Ok so because I was excited this morning to learn about the SS in paper jam situation, I realised that when I posted my message, I wasn`t very clear on why it made me so happy....on a Monday morning......as I was kidna sleepy because I jsut woke up (that TRULY woke me up btw). so here you go.
Myself and a lot of people starting around 2 months before the NA release of Paper Jam, people started to doubt the game becuase it had a "generic" feeling to it and for myself, I clearly saw it was SS based. It became so doubtfull that it even turned into salts and imo VERY poor arguments (seriously, there was still that argument about file sizxe that made me cringe). There was even salts on the paper jam thread over here at the mario forum......in whcih I had to answer because.....it was getting very werid.
Even though I mostly agreed with a lot of doubts people had, I disagreed a lot on the fact that the entire game was like that. Becuase it felt to me that yes, it was SS based, but not in the ideology. Paper Jam was more trying to give SS a new form rather than following it, the assets are only used in the way SS was good at and the part that was abd about them were jsut not there.
For example, take the world 5 of SS, I actually liked its design (thsi is clearly written in my review actually). The paper style tbh felt like Paper Mario and take JUST that, it clearly is paper mario, I have no doubts on that. The only problem is the rest of the game and its core gameplay was so bad that it made me forget about it.....
so i knew the SS assets weren't inherently wrong, that was clearly nott he problem, it was more of the ideas behind using them that was the problem, world 3 is the perfect examples, this is how to NOT be Paper Mario here.....seriously I couldn`t find much good about this world.....
So the idea that I proposed and really believed was that Paper Jam wasn;t trying to follow SS, but to actually go away from it, I took it as a transition for the Paper Mario series. See, most people jsut don`t want to go back to SS, the onyl time i ever saw this is 90% becuase of sarcastic remark and troll. I agree this kinda is the truth for spm BUT SPM IS UNDERRATED DAMMIT!
Anyway, the point I am tryign to make is that i felt since the beginning pj was tryign to be a transition to go away from SS while msot people firmly believed that it was jsut a follow up to SS and basically lost all faith in Paper Mario......which tbh, i wish I was lying.
So, that still wouldn;t explain why they used SS.....unless they actually for some reasons in dev were in olbigation to use SS. And THAT is where the interview comes into play. I started to think about this logically and realised that this theory about SS being only used for data accessibility that it jsut made plain sense. I saw a lot of not reinvented, but pasted data directly from SS in early previews and even more evidences, I did a basic datamining and found the EXACT assets i ripped from SS.....the exact ones.
Alphadream and IS being clearly different devs, it jsut made sense to see IS listed as "special thanks" int he credits, that means they did collaborated, but didn't made the game.
So having data pasted directly from SS is in itself a huge red flags, these things don't happen by magic, there has to have communications between the 2 devs to not only be familiar with the data, but how they shoudl use it.
And the last argument I had is very simple: SS is the onyl game ever released ont he Paper Mario series to be on the exact same console that pj woudl release on meaning that no matter which games they take as base, SS woudl be by far the simpliest to use. The other games.....tbh I think it woudl have been possivble, but it had to have serious formatting (spm has a much higher resolution for example).
That motivation for using SS if proven would basically make very likely that SS HAD to be used no matter what considering the game`s intent.
That jsut got proven today, SS was used only becuase of data, they even mention IS assistance so it's not like they tried to recreate Paper Mario, IS was helping them to acheive the feel of it.
So guys, please for the love of paper and thinness, do not and please do not judge this game based on the ammount of SS influence this game has. I did and I regret it a lot, altough the game exceeded my expectation because of it, at least I was able to finalyl figure out that the SS based didn't matter. I know a lot of people believed that this game further prove that SS is the future of Paper Mario, but it's clearly not what they tried to do. they tried to go away from it, not bring it back and the entire point of SS even being there is timing circumstances......there was no other reasons....
I still remember an argument on this thread some months ago about me wanting the series to fail......it's very ironic that I thoguht the entire opposite and I got proven today.....