well, since the new challanger banners are out of the site, I think that a new challanger is quite likely. i doubt a newcomer though... probably we will get an juicy hype veteran (such as revamped ganondorf, ness, one of the space animals or snake)
I don't think i need to explain why revamped ganondorf would be hype. ness is the last of O12, mother anniversary. one or 2 of teh space animals because they are fan favorites and it's not 100% clear if both of them are coming back (I doubt one would be cut though) and snake because eveyone thinks that he is out for some reason or another, plus third party.
I really have a hunch that will be snake though. they can put a cheap trailer like the sonic one, Snake is a character that probably is well known by what I assume are comicon attendats and since Kojima will be there, he can even make the announcment himslef to up the hype.
Buttt couldalso be updated gameplay and character in teh website just a little after