Lol yeah, I got you with a full-blown dsmashed soccer ball at one point. Then promptly began crouch and shield spamming all NNNNNOOO. That Lucas was pretty good lol, made me see how well I could pit my Zelda against him. I stopped fighting though when that Ganon kept getting in the way. The jerk. He made us lose until Lucas left lol. I love how he would spam that "What's the matter, scared?" taunt when you were the one winning him over and over, haha.
Yes indeeeed, you can see everythinggg.
I should probably go to sleep.. against my own wishes. I have about two hours to sleep before having to get ready for work.. and on that note I should answer your earlier question. Usually I don't get enough sleep at all xD I'm up all hours of the night, then working all hours of the day. I get between two to five hours of sleep per night usually, but I always come home and nap, or I nap before getting on Basic all night. It's probably really not good for me, but eh.. it's walmart. It's not a real job, just a placeholder until I can get myself somewhere in the world.
Life story blahlblahhh.