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Switching Mains - New to Sheik!


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Hey everyone,

I was maining Kirby from the time I got Brawl right after it came out, and I got myself to the point where I can really hold my own and won more than 50% of my battles. I was at this point for awhile, and now I'm just really bored with him. After seeing TheCat play as his new second, Sheik, and seriously wiping the floor with me, I tried her out against some CPU's.

Wow...she's total ownage. Next time we played, I pulled out Sheik the same time he did. The two Sheik-Sheik battles we did have were the most epic battles ever. I lost both, but only by slight amounts. After the battles, another kid joined in an we were just having fun. I was practicing with Sheik a bit more after that against some lvl 6's(I find lvl 9's to be less helpful. Odd, I know, but 6's work for me.), and I found out some new stuff, kicked a few more butts...

The next night, I played TheCat again. That night, my Sheik went 4-1. Wins were against Sheik x2, and Zero Suit Samus. The loss was against Sonic...that little guyy.....aarrgghhh....

But anyway, I think I proved my Sheik is good enough to main that night, because TheCat is an outstanding player. So, yep. Here I am, a new Sheik mainer, hoping to improve my skillz. If anyone want's to help me out, that would be wicked. Might have to post a video here soon. I'll try to.



Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Piece of advise,

Don't try to learn anything advance with sheik until you got the basic down, especial when it comes down to your tilts.

Also you should check out the stickies, we have a good number now and all of them are useful.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Edge-guard. Learn everything you can about it.

When to do it, how to do it, when to use what moves, how to set it up, what works, what doesn't, etc... Sheik is an edge-guarded. All her moves bar 2 kill sideways. You'd think this was horribly obvious, but apparently not.

Stringing together attacks is one of the best things to do with her. ATs are intended to make you look flashy in brawl. Sheik should be able to **** just as well, if not better, without using a single AT.

There's nothing that is majorly specific to sheik. Get used to spacing and blocking and all the typical stuff.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
Edge-guard. Learn everything you can about it.
Same advice Cat gave me, and I've been using it. I got alot of kills last game thru edgegaurds. I still have alot to improve on though.

When to do it, how to do it, when to use what moves, how to set it up, what works, what doesn't, etc... Sheik is an edge-guarded. All her moves bar 2 kill sideways. You'd think this was horribly obvious, but apparently not.
So your saying that I don't grasp the concept? 0_o I most certainly do, I just obviously need improvement.

Stringing together attacks is one of the best things to do with her. ATs are intended to make you look flashy in brawl. Sheik should be able to **** just as well, if not better, without using a single AT.
Sorry, smashboard newb, what's an AT?

There's nothing that is majorly specific to sheik. Get used to spacing and blocking and all the typical stuff.
I'm down with that, now on the advanced! Thanks for all the great advice all!


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Same advice Cat gave me, and I've been using it. I got alot of kills last game thru edgegaurds. I still have alot to improve on though.

So your saying that I don't grasp the concept? 0_o I most certainly do, I just obviously need improvement.

Sorry, smashboard newb, what's an AT?

I'm down with that, now on the advanced! Thanks for all the great advice all!
I have no idea how well you can edge-guard. I've never seen you play.

AT = Advanced Technique. This could be trick or "combo" or, well, advanced techinque. This includes things like DACUS, Vanish Glide, Chainlocks, etc...


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2008
lol you would post here, WK.
I just did, man. I just did.

It makes me happy that you can still win without advanced techs, because I use them very rarely. Thank you, SinkingHigher, for such excellent advice.

*EDIT* Dude, you need to record one of our Sheik-Sheik matches.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Hm, what are the uses for dtilt? I don't use it much.
1. Can be used to do a semi tilt lock in selective low percentages on fast fallers, which can lead into a ftilt lock even or even followed up by a few other other moves such as raising Nair.

2. Shield stabbing and for shield pressure

3. The inner thigh hit can push some of the roaster out of standing grab range. I'm not sure who it works on yet but I'm fairly sure it does work.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
I rarely ever use it. I think it's good for proping people up into a f-tilt lock or u-tilt or whatever you wish.

colored blind

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2008
Purdue/West Lafayette
It's good for jab cancel mixups. I think it comes out slightly faster than a Ftilt, but I'm not sure. If it doesn't, then it's also better for shieldpoking after a jab cancel than Ftilt. That's about the only time I use it. Sometimes it can string into a Fair. *Shrug*

Dude, seriously, there's not much 'advanced' stuff with Sheik--it's totally up to the player. Honestly, learning to string hits together and edgeguard are the best things to learn about Sheik. Learn how to use needles, learn the weak/strong Bair and Nair and how to use them, tether recovery, etc. They're all basic stuff, but there's a lot of basic stuff, and working on those and fine tuning those is what'll make you better, not 'advanced stuff'. All of Sheik's gameplay is based around how well you use the basic stuff.
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