Hey achilles, is there anyway I could get a file for the stage select screen that has no color borders around the edges of the previews but still has the background simplified? I think it would look amazing and would really appreciate it if possible. Thank you.
Just replace MnSlMap.usd with a vanilla(ish) one.
This is still the version that freezes while sitting at the MnSlChr screen as well?
Well, it should be, and I fixed it a while ago. I just sat at the Start Screen while eating dinner and we're still rollin' strong.
Hey guys, is there a specific file that I can exclude from the file replacements in order to take out the PAL versions of the characters? I just find it inconvenient when someone who doesn't know they are doing accidentally presses R lol
In the 3.02 DOL file, at offset 0x3f84c4 change 408201e4 to 480001e4.
This is right after it polls the controller input and looks for if R is pressed. The original instruction is a "bne" (branch not equal, so if not equal to R, branch to check other area of code. But if equal to R, execute code directly underneath it - the PAL stuff). And doing the above change will change it from "bne" to "b" which is just a simple branch to...
So it ignores the result of the comparison to see if R is pressed and it will just always branch to the next section and never execute the PAL stuff.
Hey Achilles, would it be possible to have the p2 action toggles/cpu commands be applied to other controllers? Like p1 controls p2 slot and p3 controls p4 slot for commands? That way me and my practice buddy could practice on two different dummies at the same time. I think this is a feature that a lot of people would benefit from. Thanks for all your hard work!
Yeah it's possible, but not with how a lot of the actions are currently programmed (because there is a mix of forcing actions and forcing buttons presses). With the player flags, you can have P2 control P3 or P4 and the other character(s) will perform the
forced button presses as well. Basically, a lot of the aerials (like nair OoS) won't work, but actions like holding shield or the spam input command will.
I'll be thinking about this in the future when I start rewriting these player action codes but I'm just not there yet.