Seagull Joe
Smash Legend
$10 Venue Fee ($5 with a full setup)
$10 Teams Entry ($10 per person)
$10 Singles Entry
Event times:
11:00- Venue opens
12:00- Doubles signups (PM and Brawl)
12:30- Doubles begins (PM and Brawl)
3:00- Singles Signups (PM and Brawl)
4:00- Singles begin (PM and Brawl)
5:00- 64 signups singles and doubles
6:00 - Doubles 64
7:00 - Singles 64
10:00- Tourney ends
Brawl Stage Ruleset: Strikes will be done in 1-2-1 fashion and each player will receive 1 ban from the respective stage list.
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi's Island
Counter picks:
Frigate Orpheon
Pokemon Stadium 1
Castle Siege
Prize Payouts:
1st: 55%
2nd: 25%
3rd: 10%
4th: 5%
5th/5th: 2.5%
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%
General Gameplay:

$10 Venue Fee ($5 with a full setup)
$10 Teams Entry ($10 per person)
$10 Singles Entry
Event times:
11:00- Venue opens
12:00- Doubles signups (PM and Brawl)
12:30- Doubles begins (PM and Brawl)
3:00- Singles Signups (PM and Brawl)
4:00- Singles begin (PM and Brawl)
5:00- 64 signups singles and doubles
6:00 - Doubles 64
7:00 - Singles 64
10:00- Tourney ends
Brawl Stage Ruleset: Strikes will be done in 1-2-1 fashion and each player will receive 1 ban from the respective stage list.
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi's Island
Counter picks:
Frigate Orpheon
Pokemon Stadium 1
Castle Siege
Prize Payouts:
1st: 55%
2nd: 25%
3rd: 10%
4th: 5%
5th/5th: 2.5%
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%
General Gameplay:
- Items are set to "off" and "none"
- If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. If there is a tie, see the tiebreaker section to follow.
- All sets in bracket with the exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and grand finals will be best of 3 matches. The finals matches will be a best of 5.
- Controller ports will be decided by players. If there is a conflict, we prefer using the G&W Hammer method to determine who gets to choose.
- You may switch ports on your counterpick. If you do not do this on your counter pick, you may not do it on game 3.
- BYOC (Bring your own controller). I recommend having a spare, just in case. If you don't have one, I might have a few for sale.
- Any controller malfunction mid match is on you. If you need to reset, your opponent will have to agree to a reset as doing so will require you to pause the match. (if pause is on).
- Stalling is banned. You know what this is, ask if you're unsure.
- If you freeze the game on an action initiated by your character, you lose. You are expected to know the boundaries of your character. (This rarely, if ever, happens.)
- Pause is recommended to be turned on for quick resets, but players can request it be turned off for the duration of their match.
- If a player pauses the match mid game (accidentally or intentionally), it is a stock loss to the player who pressed it.
- A match ending in simultaneous death does not go to the initiator. If the result is sudden death from this, use the normal tiebreaking rules (to follow) to determine the winner. Otherwise use who the game declared the winner.
- Coaching mid-match is banned. Coaching between rounds is legal
- You cannot re-select a stage you have won on as a Counterpick in a set unless your opponent agrees to it.
- Any and all infinites (basically, where someone can control the opponent without them being able to do anything about it) must end at 300%, otherwise it becomes stalling. All infinites are entirely legal.
- 3 Stocks
- 8 minute timer
- Infinite Dimensional Cape is banned
- 40 LGL for all characters. Only applies in a match that ends in time.
- Team attack is set to ON
- Stock sharing is permitted