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Social Swamp's Social Thread 3 - And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

Should we add a poll to the thread?

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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Attn: everyone involved (and I don't care if I get infracted)

Stop arguing with a child who is clearly deluded with no sense of logic that is just ****posting already disproven facts out of fanboyism for a reaction now. There are ignore and report buttons, and this already qualifies as spam(such as shoehorning in Daisy talk in subjects that don't involve her), so do yourself a favor and use both. I know social threads are lax but the fact that we're getting into Daisy arguments easier than we would Geno ones over very avoidable reasons is quite frankly disgusting.



Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I love how not getting kidnapped for 20+ years and being a fully playable character in various sports games makes you unimportant...

Well that's just Smash speculation for ya.
OK but the kidnapping thing means nothing.

"Not getting kidnapped" is not special, Peach is just special for being kidnapped as much as she does.

And technically, Daisy got kidnapped in Mario Party DS, along with all of the other playable characters in that game.



Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
I personally don't see Rosalina showing up in Paper Mario, at least not to a very noteworthy degree. Lumas are more likely though.

The reason I think this is because of Koizumi's strictness with the character (and to a lesser degree, Miyamoto's apprehensiveness to the character).

You'll notice that EVERY appearance Rosalina has made since Galaxy 2 has been completely without story context (or at least her appearance specifically is, like her being a post-game unlockable in 3D World for no real explained reason in the story. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker didn't even elaborate on it either, despite it being a prequel to 3D World). People often say that "Nintendo doesn't care about the integrity of the character's story because they put her in everything", due to the "she only comes near the Mushroom Kingdom every 100 years" plot point in Galaxy. However, Nintendo have actually NEVER broken this rule. Rosalina only ever appears without context, and usually in scenarios where every other character does too. Games like Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros, etc, have no story or real context for the characters being there. Everyone is just there because they are ensemble games that let you play as these characters for the sake of it.

However, this is not the case with the RPGs (both Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi). The RPGs have stories, and every character has a context for being there. As such, they can't (or at least, shouldn't) break that rule they set for Rosalina. While Rosalina had context for being there in Galaxy 2, Mario went out into deep space himself and ran into her, rather than her going near the Mushroom Kingdom. While they could theoretically do this just fine in an RPG game, that means they have to have a good reason for Mario to go to deep space to begin with. Which I see as an unlikely scenario (Super Paper Mario did it but unfortunately, that game started development long before Rosalina was a thing).

So yeah, I don't think Rosalina has a possible role as a major, plot-important, or even side, character in any RPG game due to the circumstances of her character.

At most, I can see:
-Her showing up at the climax of the game provided the game builds up to something like the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, and is a crucial part of saving the day since she's effectively god in the Mario universe.
-Her being the host of some kind of post game content, like an arena of super bosses linking to "warriors and monsters from across the cosmos", with her possibly being the final super boss herself.
-Brief cameo or mention as part of a random gag.
-Appearing as one of her Cosmic Spirits to aid Mario in some fashion.
-Non-canon amiibo functionality, similar to the Fire Emblem characters in Codename STEAM.

Granted, I think of the two RPG series, I think Paper Mario is more likely to utilise her due to the fact the Paper Mario universe is more lenient with relevance to the main series (i.e. it takes more liberties, such as there being good Koopas and Goombas). But I'm not counting on it. And hey, that's fine, I don't need her to appear in everything.
I honestly didn't felt that argument held much weight.

Because first, she doesn't even need any context. Why were the piantas in TTYD? There is absolutely no reasons and even if I view this from a canon perspective, it actually makes no sense unless you go with crazy theory (this isn't delfino plaza, but Rogueport which is really almost the polar opposite of isle delfino. You could claim that this only applies to lumas, but then what about the couple? They are OC, but we don't even know they are there, they just happen to be there and live there.

Second, this aegument felt very arbirtrary to be based on that "rule". i mean honestly, we had in the series already existing characters that got more story development while the other games had not so much depth into it. The fact that I mention the pianta is simple: the series does still derivate from the main one because sms wasn't released until some years before TTYD so to have them in the game just makes sense and for a time perspective, even feels more natural.

Currently, I think Rosalina gets a lot, so it makes even more sense to see her if you consider these reaosns.

Finally, honestly, I don't see the lumas alone. And the problem is I do see the luma to be very likely. I jsut don't see it woudl be natural to have the lumas without anything rosalina.

To me, the Paper Mario series has a feel that it feels it progress with the main series in coherence. Having galaxy stuff for exampel to me makes a lot of sense so I just don't see how she woudln`t be likely tbh.


wow this is a custom title
Dec 2, 2007
At this point I am convinced memoryman3 is trolling for attention and that we're all falling for it. I'm going to just ignore him from now on and I suggest we all do the same. All he is accomplishing is wasting everyone's time with the same tired arguments that he wouldn't bother listening anyone counterpoints anyways. Even if his Daisy obsession is genuine.
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Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
Daisy should be an alt.
Not because she doesn't have the potential to be unique, she definitely does. It's just that she is the only one who could be an alt.

If you made daisy a full character, then you couldn't make Toad, Paper Mario, Waluigi etc. a playable character, you wouldn't have time. Then only Daisy fans get something.

But if you made Toad, Paper MArio, Waluigi, etc. a full character and Daisy an alt, then people who wanted both get something.
That would mean that Daisy wouldn't get a Smash amiibo, and be completely lumped with Peach in terms of stats, animations and stuff...

It would be better if she was something like a semi-clone, so that she can get her own identity as a fighter.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I love how not getting kidnapped for 20+ years and being a fully playable character in various sports games makes you unimportant...

Well that's just Smash speculation for ya.
I hate to break it to you, but the only person important to Mario sports spin-offs is really Mario. It's his name that sells those games. They're kitchy fun side games, not super important adventue games. Sure they sell alot and sure, the other characters in them are popular, but it's not called Daisy Tennis or Waluigi Kart. They sell because of Mario and Mario alone.

I love both characters, but they're just filling the same roles as even important core storyline characters like Peach, Bowser and Luigi in those games. Another option for people to play. Simple as that.

Roster filler in the sports spin-offs isn't really a claim to merit. And the only reason Daisy and Waluigi stand out is because people have made them popular internet memes and characters.


Paper Mario is a level above them in that he rises above them in terms of being important to Mario as it's a whole other subset of adventures for Mario. It's just an RPG adventure over a platformer adventure.
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
At this point I am convinced memoryman3 is trolling and that we're all feeding the troll. I'm going to just ignore him from now on and I suggest we all do the same. All he is accomplishing is wasting everyone's time with the same tired arguments that he wouldn't bother listening anyone counterpoints anyways.
Well, so i guess it's time for the "Ignore Button"? Or we just leave him in his Daisy world-1?

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I love how people are going insane over a new Smash game when it's most likely a NX port.

And it makes sense. Give that audience who didn't play Smash Wii U a port with all the DLC stuff and probably a few new stages. That's it and nothing more.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Daisy can be unique if they choose to pull from her flower and crystal powers (hinted at in Mario Party and Strikers).

Plus, I don't think that they'll add 3 Mario's before we get all of the core cast...
I'm just gonna say this as someone who's done this kind of thinking in the past.

If Sakurai felt Chrom would be "just another sword user" at the end of the day, despite the game very clearly letting him use Lances upon promotion for a good majority of the game depending on when you promote to Great Lord, why would he immediately associate Daisy with flower/crystal powers that she used in, like, two games? And didn't really do anything with them that could form movesets? And Strikers really shouldn't count, unless you think Mario should get outright magma powers, Peach should get angel powers, or Yoshi should get wind powers. It doesn't define her character in the slightest.


Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
I noticed a lot that people here highly favour RPG's over other genres such as sports and party games...


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I honestly didn't felt that argument held much weight.

Because first, she doesn't even need any context. Why were the piantas in TTYD? There is absolutely no reasons and even if I view this from a canon perspective, it actually makes no sense unless you go with crazy theory (this isn't delfino plaza, but Rogueport which is really almost the polar opposite of isle delfino. You could claim that this only applies to lumas, but then what about the couple? They are OC, but we don't even know they are there, they just happen to be there and live there.

Second, this aegument felt very arbirtrary to be based on that "rule". i mean honestly, we had in the series already existing characters that got more story development while the other games had not so much depth into it. The fact that I mention the pianta is simple: the series does still derivate from the main one because sms wasn't released until some years before TTYD so to have them in the game just makes sense and for a time perspective, even feels more natural.

Currently, I think Rosalina gets a lot, so it makes even more sense to see her if you consider these reaosns.

Finally, honestly, I don't see the lumas alone. And the problem is I do see the luma to be very likely. I jsut don't see it woudl be natural to have the lumas without anything rosalina.

To me, the Paper Mario series has a feel that it feels it progress with the main series in coherence. Having galaxy stuff for exampel to me makes a lot of sense so I just don't see how she woudln`t be likely tbh.
This isn't arbitrary. Koizumi actually cares about the character he created and how she is represented, and he makes the final call on whether or not she's allowed in a game (as evidenced by 3D World). That rule matters. As a writer, Koizumi cares (and should care) about that sort of thing.

Piantas aren't a problem because they are a generic race without much definition and can be thrown anywhere (no reason why they can't live in multiple places, they are in Galaxy 2 as well). Rosalina is a defined character with a backstory and her only coming near the Mushroom Kingdom every 100 years is a part of that backstory.

Also Lumas have appeared without Rosalina in the past. They are a major part of Galaxy 2, while Rosalina is a fairly minor part of that game. And Luma is playable in Mario Tennis Open, while Rosalina is nowhere to be seen. Canonically, not EVERY Luma lives with Rosalina, this has been well established. Rosalina is rarely seen without Lumas but Lumas are often seen without her.


Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
And Strikers really shouldn't count, unless you think Mario should get outright magma powers, Peach should get angel powers, or Yoshi should get wind powers. It doesn't define her character in the slightest.
Yes, it's TOTALLY why Mario and Luigi can pull turnips out of the ground or swing with golf clubs.

The point is that Sakurai is willing to take liberties with characters to make them work. Chrom was nearly considered, but his design is VERY similar to Ike. Daisy's design can stand out to Peach's!
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Oasis Dealer

Apr 8, 2015
Virginia, U.S.A
Extrapolating a moveset from those HINTED powers is not an inherent uniqueness.
And we had the core cast in Melee.
THAT is the core cast of Mario.
:rosalina:'s a rising star that's had proper playable roles.
:4bowserjr::4larry::4roy::4wendy::4iggy::4morton::4lemmy::4ludwig: are staple "Second-in-Command" antagonists under Bowser.

If anything, Toad is the one missing from an extended Core Cast due to being the staple seat-filler for a Slot 4.

I feel like this guy is what's going to give Toad the push he needs for the next game (You know, if they actually keep using him which seems likely anyway). It gives him an identity, and also more moveset potential.

Paper Mario is his only rival contender I feel (Waluigi I also think, but I'm not sure if Sakurai feels that way). Even then, there's still a chance that he can be beaten out by other fighters with more unique potential.


Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
I just realized something. Sakurai is contradictory. Wario's Shoulder Barge was changed because 'I can't make EVERYTHING canon' yet in the Ridley article he says 'I want the characters to be as accurate as possible'. What the actual ****? That was the ONLY thing from Wario Land!
What? Wario's portrayal in Smash and his moveset are still entirely accurate to his character. All he lost was one move. I can criticize how a lot of characters in Smash are portrayed but Wario is one of the better ones because Sakurai took creative liberties with him while keeping him distinctively Wario. Angry Mario is a far worse case but no one cares as long as he keeps throwing fireballs.

People overblow the shoulder bash's importance. It's a generic attack in a game series designed around mostly grappling your enemies to solve puzzles and finding treasure, that's ignoring that Smash Wario takes more from the Warioware series to begin with. Honestly I haven't seen this brought up since release in my own section until yesterday.

I love Wario Land. It's my favourite game series. This change is harmless.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
An ultimate version of the latest Smash Bros. game shortly after releasing all the DLC for it?

Didn't realize Smash Bros. was made by NetherRealm Studios.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I think the Ridley fanbase will be smaller for the next game if this rumor's true. Remember that Sakurai blatantly said "no" to the character and gave a reason why, it may be a controversial reason, but it's still a reason and many detractors are going to dangle that over the fanbase's head. Additionally, if the game's a launch title, it's coming out within the next year, which means that Ridley's situation wouldn't have changed unless Federation Force has a fun sized Ridley hidden somewhere. So him and his fanbase will likely be kept down compared to Brawl and 4 unless we get a Villager situation please.

As for speculation, I will admit that I'm concerned about some of the debates that will pop up, Fire Emblem and Pokémon in particular are not going to be pleasant if it's not a port since those have rotating casts.
It's already smaller. I've seen plenty of people go from full on supporter to heavy detractor since the 50 fact extaveganza. You would think they wou;dn't e as rude because they weren't a part of that group but oh well. Hell look how much smaller it was for the ballot.

And even THEN, this would probably be an NX port meaning we will still have Pyrosphere and Ridley will be out of the running from the start :/

>Suddenly realize this would be Midna's perfect chance if she wasn't an AT


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Enough with Daisy talk.

If someone brings a subject repeatedly for the sake of hammering down a subject, not able to handle different topics in a conversation and causing vitriol instead of positively contributing to the thread, it's pointless spam and brings nothing new.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Yes, it's TOTALLY why Mario and Luigi can pull turnips out of the ground or swing with golf clubs.

The point is that Sakurai is willing to take liberties with characters to make them work. Chrom was nearly considered, but his design is VERY similar to Ike. Daisy's design can stand out to Peach's!
That first part doesn't even make sense as a counter. Strikers Charged gave every character an outlandish Mega Strike. So in that regard, Daisy isn't more unique than anyone else in that game.

And that's a double standard. Both Peach and Daisy and Ike and Chrom are in the same boat. Ike and Chrom are both strong blue-haired swordsmen, but can be distinguished by build and cape color (red for Ike, white for Chrom). And also, like I said, the lance thing. Daisy and Peach are both princesses in dresses that are literally color swaps, but can be distinguished by dress and hair color. So no, it's the exact same situation.

Now I'm one of the few who seem to believe you're not a troll, so I'm just trying to make this an actual discussion. Do you have a counter?

Oh wow Frost's a ninja though.
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Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
It's almost like a certain someone won't shut up about her.

Just tell me how I can get people more accepting to the idea of Daisy in Smash. I mean, this community even managed to make me know about K.Rool, and how he is a shoo in..

That first part doesn't even make sense as a counter. Strikers Charged gave every character an outlandish Mega Strike. So in that regard, Daisy isn't more unique than anyone else in that game.

And that's a double standard. Both Peach and Daisy and Ike and Chrom are in the same boat. Ike and Chrom are both strong blue-haired swordsmen, but can be distinguished by build and cape color (red for Ike, white for Chrom). And also, like I said, the lance thing. Daisy and Peach are both princesses in dresses that are literally color swaps, but can be distinguished by dress and hair color. So no, it's the exact same situation.

Now I'm one of the few who seem to believe you're not a troll, so I'm just trying to make this an actual discussion. Do you have a counter?
Unlike Chrom and Ike, Peach and Daisy both have contrasting personalities. Peach is more of a gentle, girly type who relies on Magic, while Daisy is a stronger, rowdier tomboy who has less technique and likes to show off.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'd be okay with a port, to be honest. As long as it includes as many cut characters as possible(Wolf, Ice Climbers, Snake if lucky, Squirtle, Pichu, Ivysaur, maybe a revamped Young Link, and possibly the rest of the Fighting Teams as bonus mini-bosses), Race to the Finish, generic Target Tests(Over 60 individual target tests is just going overboard. I fully get why it was made generic), Coin Launcher, Trophy Mini-Game(the one from Melee, name escapes me), Lottery(Melee too), and maybe Stickers, plus a normal Adventure Mode(Melee or Brawl, don't care which. Both were pretty neat, imo), and still allow patches(and perhaps more DLC costumes at most?).

That's not including new characters, of course; Inklings, King K. Rool and/or Dixie Kong, Shovel Knight(his push should make it easy, especially if his game is released in Japan), Isaac(pipedream, mind you), Brian(even more of a pipedream), Krystal, and who knows who else. All imo. Also, no costumes need to be removed either for playable choices. Even if they might seem kind of... odd like many of the animal ones. XD


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Going tbh, if mario gets another character, Paper Mario is either the most likely or is equally likely as the second, he just has so much and gained a lot since ssb4.

Having a stage is a big one, having a game outside of his series pushing a lot of how much he stands out, being known to be really wanted despite being silently wanted and then add the fairly likely possibility of him getting a new game.

Add the fact the roster woudl grow allowing for more representation overall, it's hard to ignore him, he honestly got so much that it becomae to really surprises me.

Like, my point is that he got to the point where it becomes hard to fight against him in terms of chances, he got a lot without having a new entry in his series yet.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld

I feel like this guy is what's going to give Toad the push he needs for the next game (You know, if they actually keep using him which seems likely anyway). It gives him an identity, and also more moveset potential.

Paper Mario is his only rival contender I feel (Waluigi I also think, but I'm not sure if Sakurai feels that way). Even then, there's still a chance that he can be beaten out by other fighters with more unique potential.
I've entirely aggreed.
I have been a detractor of just "Toad" as a fighter. As he had nothing in his playable roles in Main Mario (SMB USA, New Super) has had them be little more than seat fillers. Most movesets having them take things like Peach's counter and turnips more or less slapped with various power ups of the New Super series.

Captain Toad, in terms of the character and the game, is something that really gives him a chance to make it out as his own.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator

Just tell me how I can get people more accepting to the idea of Daisy in Smash. I mean, this community even managed to make me know about K.Rool, and how he is a shoo in..
Stop spamming.
You post SO much that anyone on the fence or doesnt care gets annoyed.

If you posted MUCH less (and maybe publicly apologized to a few places) you would probably have a few more people willing to at least give her a shot.

Instead all you are doing is pushing people away using the same 3 arguments over and over again


For the Empire
Aug 10, 2015
I usually never show up here, so I have no idea if this was already posted, but here is something that I found enjoying:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208

Just tell me how I can get people more accepting to the idea of Daisy in Smash. I mean, this community even managed to make me know about K.Rool, and how he is a shoo in..

Unlike Chrom and Ike, Peach and Daisy both have contrasting personalities. Peach is more of a gentle, girly type who relies on Magic, while Daisy is a stronger, rowdier tomboy who has less technique and likes to show off.
To save everyone else the trouble, I'll take this to a PM.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road

Just tell me how I can get people more accepting to the idea of Daisy in Smash. I mean, this community even managed to make me know about K.Rool, and how he is a shoo in..

Unlike Chrom and Ike, Peach and Daisy both have contrasting personalities. Peach is more of a gentle, girly type who relies on Magic, while Daisy is a stronger, rowdier tomboy who has less technique and likes to show off.
I'm sorry, but I genuinely laughed at that.

You're like a preacher going from door to door trying to spread the word of your lord and savior Daisy.

Funny thing is, people don't give soliciters like that the time of day because they're extremely persistent, disruptive and downright annoying.

And for the record, I don't think ANYONE here has anything against Daisy. You just have way too much FOR Daisy that it's actually making me start to dislike her.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Peach has magic?

I mean...

I get that some of the things she's done over the course of her playable status has been pretty reality breaking.

But memoryman3 memoryman3 makes her sound like some witch who conjurers these abilities and that's really not something she's known for at all.

I'd just give Peach's more special abilities like gliding and what not to the fact that they were not only given to her because the game she got them in being a reskin. Or the fact that the Mushroom Kingdom is already a crazy place. Not that she's a magic user.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Peach has magic?

I mean...I get that some of the things she's done over the course of her playable status has been pretty reality breaking.

But memoryman makes her sound like some witch who conjours these abilities and that's really not something she's known for at all.

I'd just give Peach's more special abilities like gliding and what not to the fact that they were not only given to her because the game she got them in being a reskin. Or the fact that the Mushroom Kingdom is already a crazy place. Not that she's a magic user.
Well to be a tad fair, she uses a sort of magic in Dream Team and Bowser's Inside Story. I believe the loose plot of the original Super Mario Bros has Bowser kidnapping her because she has the magical capability to stop him or something, though I may remember that wrong.

Either way she's not anywhere near mage tier or something.

Also her rear end has the power to create condensed explosions so that has to be SOME kind of magic :V
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Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
Stop spamming.
You post SO much that anyone on the fence or doesnt care gets annoyed.

If you posted MUCH less (and maybe publicly apologized to a few places) you would probably have a few more people willing to at least give her a shot.

Instead all you are doing is pushing people away using the same 3 arguments over and over again
OK, I understand...

I'm sorry for spamming this place with my Daisy talk...it's just that I'm a huge fan of her, and a fan of Smash in general. For the longest time I've been secretly hoping that she would make it into the game in some form...and she was rarely ever brought up. This was very disheartening.

I wasn't trying to troll - I wanted to make everyone more aware of what she could do and why I want her, and even gain a few more fans in the process. It seemed to have worked for a while, but the character threads closed down, and everyone seemed to outright hate the idea in the Rate Their Chances Thread. Since the Socials were not open to guests, it eventually got a bit lonely.

Convincing everyone about Daisy became a bit of an obsession, and got me banned from multiple forums...guess that you can't force people here or anywhere to like her as I did. I'll shut up about it now...

So does anyone want to play the game? My Rosalina skills are pretty good.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Peach has magic?

I mean...

I get that some of the things she's done over the course of her playable status has been pretty reality breaking.

But memoryman3 memoryman3 makes her sound like some witch who conjurers these abilities and that's really not something she's known for at all.

I'd just give Peach's more special abilities like gliding and what not to the fact that they were not only given to her because the game she got them in being a reskin. Or the fact that the Mushroom Kingdom is already a crazy place. Not that she's a magic user.
To be fair, there is quite a bit of Peach using magic in Mario games, though it's mainly in the RPGs. I remember one time in particular when she picked up Bowser almost telekinetically and threw him out of the castle, for one.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
OK, I understand...

I'm sorry for spamming this place with my Daisy talk...it's just that I'm a huge fan of her, and a fan of Smash in general. For the longest time I've been secretly hoping that she would make it into the game in some form...and she was rarely ever brought up. This was very disheartening.

I wasn't trying to troll - I wanted to make everyone more aware of what she could do and why I want her, and even gain a few more fans in the process. It seemed to have worked for a while, but the character threads closed down, and everyone seemed to outright hate the idea in the Rate Their Chances Thread. Since the Socials were not open to guests, it eventually got a bit lonely.

Convincing everyone about Daisy became a bit of an obsession, and got me banned from multiple forums...guess that you can't force people here or anywhere to like her as I did. I'll shut up about it now...

So does anyone want to play the game? My Rosalina skills are pretty good.
This was very mature of you. Thank you. Now keep it up and don't lapse back into spamming. :)

I would say yes but I still haven't fixed my Wii U/3DS wi-fi :laugh:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Peach has magic?

I mean...

I get that some of the things she's done over the course of her playable status has been pretty reality breaking.

But memoryman3 memoryman3 makes her sound like some witch who conjurers these abilities and that's really not something she's known for at all.

I'd just give Peach's more special abilities like gliding and what not to the fact that they were not only given to her because the game she got them in being a reskin. Or the fact that the Mushroom Kingdom is already a crazy place. Not that she's a magic user.
She uses healing and status magic

Oasis Dealer

Apr 8, 2015
Virginia, U.S.A
What? Wario's portrayal in Smash and his moveset are still entirely accurate to his character. All he lost was one move. I can criticize how a lot of characters in Smash are portrayed but Wario is one of the better ones because Sakurai took creative liberties with him while keeping him distinctively Wario. Angry Mario is a far worse case but no one cares as long as he keeps throwing fireballs.

People overblow the shoulder bash's importance. It's a generic attack in a game series designed around mostly grappling your enemies to solve puzzles and finding treasure, that's ignoring that Smash Wario takes more from the Warioware series to begin with. Honestly I haven't seen this brought up since release in my own section until yesterday.

I love Wario Land. It's my favourite game series. This change is harmless.
I never understood why people thought Wario was "being mistreated" by Sakurai. Sure, there isn't a lot of Wario Land content in the game. But Wario himself still acts like Wario. He's disgusting, strong, goofy, and also still acts like an ******* when ever he wins.

And the whole "He's just a funny fart guy" is what really gets me. In a lot of of the spin off Mario games, Wario almost always has a fart joke (sometimes even a poop joke) in each title. It's almost like it's part of his character at this point.

Could Wario do with some more moves inspired from Wario Land? Sure, it would be nice. Does he really need to have everything be inspired from that series? No, he doesn't.
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Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
I never understood why people thought Wario was "being mistreated" by Sakurai. Sure, there isn't a lot of Wario Land content in the game. But Wario himself still acts like Wario. He's disgusting, strong, goofy, and also still acts like an ******* when ever he wins.

And the whole "He's just a funny fart guy" is what really gets me. In a lot of of the spin off Mario games, Wario almost always has a fart joke (sometimes even a poop joke) in each title. It's almost like it's part of his character at this point.

Could Wario do with some more moves inspired from Wario Land? Sure, it would be nice. Does he really need to have everything be inspired from that game? No, he doesn't.
Toilet humor is a big part of the character yeah, especially in Japan. A lot of promotional material included fart jokes including free golden poop stickers with every Wario Land 4 copy.

I mean the guy eats garlic.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
> Random, previously unheard of guy on Twitter reports insider Nintendo "news".
> Well-known, respected members of the community say they're trustworthy, legit sources.

Huh, this sounds awfully familiar....
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I never understood why people thought Wario was "being mistreated" by Sakurai. Sure, there isn't a lot of Wario Land content in the game. But Wario himself still acts like Wario. He's disgusting, strong, goofy, and also still acts like an ******* when ever he wins.

And the whole "He's just a funny fart guy" is what really gets me. In a lot of of the spin off Mario games, Wario almost always has a fart joke (sometimes even a poop joke) in each title. It's almost like it's part of his character at this point.

Could Wario do with some more moves inspired from Wario Land? Sure, it would be nice. Does he really need to have everything be inspired from that game? No, he doesn't.
Pretty much. It makes me sad that there isn't more Wario Land love (Or Modern Kirby love), but Wario is still Wario and Kirby is still Kirby. Games don't define a character, characteristics define a character. And Wario's character is pretty much spot-on in Smash.

> Random, previously unheard of guy on Twitter reports insider Nintendo "news".
> Well-known, respected members of the community say they're trustworthy, legit sources.

Huh, this sounds awfully familiar....
I don't think you have an Inkling of an idea what you're talking about.

Stop shoveling out false information Burb.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Well, does Wario have his charging attack?

That's all you need from Wario Land unless you include his power ups

Which, past the first game are kind of weird and situational
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