My bad, maybe 'kept' would have been better. Really, keeping some of the money isn't bad GENEREALLY. It would be bad or ok depending on the situation. Yes, people would deff volunteer if there were more 'incentives' to volunteering. I'm sure Apex did have some! Which was awesome. But, the community is grass-roots. Basically, we have to support ourselves. We can't really take that much away from tournies because it's important to make the smash community grow, and without as much funds, it would stifle the community. We don't have that much monetary support under us.
In your second paragraph, I do not know how it can be reinvested. How would we be able to re-gain money to reinvest back into the community? We'd either have to have another tourny, which would mean more of the same people and then some, paying yet again to somehow regenerate the 'reinvestment funds'. Ok now the second half. Err? Half of the pot? Ok, I think taking the venue fee for the 're-investment' part, like getting tv's or better/needed equipment, is fine with a room that costs nothing.
But if you also take that, and then HALF of the pot that people only paid $5 with, I think is a no no. Keep in mind venue fee doesn't go towards the pot ever. It goes towards whatever the venue needs. Most likely, paying for the cost of renting the room. So if it's free, and you charge $5 and alot of people come, sure you CAN take that, and invest in things that will help the tourny scene grow. I did the same, like I said above. I charged $3 venue to get three tv's. I don't think you should ever take money from the pot. That kind of ruins the point of having a tournament. You cheapen the reward for the player that comes out on top, and most likely the player won't feel as if they deserved that little. (Since winning a tournament can be VERY hard work) Again, venue fee is fine, if you just use it to reinvest back somehow. (Unless it's like a smashfest, and you charge $2 or $5 for entry, that's fine. ) Or just extra venue fee that was inevetable. Do what you want with it, just choose wisely. BUT NEVER THE POT. :3
NOW.... I think you shouldn't do that at your first tourny if you can rent for free. Why? Because I think you need to establish trust first. We want to know if you will really keep your word and reinvest back into the community.