smash fest is still on for tom at justins? if so whats the best time to head over there? ill make it there, just as long as joel and nar dont sleep till 5 fuking o clock.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
I think you need to lay off the . . . "how u say", dope, and get with the tiger destruction !


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2004
Lake Orion
lol, adam im a straight arrow now, and just curious...will ur sorry *** be attending wed smash fest? so my brother can beat u again?

Deleted member

I guess I'll ask again... could anyone give me a ride to/from Justin's house tomorrow? I will pay for gas $$$. Man, look at all those dollar signs, hehe.
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