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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Well, my sleep schedual has been flipped around for a while now, but it's slowly coming back to normal. If we have a smashfest tomorrow, that'll get me back on track. I'll be tired as all friggin ****, but it's all good. Gotta get ready for SSA baby! Anyways, I'll probably be going to bed today around 2pm-4pm...somewhere around that, so I'll check the boards periodically until then to see if anything's going down at my place, or Nar's grandparent's place, or whatever.

Deleted member

Justin, what time would you want people to start coming over tomorrow? I could probably be over at like 1-2 or so. Daver, you have to make it too so we can get our team practice in. I'll check with my dad to make sure he can drive me there. Hopefully there will be a decent turnout.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Originally posted by montross726
Justin, what time would you want people to start coming over tomorrow? I could probably be over at like 1-2 or so. Daver, you have to make it too so we can get our team practice in. I'll check with my dad to make sure he can drive me there. Hopefully there will be a decent turnout.
1-2 is fine. Well, it's a little after 4pm.....Time for bed! See ya tomorrow you nut bags!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
hey guys! Not that this will happen, but I can have ppl over my house tomorow. The reason I say it wont happen is because its probably more miles that Justins house for most of you. I live in Grand Blanc MI. Some of you guys could all car pool from Justins or something, but it would be sweet to have people over my new house.

For those of you who dont know where GB is its exit 109 right up 75.

I have 3 really nice 27 inchers. and this old bad *** wood TV we can all play on.

Just a thought.....


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by phatassesrock
well ....make that 4 really nice 27 inchers.... I forgot to mention my d-ick.
lol, dont confuse 27 with 2.7.... man what did u go to school for

anyway im out, see all u all next week


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2002
Cleveland, OH
jv, that sounds pretty good. but i was hoping to get some new players. anywho, if ur gonna be gay and go with a char. u dont usually use, i might be picky about it, cuz u know i suck cept with peach.

Deleted member

Daver, could you give me a ride home from Justin's tomorrow? I checked on mapquest and it looks like I'm on your way. I'll pay for gas money. What time were you planning on going/staying till? I'll PM you my address so you can look it up.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
yeah dave.... that will work out great actually. You will just have to leave when I do. Not sure when I will leave yet. But if I hang out with my friend after, I wont stay until after 6 or 7. If not, I will stay a while where we can kick everyones *** in teams.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
Vidjo I might play some money matches. I will make the decision on that day.

My decision is soley determined by how the kick is feeling... if its accurate and quick.......it has its own life.

Or I can take you out with my yoshi!!!!


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
So who's all coming by today? Anybody? I don't think Joe can, since he was supposedly busy today, and I'm not sure if Adam or Daver are coming out. Haven't heard from Tony Bony or A Hills.......Well, who ever hears from A Hills? Anyways, Monstro, did you hear from Daver?

Anyways, I'm gonna try to clean a little of my room, so I can move that feeder fish tank in the basement upstairs with my 60 gallon. That way we could probably fit a TV where the fish tank was for SSA.

EDIT: Bah, Daver, why you gotta post 1 minute before I do? So what time are you guys planning on stopping by? Hmmm, hmm, hmm, hmm?

Deleted member

I'll probably be there around 1 or 2 also. Justin, think you could call up A Hills? I still haven't played against Nar or Dope. It's getting ridiculous. Every time I go to Justin's, they aren't there and every time they are there, I'm not. They were only there when I was once, but it was like 30 min before I had to leave so I got to play against Joel for a little while before I left. Anyway, I'll see you guys in a little while.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Cool, I'll leave the back door open for you biznatches.

I would call up A Hills, but I don't have any of their numbers. I would've goten them off the caller ID from a while ago, but my phones are F'ed up, and I can't see the caller ID anymore. Cheap *** $20 phones.....


noob to forums, not to ssbm

im new here, and had no clue anyone was actually holding ssbm tournys in MI. ill let you all know right now, i am undefeated in ssb and ssbm with over 30 names on ssbm, the names of ppl who tried but failed. reading the forums from the beginning will take to long, and starting from where i did was confusing. whoever is running/holding these tournys id appreciate if youd message me so that i might plan on attending your next one.

Deleted member

Dyluck, I'm not sure where you live, but pretty much all of the MI smashers are in southeast Michigan. If you live in this area, check out the thread, "SSA: A South East Michigan Tourny! Sat, May 15th!" Nice to see someone new to the MI smash scene.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Re: noob to forums, not to ssbm

Originally posted by Dyluck
im new here, and had no clue anyone was actually holding ssbm tournys in MI. ill let you all know right now, i am undefeated in ssb and ssbm with over 30 names on ssbm, the names of ppl who tried but failed. reading the forums from the beginning will take to long, and starting from where i did was confusing. whoever is running/holding these tournys id appreciate if youd message me so that i might plan on attending your next one.
But can you goldfish cancel?


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2002
Minnesota, Hinckley
I can goldfish cancel!

But what you REALLY have to watch out for is the flop.

I've met many opponents who completely forget about 'the flop' after I use my goldfish cancel. Just the FACT I can goldfish cancel sends their mind reeling. I can actually start talking crap about how they can't G.C., and they start loosing it -- easily diagnosed by clammy hands, mucho perspiration, and unnerving eye movement.

Now what you gotta make sure you watch out for, when G.Cing, is to identify if you're playing someone who is using the G.C. style of fighting. It's sort of like druken boxing for those of us that don't really have a grasp on the concept. But, the odd thing about G.C.ing, is that if they don't hit you, they'll do more damage. That's due to the flop. The flop. *shudders* So make sure that ANYONE who can G.C. hits you. This, in MY opinon, is what shuold make Roy top tier(like Ken says). Since G.C.ing ONLY works on air moves, you have to have an aerial that can KO on you. If you use Roy's flare blade in the air, the opponent has no CHOICE if you're GCing. A good GCer will punish you with every ounce of his soul when you fluff up and evade his attack.

Don't strike down the messenger... Strike down the game. GCing breaks SSB:M, and should be banned. Too bad I'm so good at it :cool: :beezo: :beezo:

Deleted member

so do me and vidjo have a solid ride to S4C or not?? No one has given me a direct answer.

Dyluck: Let's do a money match sometime.


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Hey guys, if you all haven't noticed yet, the melee-fc registry is up. I'm hoping you all will be making it out. I'm only posting because right now we have exactly one person from MI signed up, and that's the guy that helped me make the registration, Daver. I want to post a list publicly soon and I'd like to at least make sure the Midwest is on board before I do. Thanks!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2003
Tampa, FL
I am undefeated in ssb and ssbm with over 30 names on ssbm, the names of ppl who tried but failed
Oh... the days when we thought we were good.

Some advice.... if you want to continue thinking you are the best player in MI, do not come to tournaments or hang out with the MI crew. Reason being.....you will have more fun playing great against those you can beat. Because once you start playing with the elite Smashers.. AKA Lipton buddy (the best in the world) you will have wished you never tried. And being quote-on-quote "undefeated" is impossible in smash bros.

No, I mean its cool and all. It's great to hear from a new face. But I guarantee you that you will get your a-ss kicked by ppl.

Really what it comes down to is that once you start doing tournaments you will realize that smash has so much more depth to it and is so much more complicated than you ever could imagine. By playing in tourneys you will be so much more addicted to playing competitively. Later dude.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2003
Warren, MI.
no offense, but phatassesrock is right, i used to think i was
awesome,then i went to the Michigan massacre,got my but
handed to me,since then ive gotten way better but, im definately
not even close to bein the best

so heres my tip for u

go to tournies/smashfests,dont brag,and have a good time

from there u get better

P.S: its very possible you could be a good competer at 1st,but
there is almost no chance whatsoever you will be better than a few peops here


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Daver's right on the subject. I thought I was good even back in day after I'd been on smashboards for a little while. Truth is, I sucked. Actually, I still do suck, but way not as much........err.....wait! NO! I'm best in the world! I could 4 stock Ken, Isai, and Eddie all on a team vs me, team attack off, my handicap 1 and theres 9. Don't doubt...Beleive.........

Anyways, here's a little story while I'm bored since my legs are temporarily out of order. I've only gone on like 3 bike rides this season. If you didn't know, my fat *** actually is an avid biker. Anyhoo, the last bike ride I took was only 8.7 miles (I have one of those sweet mountain bikes with the little computer thing on it...It's so bad ***), and my legs felt like they were gonna fall off then. So today, at about 9:15, I figured it was a beautiful day, so I'd go for a morning bike ride. Anyways, it was so nice, I ended up going to metro beach. Now by that time, my legs were pretty sore, but the sight of the ****ing gorgeous women rollerblading and walking made me not care about my legs. Funny, just like the bloodiest, stinkiest of fish chum attracts sharks like nothing else, a nice warm spring day is like hot biznatch attractant. So I was in a good mood, but my mood soon shattered when I found out that the whole ride back I'd have the wind in my face. Not to mention it was a dtrong wind, so peddling the bike was excrutiatingly painful. I find a pay phone to call pops to pick me up, just to find out that they upped the price of a call to friggin 50 cents!!! Oh well, I had $1.30-ish, so I was cool.

First phone: No long distance calls. Give me a ****ing break! It's only roughly 20 miles between phones. How is that long distance? Stupid *** phone service long distance....uhh....stuff!

Second phone: Eats my 50 cents. ****! Gotta find a new phone, which I don't come into contact with until about 3 more miles.

Third phone: Busy signal. Who the **** is on the phone?!?! Call back 5 minutes later, still busy. 5 minutes after that, busy. Son of a ****ing *****!!! Oh well, even though it'll suck, I'll pedal another mile into fast winds.....

Fourth phone: Eats my 50 cents. Now I can't make a phone call to pops unless I stumble on to some money. I go in the gas station to cuss the guy out, and tell him to fix his ****ing stupid *** ******* ***** *** **** *** phone. I'll pedal a little more down Gratiot. There's gotta be another gas station in another mile. What the ****, I've come this far. What's another mile?

5th phone: I'm at 14 and Gratiot at a shell gas station. Nobody around but fat girls, no joke. I walk across the street to Hooters, which had a few perverted shmucks standing around in the parking lot. This cool black guy was nice enough to give me a quarter, and even though I shouldn't be smoking, a cigarette. So I walk back to the Shell, and try to call home. No answer. 5 minutes later, still no answer. Finally, 5 minutes later, I must have let the phone ring like 50 times. My dad answers! Thank the Lord!!!! So I sit down on a curb, and I saw a dime just sittin there, so I picked it up, went inside, and bought a pack of the most kick *** gum ever, Juicy Frizuit. 15 minutes later, pops pulls up with the truck, and my *** is home free!

When I finally got home, pops was nice enough to hook me up with 3 vicodins, which I ate immediately. Right now as I type, they've kicked in, and my legs feel like they aren't going to fall off my torso anymore!! Plus, I have a teeny tiny buzz to accompany me. Since I'm no longer a morphine addict, 3 vicodins actually gave me a buzz! Not to mention, I have the ultimate farmer's tan going! I checked the computer on the bike, and I rode for a total of 2 hours and 50 minutes, I averaged 10.2 miles an hour (going against the wind ****ed up my average! It was at like 14mph when I first got to metro), and my total mileage was 26.5 miles. A few more 18-20 mile rides, and I should be able to do the full 32 mile ride again. Hopefully pops'll hook it up with a few more pills tomorrow, because if it hurts this bad today, tomorow will be 10 times worse. Oh well, all for the love of the bike ride baby!

Morale of the story: If you're a fat ***, don't go for a 26.5 mile bike ride after your lazy *** hasn't done a **** thing all winter. If I was still smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, my heart probably would have exploded at about mile 15.

If you read that whole thing, you must be REALLY bored!



Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Mow, yeah if you are kicking in $100 for gas you and vidjo have a ride.

Dyluck, you want to play a money match? I am one of the better players, u beat me u must be pretty good

Vidjo, not sure what u mean. But i dunno who i will use, probably fox, marth, samus, or falco (since he has been beating up peaches lately). As for your statement, i only wanna play ur peach, none of this bull-**** secondary character stuff.... but u can switch if you peach loses if u are so inclined still of course

Bob, money match how bout it?

Anyway, ahills we should get together sometime this week at justins. What does are good for you guys/justin? Post up, im down anyday but Tues

Prime, i registered... And many more MI's will be coming, they are just too lazy to register

Deleted member

$100? Done. I got you a place to stay too.

As for the money match, I called it first.

And your Falco is beating his peach?.....ok well your Falco is good but still not miraculous, i don't see it. I can imagine a clsoe match but not consistantly beating him.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by vidjogamer
and what do u mean bull**** secondary? ur the one trying to use samus
meaning not ur best... samus, huh. My samus has beaten plenty of good peoples mains. Cubed, Nar, Joel, etc etc.

And falco? Huh, i didnt put that out there so u get to pick my character... aint how it goes

edit: how much we playing for? what rules?


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2002
Cleveland, OH
whoa wait a sec, if u get to pick my character, then i get to pick urs. basically, ur making me be peach. so im gonna pick one of the list u put out. i think thast fair. and u did list those chars. so u shouldnt have a problem with it.

Deleted member

Hey there's a kid here now that doesn't completely suck. I can still 3 stock him out of 4 but I know his tricks and you guys don't. Jv let's see if you can hitch up a few hours early and play him. He can't beat anything I play but he's good in the game. He has the basics of a technical game and he's pretty smart. He play Samus, Mario, and Luigi as his best.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
mow, before we leave for S4C? Dunno it is a long drive, ill play him real quick... but if its a 3+ stockiing id rather just get on the road, no offense to him. But if he wants to play for money, i will do that

vidjo, man ur losing me. what money match have u heard of where people are picking the other persons characters? i said i want ur best, but did not say you couldnt play anyone else. u wanna play some other character than peach, fine i will take ur money like that. My list was to be nice and give u a lil forewarning on who i will probably use, and i cant see me use any other characters than that honestly (less i ditto peach for kicks, but doubt it.... same with gannon). But its still my pick, not urs, u wanna double blind fine we can do that too


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2003
Dang Justin, I thought Metro was a long way from my place, next time your there and need a ride you can give me a halla. Well I wanna try this money match bs too, I'm tired of loseing money at tournies. Mow your coming this saturday to SSA right? We ow eachother a match right? Well how bout we do it then? 5 bucks, what do ya say?
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