Kirby did start out as a handheld series, and has many more portable games than home console games. However, Bandana Waddle Dee (just Waddle Dee prior to Triple Deluxe) did originate on the SNES (Megaton Punch in Kirby Super Star/Kirby's Fun Pak), and his most important role was in Kirby's Return to Dream Land/Kirby's Adventure Wii on the Wii. Metroid started out on the NES (Famicom Disk System if you want to get technical), and has half of the "main" (non Prime; the main series is Metroid, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Metroid: Other M) games on home consoles, and the original Ridley appeared in Metroid, Super, Fusion (debatable), and Zero Mission; he also was in every Prime (Prime, Prime Pinball, Prime Hunters, Prime 2: Echoes, Prime 3: Corruption) game except Hunters, one of which (Pinball) is handheld. Ridley is a console character, while Bandana Waddle Dee is half home-console and half handheld.
TL;DR: Kirby is a mostly handheld series, with Bandana appearing in two home console and two handhelds. Metroid is mostly a home console series, and Ridley mostly appears on consoles.