Lol, Im like raw spaghetti.
Im straight man.
Was it so hard to answer?
Probably cause Im eating spaghetti right now.

At least you have good taste
I don't like the way Bayonetta screams so high pitchy when she dies in the English version. Doesn't really suit her.
But fine. I'm grateful she even made it.
Bayonetta's voice makes Corrin's look great
Like, unless the trailer isn't a good representative of their voices, his voice was sounding way better with the way Bayo screamed
They deserve some props, yeah.
Not too much, though, considering pretty much all their other Smash discussion videos were filled with mind-numbing stupidity. ROB and G&W likely to be cut? Ganondorf will be replaced with Ghirahim? Smash NX will have a bunch of new characters?
Nah, we should give that fame to Gamesradar
Marth and Ike cut for Chrom and Lucina? Lucario cut? Ganondorf replaced woth Toon Ganondorf? Yup!
See, this is ironic.
I didn't vocally support Bayonetta because I knew I would get ostracized.
And now people are complaining about how the Bayonetta supporters are forcing people into submission about how it makes sense.
What comes around goes around.
I feel about the same
I wanted a Fates character since the beginning of the ballot
But I'd be ripped apart if I ever said that, before and even more after Roy
Haven't played Bayonetta, so I wouldn't get the reference.
I just go by what I see. And it looks like the typical "pack mule" role being used for the Mario Bros.
The scene is one of the first in the demo actually
I didn't even play Bayo but I got that reference
Because we never got laid in our lives.
I don't often hear people get angry at you for preferring steak to pork, though.
I do
But not for preferring one or the other
Just eating meat as a whole
You know who I'm talking about
The Fates Special Edition
The whole way Fates was handled is a big problem
Separating into two versions(and a whole DLC path) what should have been the same game is stupid
This is not NoA's fault, it's IS's fault for thinking they're ****ing Pokemon