Ike's recovery is pretty terrible, at least vertically. If he has to recover vertically higher than his double jump (god forbid he doesn't have it), he has to rely on Aether (god also forbid he has to recovery diagonally upward, because he just can't). Aether does have super armor, but only until he reaches the apex, where he is vulnerable. Combine this with the fact that it doesn't snap to the ledge, and you have an Ike that is extremely vulnerable to anyone with a disjoint or projectile if he tries to recover from low. I remember watching a match of Ryuga's where ZeRo just pecked him Needles repeatedly until (iirc) he eventually died (or got launched high enough to recover, one of the two). The only ones in the list you gave whom I agree with you on are DK, Roy, and Link. The rest I believe are about as good or better.
I never faulted him for a lack of comboes or kill power. As a heavy, of course most of his moves kill (the only moves of his which I could not consider kill moves would be Jabs, Dtilt, and Nair), but then so do DK's, Bowser's, Ganon's, D3's, etc. Kill power does not make a character automatically good, it is only trait a good character must have (unless you're godlike at everything else, like Sheik). However, another trait a good character must have is frame data. They must have something quick. Something to get opponents off of them, relieve pressure, or break comboes. Ike does not have that. I wouldn't call any of his moves after Jab "fast." His next fastest options in Dtilt and Bair are only tied with his Grab for 7 frames. (Even his Counter is a pitiful 9 frames of startup.)
He is great at edgeguarding, like most sword users (ERUPTION IS STUPIDLY GOOD), but it's not true that his aerials have low landing lag. Nair and Uair don't have high landing lag (Nair: 14 frames, Uair: 15 frames), but the rest are 18+ frames. His Nair doesn't autocancel out of SH or FH, but his Fair and Bair do autocancel out of SH, which is something I didn't know that has improved my opinion of him. Similar to edgeguarding, spacing is helped a lot by his sword, but most of his spacing tools can be punished on reaction unless they're Nair or an autocancelled Fair or Bair. (Dtilt is adequate imo, but it has 22 frames of cooldown which mean an easy punish is whiffed.)
I knew about Ryuga and San, they're just less popular so I didn't mention them. Fun fact: they all placed equally at TBH5. I honestly think their placings are as much in part to the skill of the player as the abilities of the characters, if not more. (Ryuga at least is very smart.)
I do agree that his Fair and Bair are pretty amazing, and Shulk out-disjoints everybody, but Ike also has no good way of dealing with projectiles outside of hoping to time a move to clang, which can and will get punished. In a game with Sheik, ZSS, Pikachu, Mario, etc, that's a huge disadvantage. (Unless you, as an Ike main, know something I do not?)
In addition to his weight and recovery, his lack of framedata and higher-than-average fallspeed make his disadvantage state a nightmare. That's the same reason other heavies like DK and Bowser don't do so hot (although to a lesser extent).
I don't think highly of Ike's mobility. He's int he upper half of aeromobility and fall speed, but without a good run speed or mobility-boosting special (I don't think Quick Draw is very good in neutral), I can't say I like it.
And I can't speak for any matchups besides my own, nor am I more experienced in Ike than you, but I know that ZSS also bodies Ike.
you do raise valid points, so first off what i meant with kill power wasnt his killing power but more so his ease of landing his killing moves, apart from the dingdong and bair on dk, i dont see the other heavies having anything comparable to bair, ftilt, utilt, dash atk when it comes to actually landing the moves... u could say ganon but he has other issues which hold him back(now THATS a bad recovery, to name one

). about his spacing... well what u listed is already quite a good asortment of spacing tools

but if those are not good enough for u then that is where our opinions differ so i wont try to convince u otherwise and agree to disagree
now the main point for last, the fact that aether doesnt snap is a huge deficit, ill give u that, and its definitely an issue. bare in mind tho, hes got a nice large hitbox infront of him in the form of his sword, and also dropping lower before using aether makes u less of an open target (note the word less). as for losing the DJ, pretty much all the characters in that list get shafted without their double jump.
going down the list heres the reasoning of why i think the recoveries are worse

: its got great distance, true but its slow and while he can use aerials out of it those have long durationgs outside of fair, which doesnt protect u from above, meaning u will lose a lot of distance using them, and his fuel isnt indefinite. he has to pretty much go for the ledge since his landing options arent great(just look at top level rob play, it takes a lot of work for rob to get back to the stage as far as i can tell)

: well i dont see how u can say this is better than ikes, sorry i just dont see it, its linear, range isnt mind blowing, and i find it really easy to intercept, tho maybe thats just my charaters(lucas' bair says hello


: well its got an odd trajectory, and quite good range but... no hitbox, linear and not exactly something u cant react to speed wise, this is something im surprised few people actually try to challenge as its not exactly hard to do so, especially when people try to challenge ryus recovery for eg...

: hes got side b which is very nice, but vertical recovery? getting hit out of barrels is pretty much gg for diddy and ive seen them get hit a lot

: hes got great height on his DJ but... pk thunder... first of all, jumping into pkt 1 gets rid of any chances of ness recovering, and since u were talking about projectiles with ike... throw something in his way after pkt2 whether that be certain projectiles, an item(depending on who u play), a counter, an absorbing move(rosa, lucas or ness down b, ive even heard pits orbitars can gimp him too but ive never tried that so dont quote me on it ;p ) or even yourself(low % or yolo techs), and he will usually die because of halved distance, or other logical reasons (counter and down bs)

: well this is a pretty decent recovery true but i still dont think its great, maybe im bias on this one but well, its got a good hitbox, but its range is a bit lacking for my tastes. i dunno, ive had bad experiences with using this recovery, maybe i just suck at recovering with mario :/

: considering his aerial movement i take this one back, with bombs reseting upb it can actually do some work(though ofc you need to take out the bomb quickly as they have a longer timer than links)

: well hes got good vertical recovery but horizontally it can be quite lacking(extremely so without dj) and while u can attack after up b, the fact that unlike rob he cant "continue" using his upb afterwards combined with the fact that u dont snap to the ledge after using fair, it can be quite difficult covering ur recovery from anyone who wants to gimp u and if they hit you and u didnt save ur dj somehow, ur prob not making it back

: well its linear, his phantom is predictable as well as not having a consistent hitbox afaik, his high dj does help a lot but firebird, just like aether enjoys projectiles, disjoints and its also great at tranding with spikes

(lol at drop down spikes like zss getting knocked back up after spiking them(i believe it was zss, i did it to my friend in friendlies, had me roflmao)
as for yoshi and weegee, they need the double jump desperately so if they lose it its game over most of the time(but as i said before these two are debatable as with the dj they are very good)
feel free to disagree, but thats my reasoning behind saying their recoveries are worse and for the record, writing this out on phone was not a fun experience
Edit: also thank for actually looking into the character (concerning his aerials) instead of being fixated on an opinion based without looking at the character, as ive had that a lot in the past when discussing certain characters viability in this game.