Heihachi Mishima is dead.
And a Hong Kong police detective was right at the scene.
"Can you hear me?..." he whispered into the police radio,
"...my investigations are going well. Heihachi has been taken down. I've been detecting signs of activity in the night and I've managed to find something irregular. I'm going to pursue this further and see where it takes me."
Looking at Heihachi's body on the floor, the detective surveyed the room where he saw the remaining fighters.
"So... who's in his team?"
As everyone went to sleep and pondered over Heihachi's death, it was this detective who became the most restless.
What's this?
Someone had just punched him in the face.
"You really think you're going to stop us?"
The detective, dizzy from the punch, stood up.
"Who are you?"
He stared into the darkness ahead as he heard footsteps nearing his position. He saw an outline ahead of him. A scummy figure exposed itself.
"What?! YOU?!"
(Please listen to me as you read the below)
The figure swung a punch down towards the back of the detective's head but was a little late in execution as the detective moved his upper body swiftly to the right, evading the killer blow. The detective was no fool, planting his left leg out like a tripwire.
"SURPRISE!" he yelled as the figured tripped and fell.
The detective jumped up in the air with a confident face and rained down on the figure with a sharp kick. But there was no one there.
"You're too slow detective..."
The figure came forth with a high-flying kick to the face but missed as the detective played dead on the floor.
"Stop DODGING me..." it yelled, looking frustrated.
The figure turned around with a sinister smile.
"...I know you're behind me, detective."

Multiple killer blows were dealt. The detective stood there, side-eyeing what had just happened. After a good 5 minutes passed, he felt blood trickle down his face.
"This... can't be..."
Яagnarok, Lei Wulong, Town Line Tapper, fell to the floor in agonising pain and died shortly after (AKA Night Killed)
An item shot from Lei's pocket into the distance... what was this?
Let your fists do the talking! Round 4 starts:
[0] -Masquerain-
[0] Dark Horse
[0] Kary
[0] Krystedez
[0] DtJ Glyphmoney
[0] Nabe
[0] Red Ruy
[0] WashedLaundry
[0] Fynal
[0] Pink Lemonade
[0] Jdietz43
[11] Not Voting: -Masquerain- / Dark Horse / Kary / Krystedez / DtJ Glyphmoney / Nabe / Red Ruy / WashedLaundry / Fynal / Pink Lemonade / Jdietz43
With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline set for Tuesday 17th July, Midnight GMT.
It's JDietz43's birthday. He'll be V/LA today and tomorrow!