I'd love to play Dark Souls III sometime in the future. We had it playing at our Game and Anime club mingle, and I really liked what I saw. Fast paced and difficult, one wrong move, "You died..."
I feel somewhat more conservative about buying new games this year. My library of Wii U games would probably just need SF0 for me to say 'I'm finished for now.' The list of PS4 games I have is growing steadily with some very good games recently i.e Ratchet and Clank and The Handsome Collection. But there's one other factor I'd like to keep track of - beating these games. I've still put money towards Bravely Second, and I haven't even finished the Fire Temple in Bravely Default. (And Qada is a monster, difficulty wise and personality wise)
For now, unless it's a game that I really want, I don't feel the same urgency to have it in my collection, (unless I feel like I need to beat some other games, of which I have too many of... Top of the list, Metroid Prime)