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Social Swamp's Social Thread 3 - And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

Should we add a poll to the thread?

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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Paypal's not an option for me atm.

Although I was gifted premium again recently (all of my premiums have been gifts, lol) and it won't be expiring for a long time.


Sep 12, 2014
Mine expires in March and it was a gift.

I better start looking for a way to renew it.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Because I'm a former mod, I still get a lot of premium features. :troll:
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Random thought:
Disney Infinity 1.0 only had Disney/Pixar figures. Disney Infinity 2.0 added Marvel and so did Disney Infinity 3.0 with Star Wars

Ignoring the thought of Disney buying them, what are some popular franchises/companies you think have many characters that could be made into figures?

What's the next franchise/company you imagine Disney might acquire?
Kingdom Hearts is the obvious one.

It's not like they haven't already teased it. The Ultimate Unlock of 3.0 is the Kingdom Key. And they also had that D23 Anaheim exclusive Power Disc that unlocks a KH2 King Mickey outfit for Mickey.

It also would make sense as 4.0 would probably be coming out within a year of Kingdom Hearts III. Maybe close to 2.8 too. So it'd be a good promotional tool.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
In personality tests, one of the major factor's (I'm talking about the personality tests psychologists use, not that internet popular "Myers-Briggs" thing) is neuroticism

Well, it may come as a shock to people...But I scored extremely high in neuroticism.

Well, one of the big symptoms of having a personality with high neuroticism is not being very good at making eye to eye contact.


Well, I learned from work that when some men are pissed at something, not looking them in the eye pisses them off more.

I had one guy today say "You damn better look at a man while he's talking to you"

To which I replied "I would if a man was talking to me"


Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
Wait...People are crying 'WEHWEH CENSORSHIP!' about a ****ing regular localization change? Can we just agree all those people need to get educated?
Strongly agree. It's not even that bad of a change (though I need to see the original Japanese to make an actual call). Maybe the fan translation didn't carry over the sentiment/ cuteness speech pattern of the girl? If the girl had a cutesy way of speaking and was very strong with her emotion then the localization choice would actually make perfect sense.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Man, I don't care what anyone says, the English variation of the dialog is ADORABLE. It's cheesy, but romance ITSELF is cheesy. Especially in FE.

The only reason people are getting twisted over something as simple as this is because they still don't get to feel up their 3ds touch screen. This isn't even censorship, and certainly isn't a MEME like some people seem to claim, just... uuuugh.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Strongly agree. It's not even that bad of a change (though I need to see the original Japanese to make an actual call). Maybe the fan translation didn't carry over the sentiment/ cuteness speech pattern of the girl? If the girl had a cutesy way of speaking and was very strong with her emotion then the localization choice would actually make perfect sense.
Actually, people looked at Kana's Japanese lines and the localized version completely fits her character. What's next? 'THEY REMOVED A SINGLE LETTER FROM MY WAIFU'S NAME I BET HER ENTIRE PERSONALITY WILL CHANGE I HOPE NOA GETS FIRED


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Is it that Dragon Girl's conversation with Corrin? I found the English one to be better. :p

I'm fine with those changes as long as the intended meaning is conveyed. A 1:1 translation is often not the best idea.

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Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
I found videos to compare them.

Here's the Japanese version.
Here's the English version.

Looking over the lines, I'm totally fine with the localization. It fits in with her having the power of the dragon, and it carries over the sentiment. Saying "thank you" to a parent in Japan is essentially saying "I love you" in the West (It would be a little weird if you use the English equivalent of "I love you" to a parent in Japanese :p). Therefore the meaning carries over well.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I wasn't annoyed with the character, I'm annoyed with GiMR making a sensationalist, staged video to imply she's broken.

come on man, I was doing a bit, trying to be funny. That's not staged haha. She's definitely an amazing character. I was playing the part of the angry kid who speaks before giving things time. There are ways to DI out of a lot of her stuff and Sheik's obviously still better.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
come on man, I was doing a bit, trying to be funny. That's not staged haha. She's definitely an amazing character. I was playing the part of the angry kid who speaks before giving things time. There are ways to DI out of a lot of her stuff and Sheik's obviously still better.
The delivery (especially in relation to the title) made things a bit confusing then. It came across more like you were trying to say she is broken by listing/showing things that would make her sound broken to the average player, while sarcastically saying "she isn't good", which made it come across as some biased, sensationalist thing to me.


Sonic social media is killing it for Valnetine's Day.


What's the worst thing you've ever done on a date? What's the absolute worst thing that's happened to you on date in return?

OK. So, this technically never happened, alright? OK, good:

Once, we saved this human girl from pretty much certain destruction, but she ended up having feelings for us. Awkward, right? Probably should have left her to fend for herself. One thing led to another, and the next thing we know… wait, actually this answers your next question!

That same date, this jerk comes up and just flat out kills us. Talk about rude, right?

Anyway, the year 2006 was just a bad one for us and dating. We try to forget it ever happened, and technically, it never did.

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Are people throwing hissy fits for little changes in dialogue, when it's something that has always existed in the FE series ever since it came to the West? Seriously?

Times do change and it only confirms my suspicions all along: the gaming Internet community is getting more and more toxic.

Kid Icarus: Uprising's story managed to receive praise outside of Japan because liberties were given with the dialogue. If you compare both scripts, you will see that the English version took its share of liberties, especially in regards to humor. Yet, back then, I didn't see any sort of complaints. The irony.

Plus, the message conveyed is the same, it's just the way it's worded that is different. I don't think it's such a big deal, to be honest.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Are people throwing hissy fits for little changes in dialogue, when it's something that has always existed in the FE series ever since it came to the West? Seriously?

Times do change and it only confirms my suspicions all along: the gaming Internet community is getting more and more toxic.

Kid Icarus: Uprising's story managed to receive praise outside of Japan because liberties were given with the dialogue. If you compare both scripts, you will see that the English version took its share of liberties, especially in regards to humor. Yet, back then, I didn't see any sort of complaints. The irony.

Plus, the message conveyed is the same, it's just the way it's worded that is different. I don't think it's such a big deal, to be honest.
Problem with the comparison: Gamergate controversy happened after Uprising

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Are people throwing hissy fits for little changes in dialogue, when it's something that has always existed in the FE series ever since it came to the West? Seriously?

Times do change and it only confirms my suspicions all along: the gaming Internet community is getting more and more toxic.

Kid Icarus: Uprising's story managed to receive praise outside of Japan because liberties were given with the dialogue. If you compare both scripts, you will see that the English version took its share of liberties, especially in regards to humor. Yet, back then, I didn't see any sort of complaints. The irony.

Plus, the message conveyed is the same, it's just the way it's worded that is different. I don't think it's such a big deal, to be honest.
Yeah I've noticed that people have become a bit more vocal in regards to the whole localization matter, especially when it comes in regards to the use of memes, but that's more or less has been a thing for quite some time....

It seems to have become more common ever since that one localizer got fired from Nintendo of America.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
To be honest though, Nintendo of America are too reliant on memes with some games.

Especially since NoE makes dialogue more sophisticated.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
So is anyone not gonna mention that freaking Gimz is in here like its nothing.

Deleted member

Remember when Square completely changed the main villain's personality in FFVI and it created what is consideted one of the best villains of all time?
Because they're crying foul about it digging up the "old meme" of Rawr is Dinosaur for I Love You or something of the sort.
I honestly couldn't tell it's a meme
And even if it's intentional, it ended up better than the original
So you could say memes saved the FE localization or something :drshrug:
I told myself i would go to bed 2 hours ago.
You would think the brain would choose sleep as one thing to agree with me on. . .

I have realized the perfect day to announce Mother 3

Not E3
Not an anniversary.

Valentine's Day

The reason?
Logic stretch so long you dont even need a rope snake
It should be on Mother's Day
For the obvious reason and the sadistic one :troll:
So is anyone not gonna mention that freaking Gimz is in here like its nothing.
I'm sorry but who? :drshrug:


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
So is anyone not gonna mention that freaking Gimz is in here like its nothing.
I mean...

It's not like competitive Smash players are some high and mighty celebrity presence or something.

They are well known to post on forums and stuff, show up to the same tournaments "lesser players" show up to and have to climb the ladder from local tournaments to national/international tournaments like everyone else each year, and are usually very easy to contact on social media like Twitter and YouTube.

Hell I used to visit a Rosalina Skype group and Dabuz was a regular in it. They also made an "Anime discussion" group for members of that group and Dabuz was a regular there too.

It's also not like say, actual professional sports or celebrities, who are expected to act and present themselves in a certain way. Most competitive players don't even act with much class at all. Back on the Dabuz example, I recall his profile picture on Skype for a while was a piece drawn by a really popular Rosalina hentai artist (it was an SFW version of one of his pieces but the connotations are still there).

If you ever have questions for them, it's usually never that hard to reach them too. A lot of them are pretty open to communication, both in person and on social media.

ZeRo is the only one who sort of has a high and mighty demeanour from what I have heard, in terms of IRL interactions at least.

Most competitive Smash players are no different to any of us. They're just playing video games and they play them well.
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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Problem with the comparison: Gamergate controversy happened after Uprising
Hmm... I guess that does make sense. You got a good point there.

To be honest though, Nintendo of America are too reliant on memes with some games.

Especially since NoE makes dialogue more sophisticated.
Overall, I prefer NoE's dialogue as they stick closer to the Japanese script where NoA sometimes takes too much liberties.

Such as that infamous usage of the doge meme in Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. The NoE script captures the same intent and (somewhat) eccentric speech without shoehorning a meme into it.

Yeah I've noticed that people have become a bit more vocal in regards to the whole localization matter, especially when it comes in regards to the use of memes, but that's more or less has been a thing for quite some time....

It seems to have become more common ever since that one localizer got fired from Nintendo of America.
Interesting points you make there. Make me think about what happened for people to have taken a completely different stance from before.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Hmm... I guess that does make sense. You got a good point there.

Overall, I prefer NoE's dialogue as they stick closer to the Japanese script where NoA sometimes takes too much liberties.

Such as that infamous usage of the doge meme in Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. The NoE script captures the same intent and (somewhat) eccentric speech without shoehorning a meme into it.

Interesting points you make there. Make me think about what happened for people to have taken a completely different stance from before.
Yeah for example, the "one does not simply" meme was present in the American localization of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, but there was no real controversy there from what I recall, in fact, I saw more people finding it funny if anything.

But some people seem to have become more annoyed with them as time went on. It started to become more common ever since Chris Pranger got fired. I'm not sure if Nintendo of America took a different direction in terms of localization ever since they fired him to the point these things feel more forced or people have just become tired of the use of memes in games....
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Yeah for example, the "you can not simply" meme was present in the American localization of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, but there was no real controversy there from what I recall, in fact, I saw more people finding it funny if anything.

But some people seem to have become more annoyed with them as time went on. It started to become more common ever since Chris Pranger got fired. I'm not sure if Nintendo of America took a different direction in terms of localization ever since they fired him or people have just become tired of the use of memes in games....
Again, the gamergate controversy. The goobergators think absolutely everything that changed in localization is a sin, as it's 'sjw pandering'. Remember a certain threadbanned user? They said they wanted the localization team for XCX to get fired because of how they thought it'd be littered with memes to replace the religious themes. It's fear that the memes will heavily affect certain tones in dialogue or change the story, when it's ridiculous. Hell, when XCX DOES use memes, it's either in character or fitting towards the situation. For example, Cross can 'Play the world's smallest violin' when someone is making a big fuss out of nothing. It fits, it's supposed to mock that NPC.

Deleted member

There's a new Fates trailer and they said 'in many cases, they'll have a child'
Don't think we need any more confirmation on Niles screwing you out of 2 units if you're gay
This has been known since the Japanese release
It also wouldn't make sense considering there would be no way for Kanna to have the dragon blood

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
This has been known since the Japanese release
It also wouldn't make sense considering there would be no way for Kanna to have the dragon blood
In the localization, samesex couples get S Support boosts when paired up, which was absent in the Japanese release
2 words: Surrogate Mothers. Seisen no Keifu did it, so it could be brought back


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
The whole usage of memes in games is something that can be good or bad, like most things, it just depends on how it's used.

Using mentioned examples:

"One does not simply" is a pretty subtle meme that most people probably wouldn't even see as a meme if they didn't know any better. It's a fairly standard sounding line for say, a medieval setting, but might sound out of place in a futuristic setting, especially from a character that isn't really refined. So it can come off as a natural line in a lot of games (while still being a LoTR shout out), but might sound out of place in others.

On the other hand, the "doge" meme is just going to stick out as an obvious, forced meme no matter where it's used, and is only really fitting in games that do not give even a remote care about the fourth wall from the get go, like say, the Deadpool game.

Then there are memes that are sort of relevant to the subject matter. Smash 4 for example, references "my body is ready", which is appropriate since it's a popular Nintendo meme in a Nintendo celebration game (that also doesn't give a crap about immersion or the fourth wall to begin with). And a lot of the reason the Sonic social media is so popular is because it references actual Sonic memes most of the time ("Sanic", "Gotta go fast", "& Knuckles", Big the Cat in general, etc).


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
There's a new Fates trailer and they said 'in many cases, they'll have a child'
Don't think we need any more confirmation on Niles screwing you out of 2 units if you're gay
ughhh I really want the release date dammit. ;.; Can't wait for the My Castle trailer! #TeamHoshidoBecauseICan'tAffordRevelations.

But I still need to buy MM 3D to sit on my shelf until the summer so.... doesn't really matter. I won't be able to play Fates until them either.

Deleted member

In the localization, samesex couples get S Support boosts when paired up, which was absent in the Japanese release
2 words: Surrogate Mothers. Seisen no Keifu did it, so it could be brought back
They didn't? That's kinda weird because I'm pretty sure A+ do give bonuses
Seisen no what? Is that FE4(aka giant maps, 10 chapters)?
There was a rumor that th European release ONLY has special editions. I'd take it for not having a ****ing release date as a compromise
Good luck affording that tho
*Joshua Natasha* *Lucius Priscilla or however you spell that name*
Not really
Hey, JoshuaXNatasha is my ship, don't talk **** about them
And Lucius' and Priscilla's supports are anything but romantic, they're basicallt about Priscilla trying to ask in the most polite way if Lucius is banging Raven
And considering that in Raven and Lucius A Support, Raven literally says: "I want you to stay home so I can have someone to go back to"
I'm pretty sure her suspicions are right

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
They didn't? That's kinda weird because I'm pretty sure A+ do give bonuses
Seisen no what? Is that FE4(aka giant maps, 10 chapters)?

Good luck affording that tho

Hey, JoshuaXNatasha is my ship, don't talk **** about them
And Lucius' and Priscilla's supports are anything but romantic, they're basicallt about Priscilla trying to ask in the most polite way if Lucius is banging Raven
And considering that in Raven and Lucius A Support, Raven literally says: "I want you to stay home so I can have someone to go back to"
I'm pretty sure her suspicions are right
If the rumor is true, it's the same as any 3DS game
lol I shipped them too but Joshua constantly betting 'BET UR GONNA BANG ME' is dumb

Also, surfing on Fates' Broken Base page made me find something. Apparently other gay marriage options we included, but dummied out. Shame, but judging from fan response they wont **** up again on that

Deleted member

If the rumor is true, it's the same as any 3DS game
And I'm gonna be salty as ****
Brb gonna buy an EU 3DS
I shipped them too but Joshua constantly betting 'BET UR GONNA BANG ME' is dumb
I mean, he wasn't wrong
It's not like he could lose that bet
I guess it's the only one he can never lose :^)
Apparently other gay marriage options we included, but dummied out.
Because reasons

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
And I'm gonna be salty as ****
Brb gonna buy an EU 3DS

I mean, he wasn't wrong
It's not like he could lose that bet
I guess it's the only one he can never lose :^)

Because reasons
It's all rumours, nothing confirmed, but these support dialogues made people to believe that Niles and Trasha 2.0 were originally not going to be the only ones. The first link has some swearing in it, so be warned
http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/132573818700/mmm-is-the-rumor-about-aqua-originally-being-a http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54886&page=45#entry3871031 http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54886&page=43#entry3870439

Deleted member

I played Awakening without marrying a single unit, and this will happen again when I play Fates.

Why might you ask? Marrying my units doesn't interest me, I gave it a shot twice in Awakening but I became bored within the first few minutes. It's okay, though. All I need is tactics.

Deleted member

It's all rumours, nothing confirmed, but these support dialogues made people to believe that Niles and Trasha 2.0 were originally not going to be the only ones. The first link has some swearing in it, so be warned
http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/132573818700/mmm-is-the-rumor-about-aqua-originally-being-a http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54886&page=45#entry3871031 http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54886&page=43#entry3870439
I don't know why the unused siblings supports created a theory in the first place considering Fem!Kanna can't sibling support with Eponine(Zero's/Niles' daughter)
I'd buy it if they had actual S-Suports between Femui and Azura but as the Tumblr poster said: Japan
Also, it's even noted the Male!Kanna and Shigure support is just Kanna'a generic one

Also, this lol
2016-02-13 12.45.17.png
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