I was reading the DLC ranking of the 7 characters.
I find it laughable that so many rank Roy at number 1 or 2, and Corrin at 7.
If we have an unnecessary FE character, it is Roy. Anything else is bias. You cannot be happy with Roy and annoyed with Corrin without being bias toward veterans who were unnecessary in the first place. And those that think veterans are important, but laugh at newcomers (the new veterans), just doesnt make any sense. Truly.
i see someone still thinks bayonettas guns are realistic.....id like to visit this planet where guns use magical powers to fire
and before you get mad thats the reason the magic rings appear when shes firing the guns in game she isnt actually firing bullets and if you try and say that its because its firing at all i have to wonder why you arnt throwing a fit over clouds oversized kitchen knife
they dont look realisitic they dont fire realisticly and the "bullets" look like yellow lasers in game
it dosent matter what you say or think they arnt realistic in the slightest
...I say they are realistic because they are realistic. I'm also more than capable as being as patronizing as you are being.
Despite the lofty and irrelevant point that the guns are powered by magic, this is merely another indication that they are reast*ic*, not *real.* No, they don't have the lore of function which makes them function like a gun we would get (and I say lore, because even a "real" video game gun is still a video game, and is a series of coded numbers to produce an audio and visual effect, not a "real" effect). As opposed to "real," "realistic," must look, behave, or feel real. Obviously the fact that she uses guns with the anatomy of a real gun means nothing to this argument, but lets take a look at the context. The context of "no realistic firearms" means...what to you? To me, it is a firearm that is not easily obtainable in real life. Even if 'magic' doesnt fill a real gun, everythin gelse functions the same way. Everything. How is this not realistic to you? Please explain your context. I think "It not being an exact replica of a gun" is a petty and faulty argument, but then again, I have a grasp on the word "reaslistic."