Some People call me Star-Lord....No im serious people call me that....Anywho my names not important,But the info i do have is groundbreaking.I got some info on the hottest console hitting the market this year that i need to share to the internet.Why im i telling 4chan?Will because is for **** and NeoGaf still wont accept my registration.Anywho on to the leaks.....Before i get started the name of the console is not the nintendo NX its the Nintendo NeXt
>Super Mario Maker NX
Just gonna go through these fast since you already know there coming.Yes mario maker is coming to NX.And yes it will have some new content to persuade people to buy that version of the game.Such as exclusive level themes(which can be used online by other players on wii u but cant be used in the editor) such as desert,lava, and snow to name a few.As well as a few items such as the ice flower(Shake the fire flower) and the mini mushroom(shake mushroom).
>Smash and Splatoon
Decided to put these together.Splatoon is a straight one to one port of the game with a few stages to make sure people buy it(one based on the mario franchise due to request) and more items.Smash is the same with little single player content being added(except more events and thats because of the DLC characters).Of course their will be 2 new characters Inklings and Ice climbers just to make sure people come over to the NX version
>New Games
>Nintendo World
Its an amiibo focused game,much more like the disney infinity games, than the skylander games.Where you can bulid your own little world using items,locations,enemies,etc from famous nintendo locations.Or go on 3d beat-em up adventures.The game comes bundled with the Mario and Link amiibo and a mario and zelda theme location off the bat.
>>334433060 >>334433191 >>334433481 >>334433764 >>334433938 >>334434802
>Pikmin 4
Not coming out 2015 but early 2016,its pikmin 4.Join our new captain Blair as shes forced to go to the home of the pikmin in search of the missing Olimar.In her adventure she'll into many different types of pikmin such as brown(can dig underground),Black(resistant to tar),Green(can survive explosions), and many more.
>Legend Of Zelda: Scroll of ages
Yes i know this can count as a port,but seeing as its not out yet and will be new when the NX drops i put it here.Legend of Zelda:Scroll of Ages, simply put is one of,if the not the most ambitious zelda titles yet.Going for a mixture of the typical zelda formula and some action-adventure were used to in the uncharted games and flipping it on its head. Faster running speed,no-more fix jumps, the hardest puzzles the serious has had since Twlight Princess,and more to explain. For the first time in the serious,you can make link female,which is something talked about doing since the early days.And voice acting with the fantastic Zelda Williams voicing Zelda, and Bob Carter voicing Ganondorf....spoilers.
>Super Mario NeXt
Mario's first 3d adventure on the new system,after wanting to go back to a more traditional 3d mario game.We have the good ole fashioned mission based system which is more similar to Galaxy than 64,with gameplay more similar to 64 than galaxy.The story isnt much very vague and disappointing if you ask me,much like galaxy 2 story is
>Pokemon Sun and Moon
The NX being a hybrid kinda leads to a certain handheld game i wanna touch on Of course Sun and Moon had to be there.Not gonna talk much on it,as i didnt get much info on it.What i do know is the types the starters are
Grass/Ground: Hedgehog
Multiple sources in the gaming industry directly,or have connections.I say i have 9 different sources.Each telling me something different
I wouldn't count these as 100% part of the leak. The OP didn't use a trip code, so it may not be them, but just in case....
Oh and the Next is just bad enough to be true lol