I've heard you're always scum? Why then should I follow you?
I'm new. I live in the UK. I've finished Newbie 17 and Epic Rap Battles (fire scum and VT respectively) and am in a few other games at the moment. My style is still coming together but I tend to like asking specific questions to see people's responses. Sometimes I do weird/suspicious things but I usually have a reason for them. I'm also pretty cautious and don't like quick lynches if I can't see a good reason for them. I type too much. I like it when people are nice to one another, I don't like trash-talk in games particularly. I tend to get suspicious of people when I can't see why they're doing something. I don't think I'm afraid of anything with reference to mafia games (not going to say afraid of you, lol), but I don't like when people don't seem to be listening/trying to figure out what you mean.
If people have other general questions for me i'll take them
I've played with Soup, RR/Joey, Ran and JDietz before, and briefly with Kuz/Dark Horse, but the only players I've not seen around (I've read a lot of threads here) are Blazer and Fynal.
/writes too much.