Not for points, just for fun because this is my favorite location in KI:U and I wanted to give it some love
Name of Stage:
Galactic Sea/Space Pirate Ship (I like the way Galactic Sea sounds better, but Space Pirate Ship is more accurate, so either/or)
Game of Origin:
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Characters are fighting on large pieces of metal on the side of the ship that the Underworld Army broke while invading it (terrible picture, just to give an idea of what it would look like. Dark red line indicates the flat area players can stand on, there could also possibly be smaller platforms above the main stage, although I didn't draw them. The size is probably a bit bigger than Battlefield)
Gimmicks/Hazards: The Space Kraken will occasionally attack the bottom of the ship, throwing characters into the air and causing 4-5 Monoeyes to come out of the broken ship and attack the characters, although they don't do a lot of damage and are easily defeated with a few attacks
Unlockable?: Clear All-Star mode on Pit, Palutena, and Dark Pit on at least Normal difficulty
Extra: The ship is flying through the Galactic Sea, lots of pretty outer space visuals- comets, planets, constellations, etc. Possibly have Underworld Army enemies flying in the background as well