Super duper late replies
The way I see it, if the video contains swearing, put a warning. If the swear's in the thumbnail a la an Etika video, just put the link. If the video is just a big load of swears, also just put the link and put a warning.
Okay then
Everyone knows about those "prank" videos, right? Well, Mega64 did a video on that and I thought this needed to be seen
Warning: big load of swears
Sadly, I think a big part of Undertale's appeal - its ability to surprise you by breaking norms - was lost to its own popularity and hype. Everybody talks about it, everybody knows what it's about... it's one of those games where even a little bit of spoiling can completely ruin the experience.
Undertale hit me hard in a place that games hadn't hit in a long, long time - and I'm talking about the demo. I downloaded that sucker on a whim, based on nothing but some screenshots of the pixel art opening that I thought looked cool. I had no idea what this game was or why I should care.
And then I met Flowey.
That game bit hard and didn't let go. And then I replayed it, again and again, seeing all the detail put into it - an hour long demo, yet I'd played through it at least 8 separate times to see it all.
Unfortunately, now that the game's out and everybody talks about it openly and everybody's seen everything, that experience of seeing it and being surprised for the first time is reserved only for the lucky few who got to play it first. It isn't surprising that fans who found it later don't see it as anything special - the novelty has already been ruined for them. It has little else to offer if you know what to expect.
This is how I feel about a lot of classic games and the such
I went into Chrono Trigger blind only knowing it was great and about time travel and it was an experience I'll never forget
Q: Why don't we see maces and axes that much in high medieval / renaissance warfare / art / manuals where armor is prevalent?
A: Take a longsword and hold it the other way around. Congratulations, you now have a mace. Called half-swording btw
Swords are better overall though
Slashing and stabing have more use than bashing with maces or hammers
They also require significant more strenght to wield
Besides, shields can be weapons and defend you, so you have a Sword+Shield means slashing(easier to hit and potentially incapacitate arms and legs), stabing(no matter what is told, historically, stabing has always been more efficient) and bashing(shields are heavy and big, meaning you easily daze someone with it)
2PM PT and 5PM EST?
That's 7PM on my time
Great, I can watch it live!