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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU - Stage Contest - Round 14 - Kid Icarus


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Alrightie, we'll count it, but if you could be a little more specific about the layout? Is the layout the masts that are visible on the picture you provided?
You bet- I've edited and expanded in my original post.

Hope it's okay!! :)


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
We're working on grading now, hang tight!


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
[collapse=D-idara's Grades]Wario's Woods by evildevil97
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 6/10
Now, Wario's Woods has always been a little obscure, but the game does have the perk of being Toad's only starring role, also getting a VC release last-gen, so some points for that! Now, I absolutely adore what you've done with the whole stage aesthetics and the way the actual Wario's Woods gameplay affects the match, I feel like you put a lot of thought when you didn't exactly follow the source material, removing some things that would've hindered the fight even more than the actual Wario's Woods hazards. I gave an extra Playability point because you changed the layout to suit the fight, knowing what to remove and what not to remove, but I really feel like there's a little too much going on, and the stage can feel cluttered and too chaotic to fight on. The Yellow Devil-esque explosions seem like a bit too much for me, especially considering that there's practically an endless supply of bombs and enemies that you can throw at the other fighters on the stage.
Total: 20

Golden Pyramid by Pieman0920
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 8/10
You combine one of the best locations from Wario Land 4 with the rest of the entire game, so you've got a pretty popular stage, although Wario Land 4 falls behind 3 on Popularity, from what I've seen. Now, this transforming-stage concept doesn't represent anything groundbreaking or new, but I like how the stage transitions through portals A-La Final Destination, I'll give you that, the different platform layouts also seem pretty fun to play on. Now, I'll give you 8 on Playability because the hazards all seem very controllable and not disruptive, but I do think that the ball cannons on the Pinball part sound a little too overpowered, especially because you make it sound like they have high knockback, they kinda clash with the other hazards, which are more manageable and simple.
Total: 19

9Volt's Room by Violenceman
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 8/10
This stage suffers from the same problem as Wario's Shipyard, although it IS a great concept, this stage could easily be called an NES Remix if it weren't for 9-Volt and 18-Volt on the background, and I think that deals a huge blow to Popularity. Now, I love how this stage sort of takes a similar concept to the Flat Zones and changes it around with an actual TV, the characters playing on the background and reacting to your actions, I think that's a really, really nice touch and I'd love to see that, especially 9-Volt throwing the controller. Now, the stages don't seem to have overpowered hazards, but I think the walls on two of the forms and the fact that the Excitebike stage slows you down keep me from giving it full Playability.
Total: 18

Wario's Shipyard by Kevandre
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 8/10
A Mario Kart stage? Well, I'd have a hard time linking this to Wario on the actual game, I mean, don't get me wrong, the Mario Kart series does have some stages that are undoubtedly connected to the Wario series or Wario himself, but I don't feel like Wario's Shipyard counts as one of those, maybe something like Wario Colosseum, Wario Stadium or Waluigi Pinball. The 'bowl' stage feels new and interesting, but the layout does feel a little too flat, especially considering the varied geopgraphy that a castle setting can give you, I really like the water flooding the stage from the sides as waves, and the racers on the background are a cute touch.
Total: 18[/collapse]
[collapse=BridgesWithTurtles' Grades]
Wario's Woods by evildevil97
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 5/10
Total: 16/25
I really want to like this stage, and I do. However, while there are a lot of neat ideas here, I feel that there are so many that it makes the overall end result a bit cluttered. On top of the bombs and monsters, the walk-off stage design hampers the playability a good deal. I normally don't mind this sort of thing, but these features add up to something I don't find very inviting to play on. On the plus side, the use of references to and elements from the game itself is done well and commendable. It'd be a great, obscure throwback that I'd enjoy seeing make it into the game, however unlikely that would be.

Golden Pyramid by Pieman0920
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 6/10
Total: 18/25
I just knew this one would show up! You picked probably one of only two or three somewhat recognizable locations in the Wario franchise, and the transitions would probably help job players' memories about the stage's origin. It reminds me a bit of Violenceman's Milky Way Wishes from the Kirby (3DS) round, being a sort of tribute to the game overall. Like that stage, this stage also makes perfect sense in having transitions based on the source game, which is great. One thing I dislike is transitions that feel forced. Every phase has something unique about it, changing it up at a nice pace. Some are smaller while some spread the fight out more. Some are wacky and hazardous, while others are mostly safe and balanced. It all comes together to make something that feels very fun, especially for FFA matches. I feel that some phases, however, most notably the Emerald phase, would be just a bit unplayable, but it's a pretty balanced stage in the end.

9Volt's Room by Violenceman
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 24/25
Look who's well on his way to winning another round! To be honest, I felt that this stage was a bit cheap in its reliance on other Nintendo properties to make most of its creative ideas work. I know that retro Nintendo references are a WarioWare staple, but it does feel a bit odd knowing that perhaps the best stage of this round is less of a "Wario" stage and more of a "general Nintendo" sort of thing. The transition gimmick is used once again here, and it's really the defining aspect of the stage. It's very well explained here, with 9Volt swapping out cartridges. It was probably a pretty obvious idea to make use of, but there's no lack of creativity in here, with the stage boasting unique visual effects, and some unobtrusive and largely irrelevant, yet still interesting phase gimmicks. The use of 9Volt and 18Volt as visual gags is pretty entertaining. I feel that this idea would work best if labeled as an NES Remix stage, however, though I do like how it's essentially a creative combination of Wario Ware and the Flat Zones.

Wario's Shipyard by Kevandre
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 21/25
A short but succinct entry by a newcomer to the contest. Good to see you join, Kevandre. I like your willingness to think outside of the box with this stage. While I think it was best suited to a Mario-themed round, after the decision to consider Waluigi a "Wario" property, I can't really discriminate. The stage is a bit simple, which is fine, but I think it could've benefited from a platform or two in order to mix it up and allow players to avoid the recurring flood stage event. We've also seen quite a few castles in the Smash Bros. series, so I would've preferred to see the stage take place on the ships or their masts, using the unique infrastructure for more unique stage design. I applaud the fun flood gimmick, but I recommend you put just as much thought into the stage design itself; that's where I have the most problems with it.[/collapse]
[collapse=Ascended's Grades]evildevil97/Wario's Woods
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 22/25
Comments: Excellent idea, using Wario's Woods as a stage! To me this showed a lot of creativity, and from the way you described it, it sounds like it'll still be a pretty playable stage despite everything that's going on. Good job!

Pieman0920/Golden Pyramid
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 23/25
Comments: Another great idea! I like that you managed to incorporate the entire game into this stage. I think it'd be really fun to play on! Other than that, I don't have anything to say, except I hope you stick around for future rounds!

Violenceman/9Volt's Room
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 23/25
Comments: This was really cool! I like that you took the idea behind 9Volt's stages and managed to make a stage that captures the feel of 9Volt! The game choices were a bit interesting, but I like it! I think it'd be cool to play on!

Kevandre/Wario's Shipyard
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 22/25
Comments: Mario Kart 7 was my favorite Mario Kart, and I think this stage is iconic in that it shows off the new underwater aspect of Mario Kart. I like your ideas and think it would be a cool stage if it made it into the game![/collapse]
[collapse=Zzuxon's Grades]Evildevil97- Wario’s Woods
Popularity: 3/5
Playability: 6/10
Creativity: 10/10

Comments: Wario’s Woods is rather obscure, but it does have its fans, myself included :). This may be bias on my part, but I don’t feel right giving it a bad rating in popularity, hence the three.

This stage hazard is very intrusive and changes the game a lot. This, combined with walk-offs mean I can’t give you a stellar playability score. However, the hazard is very interesting, and doesn’t seem like it would be irritating, unlike Mario Bros. and 75m. This is why I gave a (slightly) positive rating. Creativity is definitely the best portion here, the faithful way Wario Woods’ mechanics have been translated into smash are great. I also like how the tree branches are platforms, don’t really know why.

Pieman0920 - Golden Pyramid
Popularity: 5/5
Playability: 7/10
Creativity: 7/10
Total: 19/25

Comments: Since this appears to be a hub world of sorts, and it also incorporates all 4 worlds from the game, you get a perfect popularity score. Well Done! Playability isn’t great, with water, crocodiles, spike ball cannons, etc., but it isn’t terrible either; the stage looks fun to play on, just not in a tournament setting. Creativity also fairly good, these layouts are pretty unusual, and you have a lot of transformations for one stage. Definitely a good stage overall, solid scores all around.

Violenceman - 9Volt’s Room
Popularity: 5/5
Playability: 7/10
Creativity: 5/10
Total: 18/25

Comments: Perfect popularity score, as this is a perfect representation of this iconic location and character. Bravo. Playability took a bit of a hit, due to apparent walk-offs, and somewhat disruptive hazards, Wrecking crew in particular, but these aren’t a huge deal. Creativity is definitely your weakest category, for 2 reasons: this stage relies heavily on other games, and I imagine most people who were task to turn this setting into a stage would do something similar to your stage..

Kevandre - Wario’s Shipyard

Popularity: 4/5
Playability: 6/10
Creativity: 7/10
Total: 17/25

Comments: The only Mario Kart stage I’d be willing to give a bad popularity score to would be something from Super Circuit, so you dodged a bullet there. I’m not sure exactly how popular this track is, but I’d imagine its popular(mainly because I like it), so I gave you a little bit of the benefit of the doubt there. The stage looks like fun for silly matches, but the water obviously crushes any support for even semi-serious play. The idea of the stage itself is very original, and I like it a lot. However, I can’t help but feel a bit more could have been done with a location notable for such dynamic, fractured geometries. Particularly, this stage would be even better if the “bowl” had been the main portion of the stage, with a few static platforms dispersed around. Overall, a solid first entry.[/collapse]
Final Results
Pieman0920: 79
Violenceman: 83
Kevandre: 78

The winner of the Round...Violenceman's "9-Volt's Room"!
Because nobody saw this coming...
[collapse=Violenceman's Stage - 9-Volt's Room]Name of Stage: 9Volt's Room
Game of Origin: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!

Description: The name of the stage is something of a misnomer. 9Volt's room actually only appears in the background. The stage itself takes place inside 9Volt's TV; the background is solid black with a large rectangle box in the center of the screen showing 9Volt and 18Volt playing games on an old-school Famicom system. The default stage layout is just a plain grey rectangle platform with no other elements. However, this version does not last for long, as 9Volt is constantly switching out the game inside his Famicom and this layout only shows up while there is no game loaded in the machine. The rest of the time, you will get one of the following stages, rendered in 8-bit graphics:
  • Super Mario Bros: The stage platform becomes bricks like the original Mario Bros game. Hovering over the center of the platform is a line of four brick blocks with a question mark block in the middle. The right side of the main platform also has a horizontal pipe sticking out of it, extending the length of the fighting field.
  • Legend of Zelda II: The stage platform will take on the appearance of a dungeon area. The middle of the stage will turn into a pit, leaving two halves to the main arena. There are passable platforms overhead, with one lower in the middle and two higher ones off the far side of each main section that move back and forth slowly.
  • Wrecking Crew: The main stage will take on a metal appearance and a passable platform of equal length will appear high above the main platform. Each side of the stage will have a ladder connecting the bottom platform to the top one.
  • Excite Bike: The main stage will become a dirt with a large hill in the center of the stage with a short flat portion at the top, as well as small ramps at each end of the stage. There will be a dirt platform off the left side of the stage that will crumble away as long as a character is standing on it.
  • Duck Hunt: The main stage will become grassy and knee-tall grass will obscure the bottom of character's legs and any small items. A tree to the left of the stage has a single branch with leaves that can act as a passable platform, as can the leafy area at the top of the tree.
  • Hogan's Alley: The main stage will turn to grey stone and a tall shop with a second-floor balcony will appear in the center of the stage. The second floor balcony can be used as passable platform.

Gimmicks/Hazards: The main gimmick of the stage is that the stage morphs depending on the cartridge in the Famicom. When a game is inserted into the machine, the stage will transform from the bottom of the main platform to the top, row by row. When a game is removed from the Famicom, all the pixels of the current stage will crumble away and fall off the bottom of the screen, leaving the main platform alone. Keep an eye on 9Volt; when he gets angry and throws his controller down, it means he is ready to pull the game after a few seconds of fuming. Make sure to get off any extraneous platforms or elements to the left or right of the stage that may vanish when the stage location is reset.

The basic stage layout contains no special gimmicks or hazards The sub-stages, however...
  • Super Mario Bros: The question mark block in the center of the brick platform can be hit from underneath to produce an item (if turned on).
  • Legend of Zelda II: Lanterns are hanging on either side of the stage and can be broken if hit, making the stage much darker. Treasure chests randomly appear on the stage and hitting them will cause an item to come out (if turned on).
  • Wrecking Crew: This stage will start with Bowser-height brick walls randomly placed on the platforms. They can be broken down with enough hits.
  • Excite Bike: Run speed is reduced on the dirt surfaces.
  • Duck Hunt: The Dunk Hunt dog will be watching the fight and if he jumps into the background grass, two ducks will fly up in the air. If you jump up under them as they do, you can hold onto their feet and ride them up into the air (jump again to let go).
  • Hogan's Alley: During this stage, cardboard cut-outs of mobsters will pop-up on various locations of the stage for a few second before disappearing. If all cut-outs on screen can be taken out before they go away, food will rain down from above (if turned on).

Unlockable?: Yes

Extras: You can watch 9Volt and 18Volt mash their controllers in the background as they play their game and will actually react to the match if a character is KOed or dealt serious damage.

Soooo busy. Will try and add visuals if possible.[/collapse]
Mull over the results, we're bringing the BIG GUNS for the next round! Yahoo!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Pretty awesome! I never expected to win this one anyway (Especially with the 9-Volt Room on the field) so I'm definitely glad I got a good score. I'll bring it next time.. Perhaps when I'm not at work. Lol


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
Big guns, eh? Could it be... a Sonic round?
No comment. Actually one comment, the answer to your question might, conceivably, be Nyos. Take it as you will, but with a grain of salt. :troll:
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012

Welcome! Welcome new Round! Entering 8th Round of the Super Smash Bros. 4 Stage Contest! After the slow Wario round, we're bringing something much happier and with much more material to work with, from the NES to the Wii U! The one and only Super Mario! This round will encompass all home console Mario games from the main series, since we're leaving the sports and other games for another special round. Contestants will be able to draw material from the plumber's extensive history on the home consoles, from saving the world of videogames after a huge fall, to taking the first leap towards 3D enviroments, to going on vacation and getting framed, to saving the entire universe! The available games for this round: 2D Mario, 3D Mario and RPG Mario.
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Oh snap. Instantly had a good thought for this one.

Tick-Tock Clock (Mario 64)

Here's my level design:

I apologize for my bad photoshop. I'm really out of practice. ANYWAY.

Okay, so the stage has a few things going on. There are some stage hazards here. First up, there is a conveyor belt on the left side of the stage. It is a platform that you can stand on, but it does act as a conveyor belt.. Stand on it too long and you'll fall off the side toward the edge of the stage.

The spinning platform on the right side of the stage is similar, it can be used as a platform but wait too long and you'll fall off as it spins. It also can act as a wall if it's in the vertical position at that time, which could be the saving grace.

There's a non-hazard platform in the center of the stage as well.

Now, notice the pendulum up top. This is swinging at a steady pace. The gold part will do damage to the fighter hit by it and can be used to KO someone if you manage to hit them into it (Think the spike from Brawl's Rumble Falls though not a OHKO every time). Every time the pendulum is struck, however, the pace of the hands on the clock behind it will increase. This makes the pendulum swing faster, the conveyor belt move faster and the spinning platform rotate faster. The speeds range from start (pretty slow but not too much), to slightly fast (medium), to really fast (This is where the pendulum WILL KO you), to stopped altogether, then back to start again.

Maybe not for the competitive scene, but I think it would be really fun for your average player. Tick Tock Clock, while always rather irritating to me as a kid, has always stuck out as one of the most memorable stages from SM64 in my head. I hope you guys like it!


I'm debating if the music would slow/rise along with the clock's time. Your starting time would be how the song usually sounds and gets faster and faster... Eventually becoming slowed (But still sounding good) when the clock is stopped. Might be too much.
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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
If I weren't a judge, I'd make The Theater from Paper Mario: TTYD as a stage.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2014
Name of Stage: Soda Jungle

Game of Origin: New Super Mario Bros. U

Description: Woah, its the 5th world from NSMB.U! It’s a bit bigger than Pokemon Stadium. A large base rests in the middle, with poison swamp off the edges on the left and right. Floating platforms are on the left and right part of the stage. Pictorial representation:

soda jungle.png

(red=can drop through)

Gimmicks/Hazards: The poison swamp on the edges acts like lava/acid, launching and damaging anybody who falls in. Every 30-40 seconds, a giant Wiggler emerges from the swamp and walks across the base to the other side, doing slight damage and some knockback to anybody that comes in contact with him. Wiggler takes up a bit less than half of the base, and it can be jumped on. It acts like a trampoline, but jumping on one of his circles turns it red. When all of his circles are turned red, Wiggler gets angry. Whenever he shows up, he is much faster and does more damage than before. It calms down by the next time it appears, though. (BTW, red sections can't be changed back to yellow by jumping on them)

Unlockable?: Nope.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fqIpSa4BHQ Soda Jungle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQQnH_18i48 Jungle Theme
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpI6V2gZNNg DK Jungle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOH678CE3vA Jungle Glider
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rt8aYCqrSc Jade Jungle

This stage comes with a secret variant that can be accessed by holding grab before selecting it. It changes the platforms and background to look like the Painted Swampland level. Of course, this is a purely aesthetic feature.

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Bowser Doom Train(s):

Game Of Origin: Super Mario 3d World

This Level Would be simple but still very Exiting to play on.

Since There Alredy Is a Train Stage 4 the 3ds Version i thought it would be cool with one 4 the Wii Version.
It would be a side scrooling level Just like in Sm3dw.
when the level first start you are on the train station, after a while the bowser train appears on the track and you have to get on it to not die.
It will slowly scrool forward, so you have to keep up with the level, just like in Sm3dw. There Will be diffrent high grounds as seen next to luigi in the picture above witch will make the course intressting but still quite simple. there would be Brakeble creates on the train.

Sometimes the Bullet Bill train appear in the backround and shoot bullet bills at you. When you reach the end of the train, it will explode and you will automaticly fall down(just like in the pilotwings Stage) and land on a new train station. efter 15 seconds on the "train staiton" a new Train will appear and the Cycle will go on.

i would also like it to be a very small chance of the next train Aproaching being a Golden Train!!! (you know the Train with alot of Coins). Not sure what it would do tho, but it would be cool to have it there you know, as a cameo.

Will Be Unlocked after Clearing Classic Mode With all Mario Characters.

also this Level is fairly relevant to the mario Franchice as it appeard recently in sm3dw. it's also very reconisible to alot of people as it was one of the most memroble stages in sm3dw!

So wad do yu think??? Sorry 4 my spelling Btw!
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
If I weren't a judge, I'd make The Theater from Paper Mario: TTYD as a stage.
And you post this a moment after I was actually finishing my idea... lol

But here it is. I just want to note that this is my most wanted stage and I think you will understand when I say that the paper mario series has infinite potential. Because here, I will only talk about the stage.

Name of Stage: The Theater

Game of Origin: Paper Mario The Thousand-year Door

Description: It is a theater for watching fights. There's some chair in front for the audience to watch the fight. Players will fight on the scene and it has walk off blast zone on both sides. In the original game, this is where all the fights against any opponents occurs.

Gimmicks/Hazards: However, this isn't just a stage with a flat platform. In the original game, A LOT of stuff could happens most of them being random. It would be an hazard-fest due to how big the potential of this stage has in the hazard department.

First, let's talk about the audience. The audience are characters from the mario series but in paper model. They leave, come or cheers depending how intense the fight is. Some of them can throw items at the fighters for instance, a dry bone can throw a bone and a hammer bros may throw an hammer while others might throw cans. These items harms the fighters but they can also throw items that helps them like healing items or any attacking items like the fire flower. If a fighter taunts, the audience will cheers and so, more people can come here. Since the audience can help you by giving you useful items, it might be a good strategy to taunt when you can.

Some of them however, does more than that. A shy guy may come on the scene and go behind the scene to make a projector falls which can do some damage if anyone is hurt by it. A boo may go on stage and if he touches a player, this one will become invisible like the cloaking device.

The stage itself also provides some hazard here. These are, having fog covering the bottom part of the scene which hinders the sight of the players or some decor in the background failing randomly and doing damage. Fireworks may also appears in the foreground which damage and may burn the fighters.

Speaking of the decor, it will change to another location in the original game after a set amount of time. Depending on the location, the audience might change and even boss can make appearance! When a switch comes, the curtain will fall and every player will freeze before the curtain opens with the new area. Here's all the layout possible (in order that they switch):

Petal Meadows

This is the starting area. Not much is going on here. Koopa troopas might comes from a shell which will make the players trip. Help items are more likely to be thrown by the audience.

Keelhaul Key

A jungle so, the decor might annoy the sight of the player because of how dense it is. Piranha plants may comes from the ground and bites the fighters which might poison them. Fuzzies may also come and suck life to the characters.

Glitz Pit

Just a battle ring with a screen behind almost like the punch out stage. What is special about this is that Rawk Hawk is an hazard here. He will jump on the corner to body slam brutally the players. He can also jump kick them which does deadly damage.

Rogueport Sewers

This area is from underground where harmful audience is more likely to appear. Enemies also appear (magikoopa firing magic projectile, bandit running into you and steals any items you had and rarely, a big blooper will come to spits black ink).

X-Naut Fortress

This is a fortress made by the X-Naut, an evil organisation in the original game, on the moon. Because of that, the X-Naut are more likely to appear in the audience where they may throw rocks at the fighters all at the same time. They also appears on stage where they may body slam and throws potions that burns, poison or makes dizzy depending on the colour of it (red is burn, green is poison and blue is dizzy).

Cortez's ship

This area is inside a pirate ship full of treasures. But the owner of this treasure, Cortez, will protect it by fighting the players. He can uses one of his weapon which are a hook, a rapier, a sword, and a sabre. This skeleton is stationary due to the pile of bones that fixes him.
And then you go back to Petal Meadows and the cycle repeats.

Unlockable?: Yes it is unlockable and to unlock it, you would have to unlock Paper Mario as a playable character.

Extra: All the enemies and the audience are the same model from TTYD which means that they are papers. If Paper Mario uses 5 side taunts in quick succession while having Goombella has his partner, she will give a description in a text bubble like TTYD of the other fighter. Also, luigi may appear in the audience.

It's Battle Time
Shadow Queen Final Battle
Title theme
Rawk Hawk Rock
Fight Against Mario... No, Doopliss
Ship Battle with Cortez
Big Bowser Koopa Krush
We believe in You, Mario!
Storm the X-Naut's Fortress
King of the Koopas
Tubba Blubba
The Ultimate Show
Fight Against an Armed Boss

And that's it! If I forgot something please tell me. I hope you liked it. I tried to use the most of hazards in this stage and that's why I truly want this stage to be in ssb4. Imagine how crazy it would be!
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Bowser Doom Train(s):
View attachment 14309
Game Of Origin: Super Mario 3d World

Since There Alredy Is a Train Stage 4 the 3ds Version i thought it would be cool with one 4 the Wii Version.
It would be a side scrooling level Just like in Sm3dw.
when the level first start you are on the train station, after a while the bowser train appears on the track and you have to get on it to not die.
It will slowly scrool forward, so you have to keep up with the level, just like in Sm3dw. There Will be diffrent high grounds as seen next to luigi in the picture above witch will make the course intressting but still quite simple. there would be Brakeble creates on the train and maby Fire Bros(not sure about that one tho)

Sometimes the Bullet Bill train appear in the backround and shoot bullet bills at you. When you reach the end of the train, it will explode and you will automaticly fall down(just like in the pilotwings Stage) and land on a new train station. efter 15 seconds on the "train staiton" a new Train will appear and the Cycle will go on.
ooooooor you could go inside to the train and battle the Koopaling with a bow As a boss( yu know how The Yellow Devil is a Boss ) but i would prefer this level to be BossFree.

i would also like it to be a very small chance of the next train Aproaching being a Golden Train!!! (you know the Train with alot of Coins). Not sure what it would do tho, but it would be cool to have it there you know, as a cameo.

So wad do yu think??? Sorry 4 my spelling Btw!
Makaronilee, do you think you could be more specific? Those 'maybe' and 'perhaps' will take some points off, clarify if the Fire Bros. are there or not, and if the stage ends on a boss fight or not, please. Other than those unespecific bits, your stage does look pretty kickass. And if I weren't a judge, I'd definitely go for Bowser Land from SM3DW.
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
And you post this a moment after I was actually finishing my idea... lol

But here it is. I just want to note that this is my most wanted stage and I think you will understand when I say that the paper mario series has infinite potential. Because here, I will only talk about the stage.

Name of Stage: The Theater
Game of Origin: Paper Mario The Thousand-year Door

Description: It is a theater for watching fights. There's some chair in front for the audience to watch the fight. Players will fight on the scene and it has walk off blast zone on both sides. In the original game, this is where all the fights against any opponents occurs.

Gimmicks/Hazards: However, this isn't just a stage with a flat platform. In the original game, A LOT of stuff could happens most of them being random. It would be an hazard-fest due to how big the potential of this stage has in the hazard department.

First, let's talk about the audience. The audience are characters from the mario series but in paper model. They leave, come or cheers depending how intense the fight is. Some of them can throw items at the fighters for instance, a dry bone can throw a bone and a hammer bros may throw an hammer while others might throw cans. These items harms the fighters but they can also throw items that helps them like healing items or any attacking items like the fire flower. If a fighter taunts, the audience will cheers and so, more people can come here. Since the audience can help you by giving you useful items, it might be a good strategy to taunt when you can.

Some of them however, does more than that. A shy guy may come on the scene and go behind the scene to make a projector falls which can do some damage if anyone is hurt by it. A boo may go on stage and if he touches a player, this one will become invisible like the cloaking device.

The stage itself also provides some hazard here. These are, having fog covering the bottom part of the scene which hinders the sight of the players or some decor in the background failing randomly and doing damage Fire works may also appears in the foreground which damage and may burn the fighters.

Speaking of the decor, it will change to another location in the original game after a set amount of time. Depending on the location, the audience might change and even boss can make appearance! When a switch comes, the curtain will fall and every player will freeze before the curtain opens with the new area. Here's all the layout possible (in order that they switch):

Petal Meadows

This is the starting area. Not much is going on here. Koopa troopas might comes from a shell which will make the players trip. Help items are more likely to be thrown by the audience.

Keelhaul Key

A jungle so, the decor might annoy the sight of the player because of how dense it is. Piranha plants may comes from the ground and bites the fighters which might poison them. Fuzzies may also come and suck life to the characters.

Glitz Pit

Just a battle ring with a screen behind almost like the punch out stage. What is special about this is that Rawk Hawk is an hazard here. He will jump on the corner to body slam brutally the players. He can also jump kick them which does deadly damage.

Rogueport Sewers

This area is from underground where harmful audience is more likely to appear. Enemies also appear (magikoopa firing magic projectile, bandit running into you and steals any items you had and rarely, a big blooper will come to spits black ink).

X-Naut Fortress

This is a fortress made by the X-Naut, an evil organisation in the original game, on the moon. Because of that, the X-Naut are more likely to appear in the audience where they may throw rocks at the fighters all at the same time. They also appears on stage where they may body slam and throws potions that burns, poison or makes dizzy depending on the colour of it (red is burn, green is poison and blue is dizzy).

Cortez's ship.

This area is inside a pirate ship full of treasures. But the owner of this treasure, Cortez, will protect it by fighting the players. He can uses one of his weapon which are a hook, a rapier, a sword, and a sabre. This skeleton is stationary due to the pile of bones that fixes him.
And then you go back to Petal Meadows and the cycle repeats.

(NOTE: Since google didn't show the images I wanted, I had to take them via emulator which explains why the stages looks differently from the first one. But, the appearance of the stage is the one in the first screen and all the other elements you see on the other screen would be there with the appearance of the stage in the first one).

Unlockable?: Yes it is unlockable and to unlock it, you would have to unlock Paper Mario as a playable character.
Extra: All the enemies and the audience are the same model from TTYD which means that they are papers. If Paper Mario uses 5 side taunts in quick succession while having Goombella has his partner, she will give a description in a text bubble like TTYD of the other fighter. Also, luigi may appear in the audience.


It's Battle Time
Shadow Queen Final Battle
Title theme
And that's it! If I forgot something please tell me. I hope you liked it. I tried to use the most of hazards in this stage and that's why I truly want this stage to be in ssb4. Imagine how crazy it would be!

Love it. Love everything about it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Makaronilee, do you think you could be more specific? Those 'maybe' and 'perhaps' will take some points off, clarify if the Fire Bros. are there or not, and if the stage ends on a boss fight or not, please. Other than those unespecific bits, your stage does look pretty kickass. And if I weren't a judge, I'd definitely go for Bowser Land from SM3DW.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Name of Stage: The Great Tower of Bowser Land

Game of Origin: Super Mario 3D World

Description: Bowser finally has his home stage! It may not be his castle, like everyone wants, but this stage is equally awesome! When the match starts, the players are at the bottom of the tower. This stage slowly scrolls up, like Icicle Mountain and Rumble Falls before it. The platforms consist mainly of cloud platforms which you can pass through (some of which are invisible, like in the game), but there are also solid platforms, items blocks like in Mushroomy Kingdom and jump pads. The towers is a dark purple, and there is always rain on the level, making it somewhat gritty. One minute into the climb you get to a level platform where the climb pauses. This platform is completely flat. Here, Cat Bowser makes his entrance. He breaks down a wall and begins shooting purple fireballs at random characters. This lasts 30 seconds. He disappears, and the stage starts moving again. The climb is faster now, and players have to also avoid Cat Bowser, who is sliding down and breaking through walls at random. This climb last one minute too, and soon you are at the top of the tower, where the level boss is waiting for you. Bowser sits atop the giant POW block like he does in the game. The defeat this boss, players must inflict 150% damage to the POW block. Bowser is swiping at you and shooting fireballs while you try and do so, and Bowser Doubles are appearing over the side, swiping too. Once Bowser is defeated, the fight continues atop this tower. Unlike previous scrollers, this stage does not restart. The fight finishes on top of this rainy tower - fireworks and lightening off in the distance... that is - if you make it to the top amongst the chaos.

Here is a video of the level in SM3DW. The tower section starts at 3.40:

Gimmicks: In short, this is a climbing stage that features Cat Bowser as a stage hazard, then multiple Cat Bowser's as a boss. There are jump pads and item blocks along the way.

Second Part of the Climb

Unlockable: Yes. To unlock this stage you must defeat 10 boss hazards with Bowser.

Castle - SM3DW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUgj3GUvSUQ&index=42&list=PL2XjmdkuVL-2Aesf0FjUBjwCIQ2HGPSwM
Bowser's Highway Showdown - SM3DW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI1j6wk9MM4&index=43&list=PL2XjmdkuVL-2Aesf0FjUBjwCIQ2HGPSwM
Bowser's Rage - Paper Mario: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmieSS7znCE
Bowser's Castle - Mario Kart: Double Dash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKpR7Rr3zP4
Bowser's Castle - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLYKtRE-lnE
Classic Bowser Theme - Super Mario Bros.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fc9ne97aM0 (this would work similar to Brawl's underwater theme - the original would play then it would be reworked)

Top of the Tower
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
NOTE FOR THE JUDGES: I updated my entry by adding more music and update the screenshot so that they have the proper stage appearance. I would like that these changes would be taken into consideration as this round ends in some days. Also, if you're wondering how i got a screenshot of fighting cortez and rawk hawk on the superstar stage, well, here's your answer: this is the power of hacking!!!

EDIT: updated again with new songs :)
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
NOTE FOR THE JUDGES: I updated my entry by adding more music and update the screenshot so that they have the proper stage appearance. I would like that these changes would be taken into consideration as this round ends in some days. Also, if you're wondering how i got a screenshot of fighting cortez and rawk hawk on the superstar stage, well, here's your answer: this is the power of hacking!!!
Awesome song choices man. That Doopliss theme is epic - as is Bowser's theme.

I'd love if you included songs from the first Paper Mario and from Super Mario RPG too in your list of songs. As awesome as that OST is, even two songs from a different game would make the stage even cooler!


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Awesome song choices man. That Doopliss theme is epic - as is Bowser's theme.

I'd love if you included songs from the first Paper Mario and from Super Mario RPG too in your list of songs. As awesome as that OST is, even two songs from a different game would make the stage even cooler!
Well, I just updated the entry again with 2 songs from paper mario, one from smrpg and one from spm. I actually never tough of using an smrpg song but the one I put I like it so much.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I agree, we've already got several great entries.
Also, I saw some great inter-contestant feedback. We certainly want to encourage everyone to comment on the stages, including non-judges.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Hold on to your hats (and don't let the condor steal them) because I will have an amazing entry for you guys tomorrow!
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She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
First entry GO!
Sunshine Secret

The "Secret of..." episodes were old-style platforming levels appearing in Super Mario Sunshine. Gigantic screens in the background displayed classic Mario sprites. They were filled with huge wooden blocks, often rotating, that our gallant hero had to navigate in order to obtain a Shine Sprite. In Smash Bros., combatants fight in this area, and have to deal with rotating blocks as well...


Orange blocks rotate, while the green block acts as a stationary base with grabbable ledges. There are no hazards apart from this. The blocks rotate 360 degrees clockwise in 8 seconds. After 2 full rotations, they switch direction, so be careful! This stage's layout is truly unique; although rotating blocks also appear in the "3D Land" 3DS stage, they are merely a quick gimmick in one of the scrolling sections. The rotating blocks above the base provide a vital way to perform aerial assaults, but a mistake could result in getting dumped off back onto the stage. The block on the left can save you from otherwise deadly falls. If actual fighting progresses to the left block, it's a high stakes battle as one slip-up means a KO.

In keeping with its origin as a secret stage, Sunshine Secret is unlockable.

Secret Course (Super Mario Sunshine)
Ricco Harbor (Super Mario Sunshine)
Beat Block Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Slider (Super Mario 64)
[Brawl] Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
[Brawl] Waluigi Pinball (Mario Kart DS)
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Bob-Omb Battlefield (Super Mario 64)
This is an area that almost all Nintendo 64 owners will remember. Bob-Omb Battlefield is the first, and most recognizable, stage in Super Mario 64. It has a variety of places in it and all of them are interesting an unique. I will be showing this off in my stage to the best of my ability in a new and creative way.

You will start off in a flat area covered in grass. The stage is about two thirds as long as The bridge of Elden stage in Brawl. At this point there are no hazards at all and the blast zones are walk offs.

You will soon see a large round shadow on the ground appear. In a few seconds a stage boss will appear... Big Bob-Omb! He appears to be the same easy boss that you knew and loved in the original game, but the new gameplay mechanics have made killing this guy a bit tougher.

Of course he has his trademark move, the bob-omb throw. First he winds up. This is your signal to get out of the way. He will then throw a single bob-omb that will explode on contact with anything it hits.
He will also throw anyone that gets in his way. This is a fairly weak throw that is directed at the ground so you will rarely get killed by this.
In his third move he jumps from one side of the stage to the other and will do major damage to anyone unlucky enough to be under him when he lands. This is his only way to get from one side of the stage to the other.

In order to KO him you will need to get around him and throw him. It may seem easy, but it isn't. If you get behind him he will turn around. But if you hit him with a strong enough attack he will be stunned for a few seconds. This gives you just enough time to get around him and grab him. This is where it starts to get tricky. Because he is so large (twice the size of Bowser to be exact) he is pretty heavy. This makes it as if you were carrying a crate or barrel. That will give the opponent plenty of time to attack you and make you drop him. However, if you do manage to throw him he will land with a thud and start beeping. He will be in this stage for five seconds. After that he will explode and KO anyone close to him besides the person who threw him.

But it's what happens after that's interesting. After he explodes the whole stage will be covered in smoke. After a few seconds the smoke will clear out revealing a new setting. There are multiple layouts possible.

In one there is a slightly elevated stone platform on the left with a square hole in the middle of it. If you jump in there a cannon will pop out of the ground and blast you in an arc to the other side of the stage. On the right there will be a bridge that acts as a drop thru platform into a short pit.
The second one has a diagonal stone wall on the left side and a tall rock with another cannon in the middle. This time the cannon shoots up to a small floating island with a tree on it.
The third setup has a stone wall on the right that is right next to a chain chomp. The chain chomp will lunge out at whoever is closest to it every few seconds and can not be destroyed. On the left there is a bridge balanced on a pointy rock. The bridge will tilt to the side you are on and how much you weigh changes how far it tilts.
The fourth one is in a small dip in the ground with a giant steel ball that rolls from side to side knocking away anyone that it hits.
The fifth one is on a slight incline with a ditch in the center. Every once in a while a giant steel ball exactly like the one in the fourth stage will roll down from the top side and fall down the center meteor mashing anyone in the ditch at the time.
Last, but not least is a Final Destination like stage with walls at the bottom side.

Possible Music
Bob-Omb Battlefield
Super Bell Hill
Athletic Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Bob-Omb Battlefield (Super Mario 64)
This is an area that almost all Nintendo 64 owners will remember. Bob-Omb Battlefield is the first, and most recognizable, stage in Super Mario 64. It has a variety of places in it and all of them are interesting an unique. I will be showing this off in my stage to the best of my ability in a new and creative way.

You will start off in a flat area covered in grass. The stage is about two thirds as long as The bridge of Elden stage in Brawl. At this point there are no hazards at all and the blast zones are walk offs.

You will soon see a large round shadow on the ground appear. In a few seconds a stage boss will appear... Big Bob-Omb! He appears to be the same easy boss that you knew and loved in the original game, but the new gameplay mechanics have made killing this guy a bit tougher.

Of course he has his trademark move, the bob-omb throw. First he winds up. This is your signal to get out of the way. He will then throw a single bob-omb that will explode on contact with anything it hits.
He will also throw anyone that gets in his way. This is a fairly weak throw that is directed at the ground so you will rarely get killed by this.
In his third move he jumps from one side of the stage to the other and will do major damage to anyone unlucky enough to be under him when he lands. This is his only way to get from one side of the stage to the other.

In order to KO him you will need to get around him and throw him. It may seem easy, but it isn't. If you get behind him he will turn around. But if you hit him with a strong enough attack he will be stunned for a few seconds. This gives you just enough time to get around him and grab him. This is where it starts to get tricky. Because he is so large (twice the size of Bowser to be exact) he is pretty heavy. This makes it as if you were carrying a crate or barrel. That will give the opponent plenty of time to attack you and make you drop him. However, if you do manage to throw him he will land with a thud and start beeping. He will be in this stage for five seconds. After that he will explode and KO anyone close to him besides the person who threw him.

But it's what happens after that's interesting. After he explodes the whole stage will be covered in smoke. After a few seconds the smoke will clear out revealing a new setting. There are multiple layouts possible.

In one there is a slightly elevated stone platform on the left with a square hole in the middle of it. If you jump in there a cannon will pop out of the ground and blast you in an arc to the other side of the stage. On the right there will be a bridge that acts as a drop thru platform into a short pit.
The second one has a diagonal stone wall on the left side and a tall rock with another cannon in the middle. This time the cannon shoots up to a small floating island with a tree on it.
The third setup has a stone wall on the right that is right next to a chain chomp. The chain chomp will lunge out at whoever is closest to it every few seconds and can not be destroyed. On the left there is a bridge balanced on a pointy rock. The bridge will tilt to the side you are on and how much you weigh changes how far it tilts.
The fourth one is in a small dip in the ground with a giant steel ball that rolls from side to side knocking away anyone that it hits.
The fifth one is on a slight incline with a ditch in the center. Every once in a while a giant steel ball exactly like the one in the fourth stage will roll down from the top side and fall down the center meteor mashing anyone in the ditch at the time.
Last, but not least is a Final Destination like stage with walls at the bottom side.

Possible Music
Bob-Omb Battlefield
Super Bell Hill
Athletic Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)

Okay, so is the transition more like the Fire Emblem stage or the Sunshine stage from Brawl? Very cool concept.

I hope judges don't think I'm stepping on their toes lol


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Okay, so is the transition more like the Fire Emblem stage or the Sunshine stage from Brawl? Very cool concept.

I hope judges don't think I'm stepping on their toes lol
It's more like the fire emblem stage, but you can't see it happen and it happens almost instantly.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2012
Wow, so many good entries already! Now, this is a round!

Name of Stage: Koopling Airship
Game of Origin: Super Mario Bros. 3


Description: A mighty Airship flying over the mushroom kingdom, this is an expansive stage along the vein of Temple. The main body of the airship is solid ground, while the left hand floating platform and screw piece in the upper-center of the stage are passable platforms. The simple grey lines are background elements and cannot be used as walls/platforms.

Gimmicks/Hazards: The above image may look busy, but it usually surprisingly calm. The stage hazards are as follows:
  • Moving Platform (Grey Arrows) - This platform on the left will move slowly back and forth. It is a passable platform.
  • Cannons (Purple arrows) - The cannons will fire a small cannon ball out at a medium velocity whenever the Green Button is pressed (located in the upper center of the stage). The cannonball will travel in straight line along the direction of the arrow until it is off the stage or has collided with a player, projectile, or platform (not counting the passable kind). If it hits a player, it will deal 7% damage. It can be jumped on without taking damage; this will cause it to fall to the ground harmlessly, where it can be picked up and used as a thrown item with short tossing distance. Jumping on a cannonball will restore jumps and recovery moves, like landing on a platform would. The Green button will stay depressed for a moment before it pops back up to be used again.
  • Bullet Bills (Brown arrows) - The Bill Launchers will fire a bullet bill out at a high velocity whenever the Red Button is pressed (located in the upper center of the stage). The Byullet Bill will travel in straight line along the direction of the arrow until it is off the stage or has collided with a player, projectile, or platform (not counting the passable kind). If it hits a player, it will deal 9% damage. It can be jumped on without taking damage; this will cause it to fall off the bottom of the stage harmlessly. Jumping on a cannonball will restore jumps and recovery moves, like landing on a platform would. The Red button will stay depressed for a moment before it pops back up to be used again.
  • Warp Pipe (Blue Arrows) - Any player can use the Warp Pipes to jump across the stage quickly. To use the right pipe, just hit down when standing on top of it. To use the left pipe, walk or run into it; it will act like a wall at first, but after a second of constant movement toward it, the player will enter the pipe. Once the traveling animation has started, it cannot be interrupted. You will still take damage if hit, however.
  • Screw Piece - In the upper center of the stage is a screw piece that acts as a passable platform. Repeatedly jumping on it will cause it to move left or right depending on what direction the player landing on the piece is facing. You cannot stay still on the piece, as you will automatically pass through it, albeit at a slower speed.
  • In addition, the stage features a general ebb and flow. The stage will slowly bob up and down as the Airship flies through the sky, which will have a noticeable effect on projectiles. It doesn't have too much variation in height, so it will not have too much of an impact on recoveries.

Unlockable?: No. Available from the start.

Extras: Mario Cameos abound! Paratroopas, Paragoombas, and Lakitus flying around the background, as do Airships for all the Koopalings. In the windows of the ship, you will see Boom-Boom moving back and forth.

Music Selection:
Airship Theme
Airship Fortress
Bowser's Castle
Bowser's Castle (Mario Kart 8)
Sky Land
Nimbus Land
Boom-Boom's Theme
Axem Rangers Drop In
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
@ Violenceman Violenceman I love your idea! It's so cool that you turned a traditionally scrolling stage stationary. I enjoy big stages, but NPC and Palutena's Temple (from what I can tell) don't do anything for me. You've created a large stage, but there's not too much space, or empty space, which was NPC's problem.

Good luck!
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
I don't think I did very good this round. It is a perfect stage in my head, but I am horrible at putting things into words. Oh, well.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I don't think I did very good this round. It is a perfect stage in my head, but I am horrible at putting things into words. Oh, well.
I think the only thing wrong with your stage has to be the boss :s


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
How much longer do we have until the round closes? I was on vacation for the last week, and have a few ideas for this.
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