Hello first time poster here but I have been around. I was thinking about making this a thread but since I am barely learning smash competitively I thought I better ask it here. My question is, how does Robin benefit from footstooling? I noticed that after arcfire, many Robin players always go for smashes or his/her special moves. I thought to myself, what if I try footstooling instead? From my understanding (I could be wrong), footstooling is untechable, you can combo into it and land a guaranteed smash attack. I saw a Megaman video a while back where he foot stooled, dropped his saw, and did jab locks on mario. Unfortunately, I saw a video a while back that said Robin could not Jab lock. Using this video for inspiration though, I began to mess around with Robin in a similar fashion.
Basically what I am doing is first arcfire, followed by footstool, then I drop a book, then I do an fair with the levin sword. However, as mentioned previously I am barely learning smash so I feel that if I were to do this in game (none of my friends play competitive smash so it's hard to try it out) I could be missing something and maybe it is techable and I understand footstooling wrong. So with all that said, is what I'm doing good and what other benefits can Robin get out of footstooling? Thanks in advance.