How many threads is this now? If this fanbase has anything, it's an indomitable spirit.
RTC isn't known for its accuracy. I wouldn't worry about it. It's a fun diversion, but nothing that holds weight at the end of the day.
Predicting newcomers is tricky, and when you add biases and emotions to the mix as raters are wont to do, reliable averages become even harder to obtain. Our participation in the ballot, and the amazing work you guys have been doing lately with the social media outreach, will be much more impactful than a favorable perception in a funposting thread for guesstimations.
Thanks for keeping an open mind about this character and for injecting some positivity into what must have been an overwhelmingly negative discussion.
And thank you for being such an incredible help, Jordan. I could not have asked for a better ambassador. The rest of you are awesome as well for keeping up the support this long and making considerable strides to get her back where she belongs. An appearance in the next SF by itself will have been worth all the attention we drew with our votes and our voices. Once Krystal is reintegrated into the series, and Star Fox gets a clean bill of health, the rest will take care of itself. Krystal is not the main star of the show, but she can still patch a Smash-worthy resume together with an accumulation of appearances as a co-protagonist in Adventures and a main supporting role in future installments. I think she's only one more appearance away, but it has to be significant and the game needs to have the relevant developer's undivided attention to ensure that it has the best chance to be a commercial success. Lastly, it would be beneficial to Star Fox if she
were to be utilized again. To re-emerge as the all-star she once was in the eyes of others and the one she always was to us. Star Fox is at its best when it's got its full compliment of fan favorites
and when the controls are intuitive.